Hero image

Imagine Ocean

'Using the power of the Imagination to inspire creativity and nurture well-being in children.' Hello I'm Gig, I am passionate about children's imaginations and their creativity when inspired. I have over 30yrs experience as a graphic artist and illustrator which I now use to design my range of Animix® drawing cards and interactive books. I also write therapeutic stories for children and run workshops and competitions in primary schools, to stretch children's imagination and build confidence.

'Using the power of the Imagination to inspire creativity and nurture well-being in children.' Hello I'm Gig, I am passionate about children's imaginations and their creativity when inspired. I have over 30yrs experience as a graphic artist and illustrator which I now use to design my range of Animix® drawing cards and interactive books. I also write therapeutic stories for children and run workshops and competitions in primary schools, to stretch children's imagination and build confidence.
Animal Alphabet 1 - draw your name as an animal!

Animal Alphabet 1 - draw your name as an animal!

A4 page featuring an animal alphabet which you can use to write your name. Using the letters of your name to select corresponding animals, mix the animals into one creature in your own drawing. Very inclusive. Encourages independent imaginative thinking. Why not try some of your friends or family’s names. Huge scope for creativity and stretching your imagination.
Create your own pet! - a creative drawing activity

Create your own pet! - a creative drawing activity

Stretch your imagination and create your own pet by mixing your favourite animals into one! Use the animals on the A4 page or any other animals you like. A fun and inclusive activity that encourages independent thinking. Name your pet and write a story about it. You could start by writing a Care-plan thinking about what your pet would eat and drink, where it would live and what its needs would be. A really fun, creative exercise encouraging children to use their imagination in drawing and literacy.
Create your own species 1 - using creativity and literacy

Create your own species 1 - using creativity and literacy

A4 page featuring three animal cards. Simply mix the animals together in a drawing to create a new species. Name your creature by mixing the names or choose a name you like. Think about your new species; where would it live? what would it eat and drink? Write a story about your animal. This activity stretches children’s imagination in creativity and literacy. It is simple, fun and inclusive because each child will create their species in their own way. Encourages independent thinking and builds confidence.
Create your own species 2 - using creativity and literacy

Create your own species 2 - using creativity and literacy

A4 page featuring three animal cards. Simply mix the animals together in a drawing to create a new species. Name your creature by mixing the names or choose a name you like. Think about your new species; where would it live? what would it eat and drink? Write a story about your animal. This activity stretches children’s imagination in creativity and literacy. It is simple, fun and inclusive because each child will create their species in their own way. Encourages independent thinking and builds confidence.
Create you own Superhero! - using creativity and literacy

Create you own Superhero! - using creativity and literacy

Stretch your imagination and create your own Superhero by mixing different animals into one! Explore the skills of different animals and put them together in your drawing to make your ultimate Superhero. Use the animals on the A4 page or any other animals you like. Would your Superhero fly? Dive in the Ocean? Use camouflage to hide? Walk on ceilings? … A fun and inclusive activity that encourages independent thinking. Name your Superheroes and write a story about their adventures. A really fun, creative exercise encouraging children to use their imagination in drawing and literacy.
Animal Numeracy 2 - creativity, numeracy and comparative measures

Animal Numeracy 2 - creativity, numeracy and comparative measures

A4 page with two animal cards - create your own unique animal by mixing the animals together in a drawing. Name your creature. The numbers on the cards can be used for cross-curricular numeracy and comparative measures. There are some interesting facts about the numbers introducing themes for story writing.
Animal Literacy 1 - drawing and story writing

Animal Literacy 1 - drawing and story writing

A4 page with three animal cards. Create your unique creature by mixing two or all three of the animals in your drawing. Give your creature a name. Play word games by finding words that include the letters on the cards, or words that begin with each letter. Using the descriptive words and the interesting facts, write a story about the creature you have created. This activity stretches children’s imagination and encourages independent thinking. It is fun and inclusive as each child interprets the creative challenge in their own way. Builds confidence.
Animal Numeracy 1 - creativity, numeracy and comparative measures

Animal Numeracy 1 - creativity, numeracy and comparative measures

A4 page with two animal cards - create your own unique animal by mixing the animals together in a drawing. Name your creature. The numbers on the cards can be used for cross-curricular numeracy and comparative measures. There are some interesting facts about the numbers introducing themes for story writing.
Animal Literacy 2- drawing and story writing

Animal Literacy 2- drawing and story writing

A4 page with three animal cards. Create your unique creature by mixing two or all three of the animals in your drawing. Give your creature a name. Play word games by finding words that include the letters on the cards, or words that begin with each letter. Using the descriptive words and interesting facts on each card, why not write a story about the creature you have created. This activity stretches children’s imagination and encourages independent thinking. It is fun and inclusive as each child interprets the creative challenge in their own unique way. Builds confidence.