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12 new (chunk-based) French GCSE revision quickies (2018)

12 new (chunk-based) French GCSE revision quickies (2018)

TOPICS; daily routine, school, health and lifestyle, family relationships and my 'universals' Research shows clearly that teaching vocabulary through patterns and collocations is a much more effective way than teaching single words. Although I have always endeavoured to teach words in context and phrases, this collection of quickies is more au fait with current vocab research. As a result, here is a new set of GCSE revision quickies that are chunk-based and focus on collocation and lexical priming. These new quickies complement the ones I have previously created beautifully in my opinion. Why you should use them: they reflect the way humans learn languages - through chunks and lexical patterns rather than single words. So the focus here is on developing a repertoire of ready-to-use phrases recycled over and over again.