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KS3 /4 French - Oral drills on leisure to practise perfect tense

KS3 /4 French - Oral drills on leisure to practise perfect tense

Five oral tasks to do in pairs designed to practise talking in the past in the first person singular and all other persons. This is the order I recommend. Please note: there should be plenty of vocabulary and receptive pre-communicative practice prior to staging the activities below, 1. Find your match 2. Find someone who 3. Communicative drills 4. Picture card drills 5. Mini-interviews
Year 7 / 8 French - Oral ping-pong translation game (pair-work)

Year 7 / 8 French - Oral ping-pong translation game (pair-work)

INSTRUCTIONS - The students work in pairs. They have a sheet with the same English sentences to translate into French, but Partner A has the translation of sentences 1 to10, whereas Partner B has the translation of sentences 11 to 20. I call it 'Oral ping-pong translation' because they do it orally, Partner A challenging Partner B with a sentence and showing the correct answer to provide them with feedback and to award points (3 for perfect sentence, 2 for one mistake only, 1 if there are mistakes but at least the verb is correctly formed). I give them a time limit (10 minutes); when the time is up the person with the higher score wins. Best to have people of similar ability in each pair. Here is an example: I made for a very able year 11 of mine. Obviously the activity can be done in writing too. As a follow-up, I get the students to make a note of the most serious mistakes they made in their books so that I have an idea of what their problem areas are. Differentiation opportunities are obvious: different sets of sheets for groups of different ability