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KS3-4 French : Narrow reading texts and tasks on pollution

KS3-4 French : Narrow reading texts and tasks on pollution

A set of six narrow reading texts and relative tasks on the theme of pollution. This resource would be used at the beginning of an instructional sequence on talking about issues in one’s town/region. Lots of recycling of the same key patterns. Ideal for homework, cover work but can also be used for consolidation, as a pre-listening activity or before engaging the students in a basic writing task
KS3 French beginners - Pool of resources on Verb ETRE and HABITER and personal details

KS3 French beginners - Pool of resources on Verb ETRE and HABITER and personal details

(1) A sentence builder to practice the pattern: I am from ___________but I have been living in _______________ since /for __________________ (2) A find someone who with cards with four grids so you can play four rounds of the game (3) A set of narrow reading tasks (4) A set of gap-fills based on the narrow reading tasks (5) An oral translation board game (6) A verb and adjectivel endings manipulation writing task (7) Gap-fill madness - 'Gap-fill madness' is a very easy-to-prepare game I stage to automatise verb production and decoding skills at the same time. Students, working in groups of three, are given a list of twelve simple sentences (see below) in which the target verb is gapped. They then compete with each other at filling the gap in the shortest time possible. The person who does it faster and with 'decent' pronunciation wins. I usually stage three rounds per player, the shortest time overall winning. Whilst one player speaks the others time them and monitor their accuracy and pronunciation. Pairing students by ability a must!