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Year 7 / 8 French - Oral board game on high-frequency school-related phrases
Instructions: In groups of three students (2 player + 1 referee) or five (2 teams of two players and one referee), players take turn in casting the dice. Whichever case the player/team reach based on their dice score, they will have 30 seconds to translate the relative sentence(s) into French orally. The referee will then tell the players (with the help of the answer sheet) if their translation is correct. If the translation is correct they will have another go and casting the dice and will advance to the next case where they will have to translate the next sentence and so on. However, if their translation isn’t correct, the referee will read to them the right version twice in order for the players to attempt to memorize it for the next round when they will have another go. After the opponents’ turn the player will have another chance at casting the dice; if they answer the question they originally got wrong correct. The person who is closer to the finishing line ten minutes into the game will win.
Year 7/8 French - Narrow reading tasks on general description
Three narrow reading texts exploited through 4 different narrow reading tasks
Year 7/8 French - Scaffold for ILRs (Implicit Learning Routines)
Scaffolding sheets to use in support of the following daily ILRs
- Register routine to elicit use of expressions indicating emotional states or feelings
- Small talk about what one did yesterday, last weekend, etc.
- Exit ticket routine at end of lesson : what are you going to do this eve, tomorrow, weekend, etc.
- Grumpy time routine (teacher ask questions and students must answer always in the negative usin different negative structures each time)
KS4 Spanish - Gap-fill on and Vocab builder on new technologies
1. A vocab builder
2. Cloze task : a set of key questions on new technologies (below) and a range of model answers which have been gapped.
¿Crees que las nuevas tecnologías han cambiado el mundo laboral?
¿Cómo ha cambiado la forma de la que comunicas con tus amigos en los últimos años?
¿Cuál es tu modo de comunicación preferido?
¿Crees que pasas demasiado tiempo con el móvil?
¿Podrías vivir sin tu móvil?
¿Cuáles son las ventajas principales de Internet?
¿Cuáles son las desventajas principales de Internet?
KS2/3 French - Seven resources on numbers, dates and birthdays
A set of resources on numbers, dates and birthdays
KS3-4 Spanish - Family relationships (reading comp)
Narrow reading texts with reading comp and vocab building tasks
KS3/KS4 French - Hobbies super-pack (43 resources)
A massive collection of resources on hobbies
GCSE French revision - Complex-structures practice in context: Holiday and travel
Two sheets of activities practising the use of relatives, apres + past infinitive + imperfect vs perfect tense, irregular adjectives and other structures in the context of holidays.
The first in a series of worksheets aiming to recycle key structures over and over again across a wide range of topics and linguistic contexts
KS3 Spanish - Hobbies ( present of jugar, hacer and ir- all persons)
- A sentence builder with translation task covering all present verb forms of jugar, ir and hacer
- An oral translation board game (no snakes no ladders)
12 new (chunk-based) French GCSE revision quickies (2018)
TOPICS; daily routine, school, health and lifestyle, family relationships and my 'universals'
Research shows clearly that teaching vocabulary through patterns and collocations is a much more effective way than teaching single words. Although I have always endeavoured to teach words in context and phrases, this collection of quickies is more au fait with current vocab research.
As a result, here is a new set of GCSE revision quickies that are chunk-based and focus on collocation and lexical priming. These new quickies complement the ones I have previously created beautifully in my opinion.
Why you should use them: they reflect the way humans learn languages - through chunks and lexical patterns rather than single words. So the focus here is on developing a repertoire of ready-to-use phrases recycled over and over again.
KS3/4 French - Perfect tense of verbs in Etre (pool of resources)
A sentence builder, communicative drills, pre-communicative drills and narrow reading texts
KS4 French - Developing GCSE writing skills : text reconstruction translation task on perfect tense
- A text reconstruction task: English text given; French translation of text is all broken up in randomly arranged chunks. Students to re-arrange them in the correct order.
- A pre-puzzle warm-up to prepare the students for the puzzle through consolidation of its language content
KS3 French - What I like / don't like doing + opinions
A sentence builder with consolidation activities
A find somene who with cards game a la Conti
La Haine - reading comp and vocab builder
Work on an excellent critique of the movie La Haine.
KS4/5 La haine - vocab builder (easy)
A reading comp on a fairly analysis of the main characters of the movie adapted from an online source.
Health:oral conv. with model answers and Hotpotato
Healthy lifestyle for KS3/KS4. I have used it with my Year 9 students as oral practice.
Health - writing task,vocab-builders,hotpotato
Translation and writing tasks
KS3/4 French - Irregular Perfect tense (sentence builder, translation and drills)
Typical Cont-style resources on the Irregular perfect tense
Idioms for AS/A2 speaking and writing (2)
Another vocabulary builder to consolidate idiomatic phrases for A level to use to reinforce my other resource on the same topic I posted while ago.
GCSE revision quickie on - La lecture
Vocabulary consolidation on reading - fairly challenging