Hi, welcome to my shop. I have been a primary teacher for 34 years and have a wide range of experience in different roles. I have been a senior leader in schools and most recently a SENDCO for 10 years. I am posting resources that I think will be helpful for SENDCOs, class teachers or even parents and home educators. I am new to this - so please do send reviews to help me improve - or requests if there is something you think I might be able to create that you would find helpful.
Hi, welcome to my shop. I have been a primary teacher for 34 years and have a wide range of experience in different roles. I have been a senior leader in schools and most recently a SENDCO for 10 years. I am posting resources that I think will be helpful for SENDCOs, class teachers or even parents and home educators. I am new to this - so please do send reviews to help me improve - or requests if there is something you think I might be able to create that you would find helpful.
Need a quick and easy intervention to support student to learn key maths facts - This booklet is designed to support a student to develop recall of key number knowledge needed at primary school using a precision teaching approach. It starts with basic understanding of number values and digits. It includes number bonds, times tables, halving and doubling, working with numbers to 100 and multiplying and dividing by 10. It includes a page to record progress.
Maths makes heavy demands on student working memory – so it really helps to have a bank of facts committed to long term memory. Some students need to use a structured approach to get number facts into their long term memory – they do not seem to keep them there just by regular use in maths lessons. This booklet can be used to support this process.
On each page is a grid with items to prompt the student to say a maths fact – e.g. to read the digit, say the other number in a number bond, give a tables fact or say what 10 times the number would be. Each day they should count how many oral responses they can give in a minute – and record that on the sheet. The aim is to be able to recall a few more each day.
It was designed with Year 5 and 6 pupils in mind – but the booklet would equally work well for a teaching assistant supporting younger students to do selected pages to help them memorise the key facts that proving a barrier for them at any stage.
The precision teaching approach works best if the student can do an activity using the content of the page they are currently working on for a few minutes ( 5 to 10) before they do the one-minute timed activity. There are lots of interactive maths sites online e.g. Topmarks – and this is a great way to give student this opportunity in a way that they can do independently.
Everything you need to set up daily reading as a formal intervention for students in your class or school who are early readers.
This pack includes:
• A training presentation that you can share with adults supporting early readers to ensure that they are well prepared.
• A detailed guide that you can give to adults hearing children read daily to help them support the development of decoding, fluency and comprehension skills.
• A simple record keeping sheet that adults supporting early readers daily can complete – with an example of how this might be filled in.
• A choice of assessments that you can use to measure impact, particularly on decoding ability. Check these pre and post a period of structured daily reading to see how much progress has been made.
• An evaluation form that can be used at the end of the programme to summarise information and make recommendations about whether ongoing support is needed.
I have used this approach across the school as SENDCO to help ensure that early readers are getting regular and well-structured support that they need to make progress. It also allowed me to see where daily reading support was not providing enough support and further assessment and intervention might be needed.
This is an Excel spreadsheet that has been set up so that the first two pages will allow you to create your own precision teaching pages for sets of 5 or 10 words by just inputting each word once in the top row.
The following pages have all the word lists from the English National Curriculum. The common exception words for Year 1 and 2 are listed. The Year 3 and 4 words have been split into two lists – so they can be used across the year groups – as have the Year 5 and 6 words.
This will allow you to create personalised precision teaching pages for students who might need a mixture of words from different lists – or just to work on a small number that they have not already learned.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to read key words or recall spellings with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use long term memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
Everything you need to use the precision teaching approach for interventions to support students to learn to spell key vocab from the English National Curriculum.
Planning shows how to build student recall and knowledge of how to spell these key words in sessions lasting just 10 minutes a day.
Booklets cover:
A- Year 1 CEW
B - Year 2 CEW
Everything you need to use the precision teaching approach for interventions to support students to learn to spell key vocab from the English National Curriculum.
Planning shows how to build student recall and knowledge of how to spell these key words in sessions lasting just 10 minutes a day.
Booklets (labelled A to F so they can be used with students of any age) cover:
A- Year 1 CEW
B - Year 2 CEW
C - Year 3/4 spelling words - part 1
D - Year 3/4 spelling words - part 2
E - Year 5/6 spelling words - part 1
F - Year 5/6 spelling words - part 2
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall spellings with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use long term memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This plan supports the delivery of precision teaching as an intervention with small sets of words over 5 days each. It can be used with the booklets which have been created for the Key Stage 1 common exception words and the National Curriculum spelling words for Key Stage 2. The booklets have been labelled A to F so that they can be sensitively used with students of any age as appropriate.
The sessions should be engaging, and progress is measured so that it can be celebrated as well as tracked. This is a one-to-one intervention and should be able to be delivered in 10 minutes per day. Options and advice is given to adapt the programme for individual student needs.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on spelling the other half of the Year 5 and 6 National Curriculum spelling words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall spellings with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use long term memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on spelling half of the Year 5 and 6 National Curriculum spelling words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall spellings with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use long term memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on spelling the other half of the Year 3 and 4 National Curriculum spelling words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall spellings with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use long term memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on spelling half of the Year 3 and 4 National Curriculum spelling words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall spellings with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use long term memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on spelling Year 2 common exception words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall spellings with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use long term memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on spelling Year 1 common exception words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall spellings with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use long term memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
Everything you need to use the precision teaching approach for interventions to support students to learn to read key vocab from the English National Curriculum.
Planning shows how to build student recall and reading of these key words in sessions lasting just 10 minutes a day.
Booklets cover:
A- Year 1 CEW
B - Year 2 CEW
Everything you need to use the precision teaching approach for interventions to support students to learn to read key vocab from the English National Curriculum.
Planning shows how to build student recall and reading of these key words in sessions lasting just 10 minutes a day.
Booklets (labelled A to F so they can be used with students of any age) cover:
A- Year 1 CEW
B - Year 2 CEW
C - Year 3/4 spelling words - part 1
D - Year 3/4 spelling words - part 2
E - Year 5/6 spelling words - part 1
F - Year 5/6 spelling words - part 2
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on reading the other half of the Year 5 and 6 spelling words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall or decode reading words with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on reading half of the Year 5 and 6 spelling words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall or decode reading words with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on reading the other half of the Year 3 and 4 spelling words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall or decode reading words with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on reading half of the Year 3 and 4 spelling words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall or decode reading words with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on reading Year 2 common exception words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall or decode reading words with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.
This booklet is a pre- prepared resource to support work on reading Year 1 common exception words. It can be used with the plan for delivering precision teaching as an intervention.
Precision teaching is often recommended as a strategy to assist students in learning to recall or decode reading words with automaticity or fluency. Educational psychologists will sometimes suggest this approach for students with a dyslexic profile who need to use memory to support their phonological processing. Study of the words should be done in line with a school’s phonics scheme approach to tricky or exception words.