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Religion, Philosophy, Sociology & Ethics Resource Base

Average Rating4.75
(based on 1907 reviews)

Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities. We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!




Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities. We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
GCSE Hinduism - Lesson 3/20 [Karma, Three Types of Karma, Cosmic Justice, Jivan mukti, Sanchita]

GCSE Hinduism - Lesson 3/20 [Karma, Three Types of Karma, Cosmic Justice, Jivan mukti, Sanchita]

This is the third in a series of lessons on Hinduism for GCSE level students for the 'Beliefs, Teachings & Practices' section of the course [section A]. It is designed around the OCR specification and is therefore suitable for teachers using the AQA specification (which is a less detailed equivalent to the OCR spec) and highly relevant to GCSE Religious Studies teachers regardless of the specification used. The Download (comprising 3 files, within one zip file) includes: -A PPT Containing a Full Lesson -A complete lesson plan covering: objectives, key-words, differentiation, and lesson timeline -A double-sided worksheet -A Homework Task The topic of the lesson focusses on the following part of the specification: Karma • The meaning of the term karma and the role it plays in Hindu life and rebirth • Karma as causality and a form of cosmic justice • Karma as the connection between action and consequence • The state of jivan mukti and its relationship to karma • The relationship of karma with samsara • The effect of positive and negative karma within samsara (parabdha karma) • The creation of karma through choices and actions in the current lifetime (kriyamana karma) and its connection with moral/ethical thinking • Sakam karma (with results in mind) and nishkam karma (desireless/fruitless) and the way these relate to rebirth and liberation • Common and divergent emphases given to karma by different Hindu groups • Different interpretations and emphases given to sources of wisdom and authority by different Hindu groups Sources: • Bhagavad Gita III, 3–9 • Bhagavad Gita III,29–30 This is part of a series of lessons, if you like it: save countless hours by downloading the complete course! The complete series of GCSE Hinduism lessons can be downloaded at our TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/godwin86 The 20-Lesson GCSE Buddhism course (rated 5 stars) can also be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-buddhism-ocr-b-aqa-20-lessons-very-high-quality-complete-resources-lesson-plans-worksheets-presentations-11410236 Thank you for your download! Positive reviews are greatly appreciated.
GCSE Hinduism - Lesson 4/20 [Origins & Nature of Reality, Heavenly Realms, prakriti, purusha...]

GCSE Hinduism - Lesson 4/20 [Origins & Nature of Reality, Heavenly Realms, prakriti, purusha...]

This is the third in a series of lessons on Hinduism for GCSE level students for the 'Beliefs, Teachings & Practices' section of the course [section A]. It is designed around the OCR specification and is therefore suitable for teachers using the AQA specification (which is a less detailed equivalent to the OCR spec) and highly relevant to GCSE Religious Studies teachers regardless of the specification used. The Download (comprising 7(+) files, within one zip file) includes: -A PPT Containing a Full Lesson -A complete lesson plan covering: objectives, key-words, differentiation, and lesson timeline -A double-sided A3 worksheet (in 3 formats depending on your printing capacities) -Silent debate A3 Worksheets for group activity -18 Page colour knowledge-hunt (place around the room) -A pack of classical sitar music to play during the knowledge hunt (SMSC) -A Homework Task The topic of the lesson focusses on the following part of the specification: The Nature of Reality • The meanings of the terms: Maya, Loka, Devas and Asuras • The concept of Loka (world/realm/space) and the ways the Lokas are divided • The heavenly realms of the Tri-Murti: Brahma-Loka, Shiva-Loka and Vishnu-Loka/Vaikuntha • The inhabitants of the different realms, including the belief that people are born into different realms as a result of karma • The nature of the material world • The meaning of prakriti, purusha and the trigunas • The role and relationship of prakritim purusha and the trigunas in the creation and constitution of the material world • The cycle of creation and destruction as it applies to the universe, including the roles of the Trimurti and the Mahayuga • Common and divergent teachings and beliefs about worlds and their diverse inhabitants, including Maya, Loka, Devas and Asuras • The nature of reality, including the way gunas interact to determine the nature of things • Common and divergent understandings of cosmology and creation by different Hindu groups, including: • The cyclical universe, trimurti, aum and mahayuga • The relationship between the material world and the concept of Maya • Different interpretations and emphases given to sources of wisdom and authority by different Hindu groups Sources: • The Nasadiya Sukta (Rig Veda) • Katha Upanishad III 10–11 • Chandogya Upanishad III 14 • Bhagavad Gita XIII 19–20 This is part of a series of lessons, if you like it: save countless hours by downloading the complete course! The complete series of GCSE Hinduism lessons can be downloaded at our TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/godwin86 Thank you for your download! Positive reviews are greatly appreciated.
Class, Poverty & Crime - Crime & Deviance L9/20 [ AQA GCSE Sociology - 8192]  Criminality Factors

Class, Poverty & Crime - Crime & Deviance L9/20 [ AQA GCSE Sociology - 8192] Criminality Factors

This fully resourced lesson is professionally designed for the new AQA Sociology GCSE specification (8192). This resource can now be downloaded as a part of a complete 20-lesson bundle. This is lesson 9 of our 20 lesson course for the ‘Sociology of Crime & Deviance’ section; it refers to the ‘Factors Affecting Criminal & Deviant Behaviour’ topic. The lesson focuses on links between class, poverty, inequality and crime/criminality. It addresses the question: “Is poverty the main cause of crime?”. The download includes: -A detailed lesson plan: highlighting differentiation, AfL, key-words, SMSC and a timeline of learning activities (.pdf) -A premium quality PowerPoint presentation (fully animated) that covers the entire lesson (editable) -A double-sided A4 worksheet -A 12 side knowledge-hunt -Homework All lessons are designed around the new AQA specification, we take considerable time making the highest quality lessons.
Christianity, Homophobia & Sexism  [GCSE RS - Religion, Human Rights & Social Justice - L5/10]  F

Christianity, Homophobia & Sexism [GCSE RS - Religion, Human Rights & Social Justice - L5/10] F

This professionally designed lesson is about Christian attitudes to homosexuality and the status of women. It asks two broad questions: "To what extent is Christianity homophobic?" and "To what extent is Christianity sexist?" It was created for the new AQA Religious Studies GCSE specification. It is for the 'Religion, Human Rights & Social Justice' theme (Theme F). It is lesson 5/10 of our downloadable unit for this GCSE RS Thematic Study and focuses on Christian views. The lesson features starters, learning objectives, key-words, key-information, a poster-design/knowledge-hunt task (with images included as well as a comprehensive knowledge hunt), AfL tasks, discussion and debate tasks and homework. It can easily be used for two lessons or condensed, for advanced learners, into one. This download includes: -A full lesson PowerPoint -A knowledge hunt activity file (to be printed and put around the room) -Images for a poser design task -Printable instructions for poster-design task -A detailed lesson plan -AfL tasks & homework The lesson is centered around a poster-design+knowledge hunt activity. All necessary resources to run the lesson are included in this download. Positive reviews are warmly welcome! ------------------------------------- The contents of this page, the download, and all included materials are copyrighted by Adam Godwin (2017) ____________________ System Requirements: Microsoft Office (PowerPoint & Word) Printing 512MB Ram 1.5GHZ Processor ____________________
The Design Argument & First Cause Argument [GCSE RS - Existence of God & Revelation - L3/10] Theme C

The Design Argument & First Cause Argument [GCSE RS - Existence of God & Revelation - L3/10] Theme C

This lesson is about The Design Argument and The First Cause Argument, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. It has been professionally designed for the new AQA Religious Studies GCSE specification. It is for the ‘Existence of God & Revelation’ theme (Theme C). It is lesson 3/10 of our downloadable unit for this GCSE RS Thematic Study and focuses on Christian views. The lesson features starters, learning objectives, key-words, key-information, a colour double-sided A3 worksheet, AfL tasks, discussion and debate tasks and homework. It can probably be stretched into two lessons or condensed, for advanced learners, into one. This download includes: -A full lesson PowerPoint -A knowledge hunt activity file (to be printed and put around the room) -A double-sided colour A3 worksheet -A detailed lesson plan -AfL tasks & homework The lesson is centered around a double-sided colour A3 worksheet and a knowledge hunt activity. All necessary resources to run the lesson are included in this download. Positive reviews are warmly welcome! ------------------------------------- The contents of this page, the download, and all included materials are copyrighted by Adam Godwin (2017) ____________________ System Requirements: Microsoft Office (PowerPoint & Word) Printing 512MB Ram 1.5GHZ Processor ____________________
Christianity, Divorce & Remarriage [GCSE RS - Relationships & Families - L6/10] (Christianity)

Christianity, Divorce & Remarriage [GCSE RS - Relationships & Families - L6/10] (Christianity)

This fully resourced lesson deals with Christianity views about divorce and remarriage. It has been professionally designed for the new AQA Religious Studies GCSE specification. It is for the 'Relationships & Families' theme (Theme A). It is lesson 6/10 of our downloadable unit for this GCSE RS Thematic Study and focuses on Christian views. The lesson features starters, learning objectives, key-words, key-information, a colour double-sided A3 worksheet, AfL tasks, discussion and debate tasks and homework. This download includes: -A full lesson PowerPoint -A double-sided colour A3 worksheet -A detailed lesson plan -AfL tasks & homework The lesson is centered around a double-sided colour A3 worksheet. All necessary resources to run the lesson are included in this download. Positive reviews are warmly welcome! ------------------------------------- The contents of this page, the download, and all included materials are copyrighted by Adam Godwin (2017) ____________________ System Requirements: Microsoft Office (PowerPoint & Word) Printing (for the worksheet) 512MB Ram 1.5GHZ Processor ____________________
Christian Views About Abortion [GCSE RS - Religion & Life - L6/10] Theme B

Christian Views About Abortion [GCSE RS - Religion & Life - L6/10] Theme B

This fully resourced lesson deals with Christianity views about abortion. It has been professionally designed for the new AQA Religious Studies GCSE specification. It is for the 'Religion & Life' theme (Theme B). It is lesson 6/10 of our downloadable unit for this GCSE RS Thematic Study and focuses on Christian views. The lesson features starters, learning objectives, key-words, key-information, a colour double-sided A3 worksheet, AfL tasks, discussion and debate tasks and homework. This download includes: -A full lesson PowerPoint -A double-sided colour A3 worksheet -A detailed lesson plan -AfL tasks & homework The lesson is centered around a double-sided colour A3 worksheet. All necessary resources to run the lesson are included in this download. Positive reviews are warmly welcome! ------------------------------------- The contents of this page, the download, and all included materials are copyrighted by Adam Godwin (2017) ____________________ System Requirements: Microsoft Office (PowerPoint & Word) Printing (for the worksheet) 512MB Ram 1.5GHZ Processor ____________________
Religion & Life - Assessment Materials [AQA GCSE RS - L9/10] Theme B - Practice Exam Papers

Religion & Life - Assessment Materials [AQA GCSE RS - L9/10] Theme B - Practice Exam Papers

This download contains a selection of assessment materials for AQA GCSE Religious Studies, Theme B: 'Religion & Life'. There are three separate assessment lessons (designed for 1 hr slots) in this download. The download includes: -An assessment lesson PowerPoint Presentation (with timer) -3 x assessment options [an A3 double-sided assessment worksheet and four practice exam questions (on two separate worksheets)] -A collection of assessment and feedback tools [including an exam scoreboard, self/peer marking worksheet, a target-setting sheet]. This lesson can be used by any AQA GCSE Religious Studies teacher covering this theme; it was designed to be ninth lesson in our ten-lesson unit for this theme. It has enough resources to be uses for 3 individual 1-hour assessment lessons! Positive reviews are warmly welcome! ------------------------------------- The contents of this page, the download, and all included materials are copyrighted by Adam Godwin (2017) ____________________ System Requirements: Microsoft Office (PowerPoint & Word) Printing (for the assessment worksheets) 512MB Ram 1.5GHZ Processor ____________________
Religion, Human Rights & Social Justice - Assessment Materials [AQA GCSE RS - L9/10] Theme F (KS4)

Religion, Human Rights & Social Justice - Assessment Materials [AQA GCSE RS - L9/10] Theme F (KS4)

This download contains a selection of assessment materials for AQA GCSE Religious Studies, Theme F: 'Religion, Human Rights & Social Justice'. There are three separate assessment lessons (designed for 1 hr slots) in this download. The download includes: -An assessment lesson PowerPoint Presentation (with timer) -3 x assessment options [an A3 double-sided assessment worksheet and four practice exam questions (on two separate worksheets)] -A collection of assessment and feedback tools [including an exam scoreboard, self/peer marking worksheet, a target-setting sheet]. This lesson can be used by any AQA GCSE Religious Studies teacher covering this theme; it was designed to be ninth lesson in our ten-lesson unit for this theme. It has enough resources to be uses for 3 individual 1-hour assessment lessons! Positive reviews are warmly welcome! ------------------------------------- The contents of this page, the download, and all included materials are copyrighted by Adam Godwin (2017) ____________________ System Requirements: Microsoft Office (PowerPoint & Word) Printing (for the assessment worksheets) 512MB Ram 1.5GHZ Processor ____________________
Christianity, Euthanasia & The Afterlife [GCSE RS - Religion & Life L8/10]

Christianity, Euthanasia & The Afterlife [GCSE RS - Religion & Life L8/10]

This fully resourced lesson is about euthanasia. It also touches lightly on the issue of afterlife beliefs in Christianity and their relevance to the euthanasia debate. It has been professionally designed for the new AQA Religious Studies GCSE specification. It is for the 'Religion & Life' theme (Theme B). It is lesson 8/10 of our downloadable unit for this GCSE RS Thematic Study and focuses on Christian views. The lesson features starters, learning objectives, key-words, key-information, a colour double-sided A3 worksheet, AfL tasks, discussion and debate tasks and homework. It is a substantial lesson than could easily be stretched to cover a double-period. This download includes: -A PowerPoint for the whole-lesson -A double-sided colour A3 worksheet -A detailed lesson plan -AfL tasks & homework The lesson is centered around a double-sided colour A3 worksheet. All necessary resources to run the lesson are included in this download. Positive reviews are warmly welcome! ------------------------------------- The contents of this page, the download, and all included materials are copyrighted by Adam Godwin (2017) ____________________ System Requirements: Microsoft Office (PowerPoint & Word) Printing (for the worksheet) 512MB Ram 1.5GHZ Processor ____________________
GCSE Hinduism - L17/20 [Hindu Festivals: Diwali, Holi, Navratri, Kumbha Mela ] [Includes 8 Sessions]

GCSE Hinduism - L17/20 [Hindu Festivals: Diwali, Holi, Navratri, Kumbha Mela ] [Includes 8 Sessions]

This is the seventeenth in a series of lessons on Hinduism for GCSE level students for the ‘Beliefs, Teachings & Practices’ section of the course. It coverers 4 Hindu festivals: -Kumbh Mela -Holi -Diwali -Navratri It is designed for AQA and OCR specifications but relevant to all GCSE Hinduism Religious Studies teachers . The download includes: -A selection of 8 lessons (referring to 4 different Hindu festivals) -Lesson Plans (where necessary) -Homeworks -Worksheets Each festival can be taught using different approaches: A video and documentary based approach based around a (rather beautiful, if I do say so myself) A3 Worksheet. [Includes PPT, Worksheet and Lesson Plan] An ICT Suite ‘Research, Present & Quiz’ approach, which includes integrated peer-assessment. [Includes PPT and Worksheet, Lesson Plan not necessary as it’s such a straightforward approach]. The festivals covered in this download are: -Kumbh Mela -Holi -Diwali -Navratri This is part of a series of lessons, if you like it: save countless hours by downloading the complete course! The complete series of GCSE Hinduism lessons can be downloaded at our TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/godwin86 We also have learning mats, revision sessions, and much more! Thank you for your download! Positive reviews are greatly appreciated.
GCSE Hinduism - L20/20 [ Equality, Social Justice, Women's Rights, Feminism, Social Issues, Caste ]

GCSE Hinduism - L20/20 [ Equality, Social Justice, Women's Rights, Feminism, Social Issues, Caste ]

This is the twentieth in a series of lessons on Hinduism for GCSE level students for the ‘Beliefs, Teachings & Practices’ section of the course. This is the final lesson in the course. It is designed for AQA and OCR specifications but relevant to all GCSE Hinduism Religious Studies teachers . The download includes: -A PPT Containing a Full Lesson -A detailed lesson plan covering: objectives, key-words, differentiation, and lesson timeline -A double-sided A3 worksheet -A Knowledge Hunt Printable -Homework This lesson focuses on Hindu Ethical Concerns (Equality, Women’s Rights and Social Justice): • Hinduism and social issues: • Social responsibility • Social inclusion • Women’s rights • The ways Hindu attitudes, beliefs and teachings are put into practice through charitable projects, including: • Different interpretations and emphases given to sources of wisdom and authority by different Hindu groups • The Purusha Sukta (Rig Veda) • The Bhagavad Gita • The work and example of Gandhi • Karma and the cycle of samsara • Yamas (virtues) especially daya (compassion), dama (restraint) and kshama (patience/tolerance) Sources: Mahabharata XVIII 113 8 Mahabharata III 29 Myths and stories about the deities associated with ethical concerns This is part of a series of lessons, if you like it: save countless hours by downloading the complete course! The complete series of GCSE Hinduism lessons can be downloaded at our TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/godwin86 We also have learning mats, revision sessions, and much more! Thank you for your download! Positive reviews are greatly appreciated.
Ethnicity, Crime & Criminality - Crime & Deviance L8/20 [ AQA GCSE Sociology - 8192] Race Ethnic NEW

Ethnicity, Crime & Criminality - Crime & Deviance L8/20 [ AQA GCSE Sociology - 8192] Race Ethnic NEW

This fully resourced lesson is professionally designed for the new AQA Sociology GCSE specification (8192). This resource can now be downloaded as a part of a complete 20-lesson bundle. This is lesson 8 of our 20 lesson course for the ‘Sociology of Crime & Deviance’ section; it refers to the ‘Factors Affecting Criminal & Deviant Behaviour’ topic. The lesson focuses on links between criminality and ethnicity. It addresses the question: “Are the apparent differences in crime rates are caused by racial prejudice and discrimination in the police force and judiciary?” The download includes: -A detailed lesson plan: highlighting differentiation, AfL, key-words, SMSC and a timeline of learning activities (.pdf) -A premium quality PowerPoint presentation (fully animated) that covers the entire lesson (editable) -A double-sided A4 worksheet -A 10 side knowledge-hunt -Homework All lessons are designed around the new AQA specification, we take considerable time making the highest quality lessons.
Factors Affecting Crime & Criminality- Crime & Deviance L6/20 [ AQA GCSE Sociology - 8192] New Spec

Factors Affecting Crime & Criminality- Crime & Deviance L6/20 [ AQA GCSE Sociology - 8192] New Spec

This fully resourced lesson is professionally designed for the new AQA Sociology GCSE specification (8192). This resource can now be downloaded as a part of a complete 20-lesson bundle. This is lesson 6 of our 20 lesson course for the ‘Sociology of Crime & Deviance’ section; it refers to the ‘Factors Affecting Criminal & Deviant Behaviour’ topic. The lesson focuses on links between criminality and factors such as: ethnicity, class, age and gender. The download includes: -A detailed lesson plan: highlighting differentiation, AfL, key-words, SMSC and a timeline of learning activities (.pdf) -A premium quality PowerPoint presentation (fully animated) that covers the entire lesson (editable) -A double-sided A3 worksheet/information sheet -An 18 side knowledge-hunt: containing arguments for/against Heidensohn’s theory, and information about different means of social control. -Homework All lessons are designed around the new AQA specification, we take considerable time making the highest quality lessons.
Cohen, Criminal Subcultures & Gangs - Crime & Deviance L12/20 [ AQA GCSE Sociology - 8192] New Spec

Cohen, Criminal Subcultures & Gangs - Crime & Deviance L12/20 [ AQA GCSE Sociology - 8192] New Spec

This fully resourced lesson is professionally designed for the new AQA Sociology GCSE specification (8192). This resource can now be downloaded as a part of a complete 20-lesson bundle. This is lesson 12 of our 20 lesson course for the ‘Sociology of Crime & Deviance’ section. The lesson focuses on Cohen’s theory about delinquent subcultures, gangs, and organised crime. The download includes: -A detailed lesson plan: highlighting differentiation, AfL, key-words, SMSC and a timeline of learning activities (.pdf) -A premium quality PowerPoint presentation (fully animated) that covers the entire lesson (editable) -A double-sided A3 worksheet (.doc) -A3 Group-Work Sheets (.doc) -Homework All lessons are designed around the new GCSE specifications, we take considerable time making the highest quality lessons.
RE DISPLAY PACK (displays & posters)

RE DISPLAY PACK (displays & posters)

3 Resources
A collection of displays and learning mats for RE, Ethics & Philosophy on the internet :) Massive discount! Hope you enjoy! :) . Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES! GCSE Religious Studies Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit) Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units) Christianity (Thematic Studies Units) Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit) Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units) Islam (Thematic Studies Units) . .    GCSE Sociology Resources Complete Units (Whole Course) . .  AS/A2 Revision Sessions OCR Religious Studies AQA Philosophy AQA Sociology .  Philosophy for Children (P4C) The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack The Debating Society Toolkit Philosophy Boxes . . Other Tools A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!) KS3 RE Units
Conflict Theories: Marxism & Feminism - Introduction Unit L6/12 - GCSE Sociology

Conflict Theories: Marxism & Feminism - Introduction Unit L6/12 - GCSE Sociology

This is one of twelve lessons comprising the ‘Introduction Unit’ for the new GCSE Sociology specifications (suitable for AQA, & WJEC/EDUQAS). Save over 50% by getting the 12 lesson pack! This is the sixth lesson, it focusses on the conflict theories of Marxism & feminism. This download includes: -A detailed lesson plan: highlighting differentiation, AfL, key-words, SMSC and a timeline of learning activities (.pdf) -A premium quality PPT (fully animated) that covers the entire lesson -An A3 Worksheet (double-sided) -Homework All lessons are professionally designed around the new GCSE specification, certainly useful for any GCSE specification however. We take considerable time making the highest quality lessons, positive reviews are greatly appreciated.
DIRT Worksheet (A3 Double-Sided)

DIRT Worksheet (A3 Double-Sided)

Need an instant DIRT worksheet/session? This is for any GCSE (or exam) subject. This download includes a generic (multi-subject) A3 double-sided DIRT worksheet and PowerPoint instructional slides. DIRT stands for ‘Dedicated Improvement Reflection Time’ and the worksheet features a number of activities that encourage students to reflect on their work, their targets and how to improve. The download also includes a 5-slide, fully-animated, PowerPoint presentation that can be integrated into your teaching materials or used as a session in itself. The Powerpoint features a number of activities for DIRT. Both files are fully editable so that you can make any alterations or changes you might want to.
Introduction Unit - GCSE Sociology (12 Lessons!)

Introduction Unit - GCSE Sociology (12 Lessons!)

12 Resources
This 12-lesson unit is designed for the new GCSE Sociology specifications (suitable for both AQA and EDUQAS/WJEC) All of the lessons have been professionally designed for the new specification, the unit is structured as follows: Lesson 1 - Introducing Sociology Lesson 2 - The Central Debates of Sociology Lesson 3 - Socialisation, Norms & Values Lesson 4 - The Four Main Sociological Views Lesson 5 - Functionalism Lesson 6 - Conflict Theories: Marxism and Feminism Lesson 7 - Understanding the GCSE Sociology Course Lesson 8 - Course Overview Lesson 9 - Assessment Preparation Lesson 10 - Assessment Lesson Lesson 11 - I.C.T. Suite Lesson Lesson 12 - Documentary Learning Lesson This download is fully resourced, comprehensive and complete: it is everything you need to complete the introductory unit of the GCSE Sociology course. PLEASE NOTE: Minimum system requirements: 512MB RAM, 1.5ghz processor. Microsoft Office. . Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES! GCSE Religious Studies Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit) Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units) Christianity (Thematic Studies Units) Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit) Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units) Islam (Thematic Studies Units) . .    GCSE Sociology Resources Complete Units (Whole Course) .  AS/A2 Revision Sessions OCR Religious Studies AQA Philosophy AQA Sociology .  Philosophy for Children (P4C) The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack The Debating Society Toolkit Philosophy Boxes . Other Tools A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!) KS3 RE Units Copyright Adam Godwin (2018)
GCSE AQA Religious Studies RS RE - Sample Answers and Commentaries

GCSE AQA Religious Studies RS RE - Sample Answers and Commentaries

Sample answers and commentaries from AQA for the new specification. Received via email but not uploaded onto their site yet. "Explain two religious beliefs about miracles" “The design argument proves that God exists” "If God were loving, there would be no suffering in the world" Shared freely in the hope that you will have a look at my other resources: -20 lessons GCSE Buddhism Course -20 lessons GCSE Hinduism Course -PLCs -Revision tools for all sections -Materials for Buddhism & Hinduism (Themes section) -Debate Generating Software Just search ‘Godwin86’ on TES OR Click here to visit our TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/godwin86