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George and Smudge

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I have taught for over 10 years and held senior leadership roles as Phase Leader and English Leader. My resources are mostly aimed at Key Stage 2.




I have taught for over 10 years and held senior leadership roles as Phase Leader and English Leader. My resources are mostly aimed at Key Stage 2.
Healthy Eating Week 2019  Complete Lesson

Healthy Eating Week 2019 Complete Lesson

Healthy Eating Week 2019 Complete Lesson Nutrition This download is a Healthy Eating Week 2019 complete lesson. It includes an informative teacher presentation for use during Healthy Eating Week about the components of a balanced diet. The two worksheets are each differentiated three ways to allow all pupils to be challenged. The success criteria are reviewed at the end of the lesson. Pupils learn about: the different food groups and their nutritional benefits foods which are included within the food groups salt and sugar limits Included: teacher PowerPoint and two differentiated worksheets
Healthy Eating Week 2019 Complete Lesson

Healthy Eating Week 2019 Complete Lesson

Healthy Eating Week 2019 Complete Lesson This download is a Healthy Eating week 2019 complete lesson and worksheet on vitamins. The teacher PowerPoint teaches pupils about each of the vitamins in turn, explaining its role in keeping us healthy and food it can be found in. There is then a pupil worksheet to complete, where pupils must create a mini poster for each vegetable for a greengrocers, advertising the wonderful vitamins found in it. Pupils learn: what are vitamins? names of key vitamins essential for a healthy diet functions of these vitamins in keeping us healthy food/drink containing each vitamin There are three differentiated challenges on the teacher PowerPoint. This would be an excellent lesson to use as part of the Healthy Schools curriculum. Included: Teacher PowerPoint (editable + PDF version for immediate printing if required) and editable pupil worksheet.
Transition to New Class Workbook

Transition to New Class Workbook

Transition to New Class Workbook / Move Up Day / Meet the Teacher Day This download is a transition to new class workbook for Key Stage 2 teachers meeting their new class on move up day / meet the teacher day. The ten varied transition activities are to be used on move up day to: Reflect on the past year Set new subject-related targets for this year (SMART targets) Reflect on their hopes and concerns for the upcoming year Learn more about each other Learn more about their new teacher Included is: an editable PowerPoint file a PDF version of the same document, which is ready to print and turn into a booklet
Desertification Lesson

Desertification Lesson

Desertification Lesson This download is a desertification lesson. Teach your students what desertification is and raise awareness of the global issue of desertification. This lesson will teach your students all they need to know about desertification. Students learn: What desertification is and how it differs from deserts Causes of desertification Consequences of desertification What they can do to help reduce their carbon footprint Included: Desertification lesson PowerPoint
School Sports Week 2019 Assembly

School Sports Week 2019 Assembly

School Sports Week 2019 Assembly This download is a School Sports Week 2019 assembl. A fun and interactive way to celebrate School Sports Week, this 40 page presentation will engage your students. Kick off School Sports Week with some fun! There are 3 main sections: Guess the sport: descriptions of sports and students need to work out which sport is being described Real or made up sport?: students need to guess whether they think the sport described is real or made up Which sport uses this ball/equipment: students guess the sport from the image of the ball/equipment
Abstract Nouns Lesson Presentation

Abstract Nouns Lesson Presentation

Abstract Nouns Lesson Presentation This download is an abstract nouns lesson presentation. It is designed to be clear, fun and informative. There are pupil tasks related to their learning about abstract nouns throughout, as well as extra challenges. This abstract nouns lesson will be both engaging and informative for your class. Students learn: What is a noun? What is an abstract noun? What is a concrete noun? How to identify abstract nouns About appropriate use of abstract nouns Included: 1 x teacher PowerPoint
Fronted Adverbials Lesson Presentation

Fronted Adverbials Lesson Presentation

Fronted Adverbials Lesson Presentation This download is a fronted adverbials lesson presentation. It is designed to be clear, fun and informative. There are pupil tasks related to their learning about fronted adverbials throughout, as well as extra challenges. This fronted adverbials lesson will be both engaging and informative for your class. Students learn: What adverbials are What fronted adverbials are How to recognise fronted adverbials How to use fronted adverbials About appropriate use of fronted adverbials Included: 1 x teacher PowerPoint
Growth Mindset Assembly

Growth Mindset Assembly

Growth Mindset Assembly This download is a growth mindset assembly. Key terms related to growth mindset are explained clearly with examples. This assembly is interactive, fun and thought provoking. It is a great way to introduce growth mindset to students of different ages. Pupils learn: Definitions of key terms related to growth mindset What a growth mindset is About fixed mindsets How to challenge some of their own/others misconceptions Included: Assembly PowerPoint
American Independence Day Assembly

American Independence Day Assembly

American Independence Day Assembly / 4th July This download is an American Independence Day / 4th July Assembly. This informative and fun assembly has interactive activities about American Independence Day and is packed full of well-explained facts. This resource is a great way to commemorate American Independence Day on 4th July. Students learn: About colonial America About the history of American Independence Day About the Founding Fathers of the USA How American Independence Day is celebrated Included: 1 x Independence Day Assembly PowerPoint
Abstract Nouns Quiz

Abstract Nouns Quiz

Abstract Nouns Quiz This download is an abstract nouns quiz. There are 20 multiple choice questions with different levels of difficulty, all focused on abstract nouns. The answers are interactive and there are buttons to take students back to the question if they are incorrect, or forward to the next question if they get an answer right. This fun and challenging abstract nouns quiz will consolidate your pupils’ knowledge. Included:20 question quiz (PowerPoint)
End of Year Celebrity Quiz

End of Year Celebrity Quiz

End of Year Celebrity Quiz This download is an end of year celebrity quiz. Have fun with your students at the end of the year with this interactive and original celebrity quiz! The quiz is based around a fairground with different attractions, each featuring celebrity faces (with features hidden). Students must guess the identity of the celebrities. Some are easier to identify than others! There are buttons to easily move between fairground attractions. Included: 1 x quiz PowerPoint 1 x answers 1 x student answer sheet Image attributions included at the end of the PowerPoint
Refugee Week Assembly 2019

Refugee Week Assembly 2019

Refugee Week Assembly 2019 This download is a Refugee Week Assembly 2019. It covers key vocabulary and important facts and figures. There are also reflection questions throughout. Included: assembly PowerPoint
Women's World Cup 2019 Quiz

Women's World Cup 2019 Quiz

Women’s World Cup 2019 Quiz This download is a Women’s World Cup 2019 quiz. There are 30 questions with multiple choice answers. It is interactive throughout: there are links to tell pupils if they are correct or incorrect, links back to the previous question if incorrect and to the next question if correct. Pupils will have fun learning more about the Women’s World Cup. Examples of questions: Which team won the 2015 World Cup? How was the England World Cup team announced? Which are the other teams in England and Scotland’s group? How many points are awarded for a win in the group stages? Which two teams have met twice in the final of the Women’s World Cup?
Enterprise Project Year 6

Enterprise Project Year 6

Enterprise Project Year 6 This download is an enterprise project for pupils to design a low sugar chocolate bar. There are teacher PowerPoints, worksheets and a spreadsheet with formulas set up ready for pupils to use to price up their production costs. This enterprise project is fun and challenging. An ideal end of year project for Year 6, pupils will enjoy applying their maths, English, art and DT learning. Included: *Introduction PowerPoint *Taste testing worksheet *Materials spreadsheet ready for students to use *How to calculate retail price PowerPoint *Packaging design worksheet *Advertising PowerPoint
End of Year Writing Lesson

End of Year Writing Lesson

End of YearWriting Lesson This PowerPoint is an end of year report for my teacher writing lesson. It is a fun writing lesson with sentence starters and modelled paragraphs to help students to structure their writing. During report writing season, why not ask your pupils to write a report on you? Care is taken to ensure that pupils are reminded to be respectful and modelled paragraphs help tailor students’ comments so they are appopriate. The activity is designed to be fun and engaging whilst also creating valuable teaching opportunities. Pupils learn: to use varied sentence openers to give examples to illustrate points to structure their writing using themed paragraphs There is opportunity for peer assessment at the end.
Sports Day Maths Worksheet

Sports Day Maths Worksheet

Sports Day Maths Worksheet Mean as an Average This download is a statistics Worksheet focusing on finding the mean. It is designed for UKS2 upwards to challenge pupils’ knowledge of statistics and the mean as an average. There are 6 further extension tasks to really stretch your more able pupils. Answers are included on the second page. Pupils: *find the mean score for each event *carry out a range of challenges to broaden their thinking around mean Included: mean worksheet with challenges and answers (2 page document)
Abstract Nouns Lesson Bundle

Abstract Nouns Lesson Bundle

2 Resources
Abstract Nouns Lesson Bundle The perfect bundle for teaching your students about abstract nouns! First, use the fun, informative and clear lesson presentation to give pupils an in-depth understanding of abstract nouns. Next, test their knowledge in the interactive quiz! Includes: 1 x lesson presentation 1 x interactive 20 question quiz
Inference Reading  Lesson

Inference Reading Lesson

Inference Reading Lesson / Whole Class Reading This PowerPoint is an inference reading comprehension lesson for Key Stage 2. It includes a teacher presentation and pupil tasks. There are three differentiated challenges for each extract so that pupils can apply their inference skills. Pupils learn: what is inference? clues that they need to use inference skills how to answer inference questions Included: Editable PowerPoint (tasks included on PowerPoint) and PDF version to print the tasks.
SPaG Starters Mystery Name

SPaG Starters Mystery Name

SPaG / GPaS Lesson Starters Mystery Name These downloads are SPaG starters. There are 15 grammar starters. Each with a theme e.g. nouns, adjectives, verbs, pronouns, synonyms and antonyms . Each activity reveals one letter of the bear’s name. By the end of the week, the bear’s name is revealed. Answers for each day and the end of the week are included. Could be done as a whole class activity, or the slides could be printed so that pupils can complete individually or in pairs.
English Leader End of Year Report

English Leader End of Year Report

English Leader End of Year Report Ofsted Framework 2019 This download is an English Leader End of Year Report based on the Ofsted Framework Sept 2019. It is all you need to help you write a thorough and relevant English leader end of year report. The template is divided into headings, each based on the leadership and management section of the framework. Under each heading there are: Key questions to help give you ideas of what to add to the report Key statements which can be edited to make them relevant to your setting/results etc The document is three pages long (Calibri 11 font)