Maths Leader End of Year Report Ofsted Framework 2019
This download is an Maths Leader End of Year Report based on the Ofsted Framework Sept 2019. It is all you need to help you write a thorough and relevant maths leader end of year report. The template is divided into headings, each based on the leadership and management section of the framework.
Under each heading there are:
Key questions to help give you ideas of what to add to the report
Key statements which can be edited to make them relevant to your setting/results etc
The document is three pages long (Calibri 11 font)
Women’s World Cup 2019 Assembly and Quiz Bundle
Download together and save! This dowload is the Women’s World Cup 2019 Assembly and Quiz Bundle. The assembly teachers students all about the Women’s World Cup 2019: the teams, the games, the players and the trophy. Then, follow it up with a 30 question multiple choice, interactive quiz. All you need to get your students excited about the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019!
Women’s World Cup 2019 Assembly Updated as of 30th June 2019
This PowerPoint is a Women’s World Cup 2019 assembly. The assembly begins with a game for students to match the facts about the Women’s World Cup, before moving on to information about the history of the Women’s World Cup, star players and where the games will be held. It ends with a short true or false quiz. There are student questions throughout. This is a great way to get your students excited about the Women’s World Cup 2019!
Famous Scientists Quiz
This download is a famous scientists quiz. It’s the perfect end of year quiz or can be used as part of a unit on famous scientists. There are five fun areas for your students to explore in this famous scientists quiz. This science quiz is interactive: there are buttons to take the students to the different areas. Answers and student answer sheet are both provided.
Areas included:
Newton’s Tree: Students identify scientists from an image of them
Inventors’ House: Students say which scientist invented the featured items
Association Beach: Which scientists are associated with the featured items?
Hall of Fame: Students identify fictional scientists from images
The Laboratory: Students identify which scientists have been using the laboratory from the items left behind
The science quiz is the perfect way to introduce students to some scientists they may not have previously known (although I have included well-known scientists too). I imagine this quiz leading on to a research activity, with students finding out more about those they didn’t know about before the quiz.
Year 3 End of Year Quiz
This download is a Year 3 End of Year Quiz. Why not combine learning and fun in your end of year quiz? This quiz is based on the Year 3 English and maths curriculum. It is interactive and includes 12 questions and answers. By clicking on the answer, part of a celebrity photo is revealed. The first team to guess the celebrity gets 10 extra points! This quiz is a fun way to end Year 3 and consolidate knowledge.
NQT Questions for a Smooth Start
For primary NQTs or NQT mentors
These NQT questions for a smooth start are general and then subject-specific questions that will guide you to find out all you need to know about your new school. This is a list of questions that I wish I had asked when I first started as a primary NQT.
After working as a primary NQT mentor for many years, I have gained an insight into what information NQTs need and want to know. I’ve compiled these questions aimed at helping NQTs start as they mean to go on.
Microsoft Word document with over three pages of questions under the headings: general, maths, English, science, PE, DT/art, geography/history/RE, MFL, PSHCE and music.
24 Hour Clock Story and Task Cards
This resource is a 24 hour clock story with task cards (answers included). Engage your pupils in the topic of the 24 hour clock with the fun story of Dingalong the doorbell. Included in the story are many times given using the 24 hour clock. Following the story, give your students the task cards (with ‘extra for experts’ included).
The task cards focus on:
Time comprehension + answers
Converting from 24 hour clock to 12 hour clock + answers
Applying knowledge of time to write own paragraph for the story (no answers given for this as it is an open task for pupils to complete)
Resilience Workbook
This resource is a resilience workbook. The five resilience monsters will teach your students about things that can get in the way of resilience. Varied and engaging, the tasks are designed to appeal to Key Stage 2 and 3 students. This attractive workbook is suitable for a whole class project or for individual students to complete.
Activities include:
True or false
Identifying the resilience barriers in a short story
Reflecting on the feeling of achieving a goal
Identifying the skills they have that will help them to achieve a goal
Included in this resource is an editable version of the workbook (created on PowerPoint) and a PDF of the same booklet for printing purposes.
Last Supper Workbook
This download is a Last Supper workbook. This attractive and colourful workbook consists of 16 pages (including answer pages where relevant). There is a selection of fun and varied activities for your students to complete focusing on the different events of the Last Supper. The events covered include eating the Last Supper, praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and Judas’s betrayal. The activities require students to reflect on the feelings and motivations of the people involved.
Fronted Adverbials Quiz
This download is a fronted adverbials quiz. This 30 question quiz is the perfect way to consolidate your students’ understanding of fronted adverbials. The multiple choice questions, all focused on fronted adverbials, are interactive; there are also buttons to move back to a question if an answer is incorrect, or forward to the next question for correct answers.
Included: 1 x fronted adverbials quiz PowerPoint
Palm Sunday Workbook
This download is a Palm Sunday Workbook. This attractive and colourful workbook consists of 16 pages (including answer pages where relevant). There is a selection of fun and varied activities for your students to complete focusing on the different events of Palm Sunday. The events covered include the disciples fetching the donkey, Jesus riding into Jerusalem and Jesus visiting the temple. The activities require students to reflect on the feelings and motivations of the people involved.
Determine the Theme of a Poem
This download is a determine the theme of a poem set of two poems with accompanying task cards. The two poems each have four task cards with accompanying answer cards related to determining the themes.
Included in this resource:
2 poems
8 task cards
6 answer cards (2 activities do not need answer cards)
Y6 SATs SPAG Revision Quiz
This download is a Year 6 SPaG SATs revision SPaGbot Quiz. Help your Year 6 class revise for their SPaG SATs paper with a fun, interactive quiz!
On the menu page, pupils can choose to answer a SPaGbot question (SPaG revision focused), a Funbot question (a fun, pop-culture or sports question) or a lucky dip question (mix of SPaG and fun questions).
There are:
15 SPaGbot questions
15 Funbot questions
10 lucky dip questons
SATS Reading Year 6 3 Mark Question Lesson
This download is a 3 mark question Year 6 SATS practice PowerPoint. It has been designed to be used by Year 6 teachers to help prepare for the reading SATS test by giving the pupils the opportunity to practise answering three mark questions.
There are three sample texts in this 28-slide resource. For each text, there is a walk-through, step-by-step guide to answering a three mark question. There is then a new question for pupils to try independently. The answer is then given for the teacher to reveal so that pupils can check against this.
Covered in this resource is:
*Finding two completely separate points
*Finding the supporting evidence
*Structuring your answer
*Explaining your answer
Netball worksheets differentiated with answers including fact files / fact sheets
These resources are a complete set of three differentiated netball worksheets. There are also two fact sheets included: one about netball in general and one on positions. The bronze, silver and gold differentiated worksheets each have an answer sheet.
General netball fact sheet
Fact sheet on netball positions
Bronze, silver and gold worksheets
Bronze, silver and gold answers
Ideal for non-participants . No additional resources needed as all theory required is given in the fact sheets.
These hockey worksheets are differentiated three ways. Answers are included for each worksheet.
General hockey fact sheet
Fact sheet on hockey positions
Bronze, silver and gold worksheets
Bronze, silver and gold answers
Ideal for non-participants . No additional resources needed as all theory required is given in the fact sheets.
This no-prep vocabulary reading comprehension activity teaches students about:
Figurative language - similes and metaphors / personification / hyperbole
Connotative vocabulary
There are six poems, which are spring and summer themed, and then six task cards, each with their own accompanying answer card.
The texts and task cards require no preparation and could be printed out or completed on PowerPoint). The answer slides give students the opportunity to self-check or aid the teacher in their marking.
The six task cards are completed in a number of different ways. There are questions to answer, tables to complete and ordering activities. Each task card has its own answer card too. Teachers can use these for marking work, or students can use if the task has been set as distance learning.
6 poems - spring and summer themed
6 task cards
6 answer cards
20 pages total
This poetry reading comprehension supports students in distinguishing their own point of view from the author (or in this case, the poet). There are six poems in which the poet expresses their point of view on a particular topic. the accompanying six task cards then ask students to consider how their own point of view compares.
The poems and task cards require no preparation and can be printed or completed digitally (on slides). The tasks are open-ended, meaning there is no right or wrong answer. There is therefore no need for an answer key.
The six poems cover a variety of contentious topics such as:
-Not wanting a pet
-Only having a small number of friends
-Digital books are a bad idea
-We must stop throwing away so much waste
-Being bored indicates a lack of imagination
The poems are written in such a way to encourage students to decide whether they agree or disagree.
The six task cards are completed in a number of different ways. There are questions to answer, tables to complete and longer, open-ended tasks.
Six poems
Six task cards
Twelve slides total
This no-prep figurative and connotative language reading comprehension activity teaches students about:
Figurative language - similes and metaphors / personification / hyperbole
Connotative vocabulary
There are six nonfiction texts, which are endangered animal themed, and then six task cards, each with their own accompanying answer card.
The texts and task cards require no preparation and could be printed out or completed on PowerPoint. The answer slides give students the opportunity to self-check or aid the teacher in their marking.
The six task cards are completed in a number of different ways. There are questions to answer, tables to complete and ordering activities. Each task card has its own answer card too. Teachers can use these for marking work, or students can use if the task has been set as distance learning.
6 nonfiction texts - endangered animals theme
6 task cards
6 answer cards
20 pages total
This set of task cards and poems have an end of the school year theme. They focus on the reading strategy of inference. There are five engaging poems, each one with an accompanying task card and answer key.
The poems have been written to engage students. They are all focused around the end of the school year. Because there are five poems included, there is plenty of scope for teachers writing their own additional questions or creating extra activities.
The five task cards all focus on the skill of inference. They encourage students to use the sentence stem, ‘I know this because in the text it says’ in order to give evidence for their answers. Each task card either has an answer key or suggested answer depending on the task given.
-5 poems - end of school year theme
-5 task cards
-5 answer cards
-15 pages total