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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Coastal Processes and Land Forms

Coastal Processes and Land Forms

This resource explains Coastal Processes and Land Forms.It is prepared for IGCSE Geography Year 10.Contains photographs and illustrations, and step by step procedure on teaching the topic. Explain the power of sea, waves and forms of waves.


By the end of this chapter, you should be able to; Know the different job sectors Know the difference between goods and services Understand the employment structure of the UK The UK’s changing employment structure
Price Changes IGCSE Economics

Price Changes IGCSE Economics

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Identify and explain causes of price changes - Changing market conditions as causes of price changes. Identify and explain consequences of price changes - Demand and supply diagrams to be used to illustrate these changes in market conditions and their consequences for equilibrium price and sales. ‘Class Activities’ and Solutions
Recruitment, Selection & Training of workers.IGCSE - Business Studies

Recruitment, Selection & Training of workers. IGCSE - Business Studies

At the end of the lesson, Students should be able to: Identify and explain the methods of recruiting and selecting workers: • Difference between internal and external recruitment • Main stages in recruitment and selection of staff • Benefits and limitations of part-time and full-time workers 2.3.2 The importance of training and the methods of training: • Importance of training to a business and workers • Benefits and limitations of induction training, on-the-job training and off‑the‑job training. Questions’ at the end of slides. ‘Answers’ provided


This resource explains:TIPS AND TECHNIQUES TO ANSWERING PAPER 2 SOURCE BASED QUESTIONS IN HISTORY. It shows how to evaluate, compare and analyse a source.The resource provides tips and techniques on how to answer different ranges of questions in source based questions.It can be used by A/level History students in answering document paper.
Ann Oakley view on Sociology of Family and Household

Ann Oakley view on Sociology of Family and Household

The lesson is prepared for Sociology of Household and family, and gender and roles.In this lesson , it explains how Oakley looked at the ‘conventional family’, namely the nuclear family, and studied its impact on society and individuals. Her definition of a conventional family was.
Bargaining and Negotiations: Types and their importance

Bargaining and Negotiations: Types and their importance

The resource is made for Economics and Business Studies. It explains the structure, types and importance of bargaining and negotiations in business. It explains tips to negotiation and bargaining. The importance of bargaining to the employer The importance of bargaining to the employee The importance of bargaining to the society
Acid Rain: Causes , effect and Solutions

Acid Rain: Causes , effect and Solutions

This resource is prepared for Geography and Environmental Management This resource is made for Geography.It explains Acid Rain and its causes such as• Greenhouse effect • Acid rain • Air pollution • Soil erosion • Destruction of the vegetation It explains the solution. contains activity and illustrations. It also explains solutions to the problem.
Sigmund Freud's Theory of  Dev.: Sociologists Explanation on Socialization

Sigmund Freud's Theory of Dev.: Sociologists Explanation on Socialization

Prepared for Sociology Year 10, and 11 This resource explains different views of sociologists on socialization It explains and Summaries Primary Socialization of : Freud’s Theory of Personality Development = Mead’s Theory of Social Behaviorism =Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development And =Cooley’s Theory of the Looking-Glass Self The resource explains how personality is formed and how biological and environmental factors affect socialization processes.
Famine : causes and impact on society and People

Famine : causes and impact on society and People

This resource explains famine and its impact on people. It shows the reasons why famine occurs and some countries that had once been affected by famine. It explains strategies to reduce famine.Prepared for Geography and environmental Science.
Eight Events that Caused World War One

Eight Events that Caused World War One

This resource is made for IGCSE , AS/ A Level History. It explains the events that caused World War 1. It shows the significance of the events and how they contributed to WW1.It contains photographs and illustrations. Contains class activities.
The League  of Nations: how the Abyssinian Crisis and the Manchurian Crisis Showed its Weaknesses

The League of Nations: how the Abyssinian Crisis and the Manchurian Crisis Showed its Weaknesses

This resource is prepared for year 10 and 11 . It deals on international European History The League of Nations: how the Abyssinian Crisis and the Manchurian Crisis Showed its Weaknesses Lesson Objectives: Students will learn How the Abyssinian Crisis caused the league’s collapse How the Manchuria Crisis caused the league’s collapse The works of the Leagues Committee and Commission
Types of Business Organisation

Types of Business Organisation

Lesson Objectives At the end of the lesson students should be able to; • Sole traders, partnerships, private and public limited companies, franchises and joint ventures • Differences between unincorporated businesses and limited companies • Concepts of risk, ownership and limited liability • Recommend and justify a suitable form of business organisation to owners/management in a given situation • Business organisations in the public sector, e.g. public corporations Class Activities at the end.Prepared for KS3 Business Studies