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Geo_pal2000's Shop

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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
What was the 18th Ammendment: the Volstead Act in USA

What was the 18th Ammendment: the Volstead Act in USA

The resource explains the reasons why the Volstead Act enacted during the Prohibition Era. It explains the illegality of production, transportation and sales of alcohol. The resource also gives highlight to 21st Amendment that repealed the Volstead Act.Prepared for History GCSE, USA 1919-1945.
What is Monopoly in Economics?

What is Monopoly in Economics?

This resource explains what monopoly means. The resource also uses examples to describe how monopoly is created in Economics. The resource is prepared for Economics students. It uses illustrations to explain the topic. It explains the advantage and disadvantage of monopoly, the characteristics and what constitute Perfect Market.
Bargaining and Negotiation in Business

Bargaining and Negotiation in Business

This resource explains the importance of bargaining and negotiation in business. It shows the meaning, the importance to the employer,employee and the society. it shows what negotiation means and highlights the tips to negotiation and types of bargaining.Prepared for business studies IGCSE.
Lesson Plan on Geography and environmental Management for KS3

Lesson Plan on Geography and environmental Management for KS3

Lesson Plan on KS3 Geography and Environmental Management . Shows a step by step procedure on lesson: Describe the internal and external structure of the earth *Define the term rock *List and explain the types of rocks. *Explain the uses of rocks *Describe the methods used in extracting rocks…
Max Weber's Theory on  Society

Max Weber's Theory on Society

This resource explains the views of Max Weber on society.The resource shows the divergent views of Max Weber , with other theorists such as Karl Marx , and Duckheim on society. The resource looks at Weber’s view on religion, rationalisation Science etc as they shape the society. Prepared for Sociology IGCSE and AS/ A-Level
Urbanization and Development

Urbanization and Development

This resource explains the meaning of urbanization. It shows the different levels of urbanization. The resource used several examples and photographs to show different stages of urbanization in different continents and countries. Prepared for year 7, 8 and 9 Geography.
Global Stratification and inequality

Global Stratification and inequality

The resource is made for AS/ AL Sociology. It shows arguments on Micro, Macro, and meso levels of global stratification.It uses modernization and World system theories as well as dependency theories to explain inequality in the world economy and global stratification, and why they are realities. The resource explains the distinction between core countries and peripheries etc.
Urbanization:meaning, effect and managemet

Urbanization:meaning, effect and managemet

This resource is made for Geography KS4. It explains the meaning and effect of urbanization and the pull factors associated with urbanization. The resource explains urbanization in developed and less developed countries, and its management.
How bussiness grew in Britain in 1900

How bussiness grew in Britain in 1900

The resource explains how businesses grew in Britain in 1900. It shows the various factors that led to the growth of different businesses in Britain during the industrial era. Prepared for KS3 History.
Ocean Pollution, causes and control

Ocean Pollution, causes and control

The resource explains what causes ocean pollution, some of the pollutants and where they are generated. It explains how pollutants get into the ocean, the effects of the pollutant to ocean and man etc. It shows how it can be controlled.
Consequences of Unemployment

Consequences of Unemployment

This resource is made for KS3 for Social Studies and Global Perspectives. It explains the meaning and consequences of unemployment. Explains various impact on the poor and society.