Religion, Philosophy, Sociology & Ethics Resource Base
Average Rating4.75
(based on 1907 reviews)
Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities.
We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities.
We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
Get two free resources when you buy our new revision board game.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Four of our best-selling P4C (Philosophy for Children) resources in a special value ‘Back to School’ bundle!
[Key-words: Back to School, P4C, Philosophy, Fun, Tutor Time, Form Time, Ethics, Morality, Philosophical, Teaching Resources, Back to School]
This is pack 3 of 5!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz and a debate-generating tool/activity for teachers of Art & Design.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can be used individually and the debate generator is an especially useful tool that all teachers of the subject should have at hand.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle contains a Christmas quiz for Art & Design teachers and a selection of seven Christmassy video-worksheets that can be used with any video (or series of videos) to enhance learning and foster engagement.
Together they comprise an easy and fun Christmas lesson (you might wish to shorten the quiz if you wish to do this).
They can also be used individually to constitute multiple Christmas lessons. I am confident you will find the video-learning worksheets especially versatile and useful throughout the month building up to the Christmas break.
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes.
Please see individual items for more details.
Merry Christmas and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
A nice little bundle of resources for spirituality (SMSC).
Perfect for any teacher or form tutor to introduce a more spiritual focus to their teaching.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Enhance the metacognitive awareness of your school with our whole-school metacognition poster set!
Each A3 poster covers a different topic:
Metacognitive Questions
Building a Memory Palace
The Power of Meditation
How to Improve Concentration
What is Metacognition
The Value of Learning
The Secret Power of Mind-Maps
Being Organised
Metacognitive Powers
Metacognition: Key-Points
Thank you for looking at our resources! Make sure to download some of our free samples: just visit
We offer a range of whole-school metacognition resources that aim to enhance metacognitive skills and strategies in students aged 11-16. You can download individual resources or buy our ‘Whole School Metacognition Toolkits’ that make establishing a whole-school metacognition initiative easy.
Our resources specialise in:
Boosting Learning-Power
Teaching Metacognitive Skills & Strategies
Increasing Metacognitive Power (Intelligence, Memory etc.)
These resources are made and distributed in partnership with The Global Metacognition Institute.
Find more metacognition resources at
Join our Facebook Metacognition Working Group for Teachers & Leaders!
Copyright Adam Godwin (2019)
This bundle contains:
-‘What does it mean to be moral?’ [7 Lesson Course]
-Buddhism [9 Lesson Course]
-‘What was the Holocaust?’ [9Lesson Course]
-3 x Christianity Units
-Sikhism [9 Lesson Course]
-Islam [9 Lesson Course]
-P4C (Philosophy 4 Children) [8-Lesson Course]
-Mandala Colouring Pack
-Activity Generator (for RS/Philosophy/Humanities)
-Symbols Quiz
-Two free demos of our ‘debate generators’ to try in your lessons.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This bundle is for a collection of ‘Philosophy Boxes’ lessons/sessions.
Each session comprises a P4C lesson/session that can be used 2-3 times with the same group.
This contains the complete 20 sessions bundle designed for Primary School Teachers. It is tantamount to a complete cross-curricular P4C course and will be useful for countless hours of teaching across every subject. Many of the sessions are also great for tutor/form time.
The Philosophy Boxes Method is a new approach to P4C designed for students in KS1, 2 & 3: it is graphically stimulating, engaging, and fun. This download is also suitable for older students: but the format was designed with younger students in mind.
The aim of Philosophy Boxes is to bring philosophy and critical thinking into every subject at every level: we believe that any subject becomes philosophy when students are asked the right questions and when they think about a topic hard enough and on the deepest (most fundamental) level.
The Philosophy Boxes Method presents students with a set of ‘mystery boxes’, when a student selects one of the boxes they are presented with 1 of 21 discussion/debate activities [that use 1 of 8 different formats].
The presentation has integrated AfL so that teachers can test knowledge at any point in the lesson. There are 10 different AfL slides to choose from.
The design is colourful, animated, fun and engaging: all activities require movement and teachers can decide whether students are expressing their ideas purely verbally or by using post-it notes.
The nature of the design is that it can be used for short sessions (5-10 minutes) or much longer sessions (up to 2 hours!) - it allows for classroom practitioners to be flexible and adaptable. It can, therefore, be used in lessons or as a tutor-time activity.
The download includes a PowerPoint Show; if you would like an editable PPT presentation so that you can make your own ‘Philosophy Boxes’ presentation you will need to download the template here:
A complete selection of Philosophy Boxes lessons can be found here:
Other bundles of ‘Philosophy Boxes’ lessons exist, depending on your need.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz, Christmas Crosswords (x3), a debate generator and a selection of P4C (Philosophy for Children) tools.
These resources should be sufficient for a number of fun KS3 and KS4 Christmassy lessons and serve as an opportunity to bring P4C (Philosophy for Children) into your classroom.
Buying items in this bundle will save at least 50% when compared to the total of their individual values!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz, Christmas Crosswords (x3), a debate generator and a selection of P4C (Philosophy for Children) tools.
These resources should be sufficient for a number of fun KS3 and KS4 Christmassy lessons and serve as an opportunity to bring P4C (Philosophy for Children) into your classroom.
Buying items in this bundle will save at least 50% when compared to the total of their individual values!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Ho! Ho! Hooo! Merry Christmas my teacher friend! This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz and a large collection of printable board games!
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes. You’ll need an A3 printer for most of the boardgames: they’re designed to be effective and fun revision and learning tools!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz, Christmas Crosswords (x3), a debate generator and a selection of P4C (Philosophy for Children) tools.
These resources should be sufficient for a number of fun KS3 and KS4 Christmassy lessons and serve as an opportunity to bring P4C (Philosophy for Children) into your classroom.
Buying items in this bundle will save at least 50% when compared to the total of their individual values!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz, Christmas Crosswords (x3), a debate generator and a selection of P4C (Philosophy for Children) tools.
These resources should be sufficient for a number of fun KS3 and KS4 Christmassy lessons and serve as an opportunity to bring P4C (Philosophy for Children) into your classroom.
Buying items in this bundle will save at least 50% when compared to the total of their individual values!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
Ho! Ho! Hooo! Merry Christmas my teacher friend! This bundle includes a Christmas Quiz and a large collection of printable board games!
The resources are suitable for any age group: the quiz can be differentiated easily by changing team sizes. You’ll need an A3 printer for most of the boardgames: they’re designed to be effective and fun revision and learning tools!
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
This is the ultimate Philosophy for Children (P4C) Pack: perfect for any teacher wishing to bring philosophy and critical thinking into their classroom.
It contains 20 resources and includes:
-An 8-Lesson P4C Course
-Debate generating software
-Philosophy Boxes Discussion Sessions
-A host of other tools and templates
Teaching philosophy is my passion and this resource has been made by me over years of spreading the joy of philosophy to young minds. I hope you will help me bring philosophy into the lives of children around the world by using this resource .
This product is suitable for any teacher (around the world) to bring P4C into their classroom. It provides enough resources for whole-school initiatives and may be of interest to those in leadership positions, or coordinating P4C/PSHE/SMSC/Ethics provisions.
Its uses include:
-Introducing philosophy and P4C
-Boosting critical-thinking skills
-Enhancing meta-cognitive ability
-Practicing conversation and debate skills
Feel free to email me with any questions :)
“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.” - Swami Sivananda
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This is the second half of out 5-star Buddhism GCSE course which you can view here:
It has been designed around the OCR B specification, consequently it is also fully sufficient to teach the AQA specification (and will be useful to teachers teaching on Edexcel, which is slightly different to OCR B/AQA in terms of course contents)
It covers all necessary material for the ‘Beliefs, Teachings & Practices’ section (Section A) of the course in relation to BUDDHISM.
It is the product of many weeks work: I have aimed to make these resources such that every lesson would receive a good or outstanding rating if inspected.
All lesson downloads include:
-A detailed lesson plan: explaining objectives, differentiation, cross-curricular aims, AfL tasks, and an activity timeline.
-A presentation file designed to the highest professional standard.
-Integrated and varied AfL
-A suggested homework task
Downloading this bundle will certainly save you many many hours of preparation time: as a practising Buddhist I hope it will allow Religious Studies Teachers to teach the Buddhist component of their chosen GCSE specification.
Positive reviews are warmly welcomed: I have made this course with pride and hope you will find it comprehensive and useful.
“This moment is the only moment.”
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
An amazing collection of 20 resources and tools for school debating societies.
It is perfect for anyone with a new or established debating society.
The author has been involved in debating societies since he was, himself, chairman of The Debate Club at Magdalen College School. He went on debating until he gained a masters degree in Philosophy!
This pack is the culmination of 4 years of P4C experience. It features 20 high quality debate generating and discussion leading programs.
It’s great for SMSC, P4C, PSHE, and teachers of RE, Philosophy, Sociology, History, Politics, Citizenship and such :)
Feel free to ask me any questions:
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
A unique collection of twenty teaching resources for SMSC Leaders. It includes:
A Christmas Quiz
Christmas teaching resources
Board games
DIRT and AfL tools
Fun P4C activities
Revision Tools
and more!
Save lots of money by buying these 20 products now in this Christmas sale bundle. This collection is also a great gift for teachers you might know :)
Resources are designed for use with KS3, KS4 & KS5 students (aged 12-18).
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
A unique collection of twenty teaching resources for Music teachers and subject leaders. It includes:
A Christmas Quiz
Christmas teaching resources
Board games
DIRT and AfL tools
Fun P4C activities
Revision Tools
and more!
Save lots of money by buying these 20 products now in this Christmas sale bundle. This collection is also a great gift for teachers you might know :)
Resources are designed for use with KS3, KS4 & KS5 students (aged 12-18).
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
**Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
A unique collection of twenty teaching resources for Drama Teachers and subject leaders. It includes:
A Christmas Quiz
Christmas teaching resources
Board games
DIRT and AfL tools
Fun P4C activities
Revision Tools
and more!
Save lots of money by buying these 20 products now in this Christmas sale bundle. This collection is also a great gift for teachers you might know :)
Resources are designed for use with KS3, KS4 & KS5 students (aged 12-18).
Please see individual items for more details.
I hope you enjoy your oncoming holiday and thank you for checking-out my resources! :)
Click here to browse more Christmas teaching resource packs on Tes!
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)