Enterprise Project Year 6
This download is an enterprise project for pupils to design a low sugar chocolate bar. There are teacher PowerPoints, worksheets and a spreadsheet with formulas set up ready for pupils to use to price up their production costs. This enterprise project is fun and challenging. An ideal end of year project for Year 6, pupils will enjoy applying their maths, English, art and DT learning.
*Introduction PowerPoint
*Taste testing worksheet
*Materials spreadsheet ready for students to use
*How to calculate retail price PowerPoint
*Packaging design worksheet
*Advertising PowerPoint
Transition to New Class Workbook / Move Up Day / Meet the Teacher Day
This download is a transition to new class workbook for Key Stage 2 teachers meeting their new class on move up day / meet the teacher day.
The ten varied transition activities are to be used on move up day to:
Reflect on the past year
Set new subject-related targets for this year (SMART targets)
Reflect on their hopes and concerns for the upcoming year
Learn more about each other
Learn more about their new teacher
Included is:
an editable PowerPoint file
a PDF version of the same document, which is ready to print and turn into a booklet
Do you want to raise the importance of reducing pollutions in our oceans by making World Oceans Day 2024? This World Oceans Day 2024 Assembly is perfect for ensuring pupils know about this day and, more importantly, the key causes of ocean pollution.
There are slides on:
What World Oceans Day is
This year’s theme
Ocean pollutants
How we can do our bit to help protect marine life
True or false quiz
There are then 3 worksheets to accompany the assembly:
Recalling facts about four of the pollutants
True or false activity (answers included)
Design a poster to raise awareness of ocean pollution
Please note this resource is not editable due to some slides needing to be flattened.
Want to get your pupils excited about the Women’s World Cup 2023? Then this PowerPoint is just what you need! Perfect for an assembly about the Women’s World Cup, or to use with your class, it is packed full of information and interactive elements to teach them all they need to know for Australia and New Zealand 2023!
There is a mixture of information slides and interactive ones to keep your pupils’ interest. By the end of the presentation, they will know about the history, venues, players and more!
What’s included?
Slide about the history of the competition
Slide about the teams involved
Slide about the players to look out for
Slide about the trophy
Interactive matching game
Interactive quiz
A whole unit of work with all resources included. It consists of six presentations (one is an introduction and the other five are complete lessons) and four worksheets with opportunities for extra challenges to stretch more able pupils where appropriate. Pupils are tasked with coming up with a vegan dish which will compete with meat-based dishes on the school lunch menu.
The lesson teaches pupils to:
*Use internet search terms correctly
*Know the important components of a vegan diet
*Carry out market research to decide on final dish
*Cost a dish (for the whole school) and ensure good value for money
*Advertise the dish to fellow pupils
*Use persuasive language to encourage the catering manager to make the dish and fellow pupils to buy it
A variety of subjects are covered: DT, business studies, English and maths. The slides could be easily edited to suit the school and the desired outcome.
Could be used as a Year 6 enterprise project.
Inference Reading Lesson / Whole Class Reading
This PowerPoint is an inference reading comprehension lesson for Key Stage 2. It includes a teacher presentation and pupil tasks. There are three differentiated challenges for each extract so that pupils can apply their inference skills.
Pupils learn:
what is inference?
clues that they need to use inference skills
how to answer inference questions
Included: Editable PowerPoint (tasks included on PowerPoint) and PDF version to print the tasks.
These hockey worksheets are differentiated three ways. Answers are included for each worksheet.
General hockey fact sheet
Fact sheet on hockey positions
Bronze, silver and gold worksheets
Bronze, silver and gold answers
Ideal for non-participants . No additional resources needed as all theory required is given in the fact sheets.
Y6 SATs Reading Revision Common Errors Retrieval
Do you find your Year 6 pupils continuously make the same errors in SATs practice papers? Then this is the lesson for you! The session covers three common errors when answering retrieval questions: red herrings, misquotes and avoiding answering altogether. They are given steps for avoiding these errors, practice questions and the opportunity to write their own questions to catch out a partner. Altogether there are six short texts included in the resource.
The structure of the activity is:
How to avoid red herrings
Short text and questions to practise avoiding red herrings
New text for pupils to use to write their own questions for a partner (can they catch them out using red herrings?).
Answers - sample questions
How to avoid misquotes
Short text and questions to practise avoiding misquotes
New text for pupils to use to write their own questions for a partner (can they catch their partner out?).
Answers - sample questions
How to avoid avoidance
Short text and questions to practise avoiding avoidance
New text for pupils to use to write their own questions for a partner (will their partner avoid the questions?).
Answers - sample questions
Recap - plenary
Answers to plenary questions
What’s included?
A 22 slide PowerPoint
Inference Maze - KS2 Fun Inference Activity
Looking for a fun way to teach or revise inference in reading lessons with your KS2 students? In this activity, pupils must use their inference skills to guide TV presenter, Mya, through a maze.
The PowerPoint revises the meaning of inference before guiding pupils through the process of finding Mya’s route through the maze. At each step, there are two objects to follow. Pupils must use infer which object to select from the clues given by Mya. At each step, answers are given so that pupils know if they are on the right track.
Make reading lessons more fun and use this fun activity to reinforce the meaning of inference!
*50 slide PowerPoint (including answers) guiding students through the activity
Printable PowerPoint handout with student copy of maze
Reading Ordering Events Mystery KS2
This order the events and solve the mystery reading comprehension activity is a fun way to help your students learn how to order events in a text. They have to order the events to solve the mystery of who threw the ice bucket of water over Mr Lee, everyone’s favourite Year 5 teacher!
In this activity, students are given accounts written by each of the five suspects. They must order the events to check who is telling the truth. By the end of the activity, they will be able to see who is lying and therefore who threw the ice bucket!
The activity teaches students how to use a colour-coded key to help order the events. With this in mind, there is a separate copy of the texts for pupils to use to practise this technique.
What’s included?
14 slide solve the mystery activity (PowerPoint)
3 page pupil copy of texts
Looking for an assembly to teach your pupils more about mental health awareness? Then look no further. This PowerPoint has been sensitively put together to give an overview about what mental health is and to debunk some of the myths and misconceptions about mental health. There is a focus on activities that can support us with our mental health.
Covered in this assembly:
What is mental health?
Mindful breathing
Building a bank of positive activities
What to do if we are struggling with our mental health
True or false quiz questions
There are also three worksheets to accompany the assembly. Pupils can use these to consolidate what they have learnt and to further reflect on what mental health is and how to support themselves and others.
Healthy Eating Week 2019 Complete Lesson
This download is a Healthy Eating week 2019 complete lesson and worksheet on vitamins. The teacher PowerPoint teaches pupils about each of the vitamins in turn, explaining its role in keeping us healthy and food it can be found in. There is then a pupil worksheet to complete, where pupils must create a mini poster for each vegetable for a greengrocers, advertising the wonderful vitamins found in it.
Pupils learn:
what are vitamins?
names of key vitamins essential for a healthy diet
functions of these vitamins in keeping us healthy
food/drink containing each vitamin
There are three differentiated challenges on the teacher PowerPoint.
This would be an excellent lesson to use as part of the Healthy Schools curriculum.
Included: Teacher PowerPoint (editable + PDF version for immediate printing if required) and editable pupil worksheet.
Resilience Workbook
This resource is a resilience workbook. The five resilience monsters will teach your students about things that can get in the way of resilience. Varied and engaging, the tasks are designed to appeal to Key Stage 2 and 3 students. This attractive workbook is suitable for a whole class project or for individual students to complete.
Activities include:
True or false
Identifying the resilience barriers in a short story
Reflecting on the feeling of achieving a goal
Identifying the skills they have that will help them to achieve a goal
Included in this resource is an editable version of the workbook (created on PowerPoint) and a PDF of the same booklet for printing purposes.
Y6 SATs SPAG Revision Quiz
This download is a Year 6 SPaG SATs revision SPaGbot Quiz. Help your Year 6 class revise for their SPaG SATs paper with a fun, interactive quiz!
On the menu page, pupils can choose to answer a SPaGbot question (SPaG revision focused), a Funbot question (a fun, pop-culture or sports question) or a lucky dip question (mix of SPaG and fun questions).
There are:
15 SPaGbot questions
15 Funbot questions
10 lucky dip questons
Mayan Gods Poems Comprehension
This Mayan gods poems comprehension reading and history activity includes four poems about Ancient Mayan gods and goddesses. Each one then has a set of questions for pupils to revise their knowledge of each deity. This also gives pupils the chance to practise their reading comprehension skills. The deities covered are: Itzamna, Chaac, Ix Chel and Kinich Ahau.
The cross-curricular nature of this activity means that children will be able to practise both their history skills (learning about Ancient Mayan gods) and reading comprehension skills at the same time.
The comprehension questions include retrieval and inference questions and also author’s intent and vocabulary ones. There are a mix of circle the answer, one word, one sentence and longer answers. Some questions require evidence from the text. All answers are included (sample answers where more than one answer would be acceptable).
What’s included?
4 poems about Ancient Mayan gods and goddesses
4 sets of questions (one about each god or goddess). Five questions per god / goddess
4 sets of answers
Mayan Religion Lesson
This Mayan religion lesson focuses on the religious practices of the Ancient Maya. This complete lesson aims to cover a broad look at Ancient Mayan religion, covering areas vocabulary linked to Mayan religion, the Ancient Mayan gods, pilgrimages and rituals. Three worksheets are also included as part of the lesson.
Throughout the lesson, opportunities for reflection and partner talk are included to encourage pupil interaction. The worksheets are spread through the lesson, giving pupils the chance to revise and consider what they have been taught about Mayan religion.
What’s included?
25 page slideshow about Mayan religion
3 worksheets linked to the slideshow (and introduced in the slideshow, so children know what to do)
This assembly is all about diversity of families and different family types. It would be perfect for a diversity week or just as part of your assembly schedule. The assembly PowerPoint teaches pupils about different family types, guides discussion, introduces case studies about different types of family and also has a quiz at the end.
Also included are three worksheets:
A celebrating families crossword (and answers)
A family portrait
A true or false quiz (and answers)
What’s included?
A 23 slide PowerPoint
3 worksheets and answers
Are you looking for Christmas worksheets for reading for your class? This set of Christmas reading comprehension questions focuses on the Christmas story, with a Christmas reading passage and 12 task cards, plus KS2 reading challenge cards. The story, Starbright’s Important Mission, tells the Christmas story through the eyes of the star. There are then 12 task cards requiring the children to reflect on their understanding of the story.
The task cards focus on skills such as:
Be an emotion detective: describe the emotion of the characters at specific points of the story
Draw ‘mood journeys’ for three of the main characters
Find the evidence to support key information
Longer answers, requiring students to quote accurately from the text
There are answers provided for each of the reading comprehension task cards. The answers are detailed and thorough, with sample answers where necessary.
After the main task cards, there is also an example card, so that the children know what the ‘mood journeys’ should look like. There are also three challenge cards, to extend pupils’ learning if needed.
The passages and activities could be printed out and given to students as a pack. This would make it perfect for a Christmas supply teacher lesson.
There’s not much to prepare… All you need to do is print the sheets out and hand to your class.
Perfect Year 6 Easter Holiday Reading Homework!
Do you need the perfect Easter themed reading comprehension? This one is interactive and would be perfect for your Year 6 students as Easter holiday reading homework. All answers to the 20 tasks are given to students, so no marking required.
This interactive Easter reading comprehension is designed to be as inclusive as possible with no written answers required. Where appropriate, there are Explain It thought bubbles for students to explain their answers on paper. These could be set for all students, or just those requiring more of a challenge. us d
Easter themes (new beginnings) are introduced, giving opportunity for RE links. I also like to explore different family types in my stories. This one features a boy, his step mum and baby brother.
What’s Included?
A 20 question interactive PowerPoint, also including correct/incorrect slides
Want an informative and interesting assembly about the Coronation of King Charles and the Queen Consort? This assembly has been carefully put together to be full of information and about everything that will happen in the Coronation ceremony. There are also three worksheets which pupils can complete after the assembly, to help embed all that pupils have learnt about the Coronation.
Slides on:
When and where it will take place
The King’s procession
The procession inside the Abbey
The Recognition
The Coronation Oath
The Anointing
The Homage
The Sovereign’s Orb
The Sceptre
The Rod With the Dove
St Edward’s Crown
Crowing of The Queen Consort
Procession back to Buckingham Palace
Archbishop of Canterbury
Great Lord Chamberlain
The Pages of Honour
The Dean of Westminster
The Coronation Concert
What might be different from previous coronations?
3 worksheets included:
The parts of the ceremony
The sacred items
Writing a diary entry