Religion, Philosophy, Sociology & Ethics Resource Base
Average Rating4.75
(based on 1907 reviews)
Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities.
We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
Resources for Religious Studies, Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities.
We specialise in making whole units and courses for ultimate convenience and time-saving. We always aim to make the best resource for a given topic: our goal is perfection and our resources have helped educate 1 million+ students!
This 36 page booklet is designed for Religious Studies teachers/students who are covering Buddhism at GCSE level (AQA).
The booklet:
-Breaks the specification into 36 topics
-Postulates at least five hypothetical exam statements for 12 mark questions.
-Includes a wide array Buddhist quotes, sayings, and sources.
-Has been rigorously checked so that there are no 'Fake Buddha Quotes' [since there are many on the internet]
It should be considered an essential tool to prepare students for their exams and is especially suited to motivated, gifted and talented, and independent students who are determined to succeed.
If you're teaching Buddhism at GCSE level you can save yourself a LOT of time by downloading our 5-Star 20-lesson GCSE Buddhism course here:
The worksheet can either be set as a homework task or to structure an IT-Suite Lesson.
It asks students to create presentation with quiz questions and lists differentiated options for them to choose from. The reverse of the A4 sheet features peer-assessment tables for students to rate one another's work according to specified criteria.
The download also includes a PPT with instructions (needing minimal customisation) and AfL slides.
The lesson should, ideally, use 40 minutes for students to create the presentation in pairs and then 20 minutes to quiz and peer assess one another.
The worksheet is easily customisable to other topics.
The worksheet can either be set as a homework task or to structure an IT-Suite Lesson.
It asks students to create presentation with quiz questions and lists differentiated options for them to choose from. The reverse of the A4 sheet features peer-assessment tables for students to rate one another's work according to specified criteria.
The download also includes a PPT with instructions (needing minimal customisation) and AfL slides.
The lesson should, ideally, use 40 minutes for students to create the presentation in pairs and then 20 minutes to quiz and peer assess one another.
The worksheet is easily customisable to other topics.
The worksheet can either be set as a homework task or to structure an IT-Suite Lesson.
It asks students to create presentation with quiz questions and lists differentiated options for them to choose from. The reverse of the A4 sheet features peer-assessment tables for students to rate one another's work according to specified criteria.
The download also includes a PPT with instructions (needing minimal customisation) and AfL slides.
The lesson should, ideally, use 40 minutes for students to create the presentation in pairs and then 20 minutes to quiz and peer assess one another.
The worksheet is easily customisable to other topics.
Contains all debate generators for GCSE Religious Studies (specific to 6 different religions, 50 debates each [linked to exam specs]) as well as the more substantial Philosophy, Ethics and Politics debate generators (each with 200 slides each, and four different debate formats).
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Contains moral debate generators for the six world religions, with moral issues based on Religious Studies specifications 2016/7 onwards:
Each item includes:
50 Debates
-Animated slides
-A randomiser function
-Central moral/ethical teachings for students to link to debate prompts
-All debates linked to moral issues from the exam board specifications (specifically, OCR/AQA specs, 2016/7 onwards)
It is ideal for:
-Teaching and revising moral concepts specific to the religion covered.
-Teaching students to apply general moral principles from the religious tradition to different moral issues.
-Practising exam technique: most of the debate prompts are potential 12/15 mark questions.
-End of lesson activities
-Revision sessions
-Cover lessons
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
This download is for Religious Studies teachers covering Sikhism at GCSE Level. It can also be used at KS3 level, though its design is based on GCSE specifications (2016/7 onwards).
It features:
-50 Debates
-Animated slides
-A randomiser function
-Central moral/ethical teachings for students to link to debate prompts
-All debates linked to moral issues from the exam board specifications (2016/7 onwards)
It is ideal for:
-Teaching and revising moral concepts specific to the religion covered.
-Teaching students to apply general moral principles from the religious tradition to different moral issues.
-Practising exam technique: most of the debate prompts are potential 12/15 mark questions.
-End of lesson activities
-Revision sessions
-Cover lessons
The debate format asks students to move from one side of the room or the other based on whether they think a member of the religious tradition should agree or disagree with the statement, it is also good practice to get students to move to express their opinion in response to the statement.
It is also good practice to ask students for ideas other than the ones on the slide they might connect, and update the slides accordingly.
This download is for Religious Studies teachers covering Judaism at GCSE Level. It can also be used at KS3 level, though its design is based on GCSE specifications (2016/7 onwards).
It features:
-50 Debates
-Animated slides
-A randomiser function
-Central moral/ethical teachings for students to link to debate prompts
-All debates linked to moral issues from the exam board specifications (specifically, OCR/AQA specs, 2016/7 onwards)
It is ideal for:
-Teaching and revising moral concepts specific to the religion covered.
-Teaching students to apply general moral principles from the religious tradition to different moral issues.
-Practising exam technique: most of the debate prompts are potential 12/15 mark questions.
-End of lesson activities
-Revision sessions
-Cover lessons
The debate format asks students to move from one side of the room or the other based on whether they think a member of the religious tradition should agree or disagree with the statement, it is also good practice to get students to move to express their opinion in response to the statement.
It is also good practice to ask students for ideas other than the ones on the slide they might connect, and update the slides accordingly.
This download is for Religious Studies teachers covering Islam at GCSE Level. It can also be used at KS3 level, though its design is based on GCSE specifications (2016/7 onwards).
It features:
-50 Debates
-Animated slides
-A randomiser function
-Central moral/ethical teachings for students to link to debate prompts
-All debates linked to moral issues from the exam board specifications (specifically, OCR/AQA specs, 2016/7 onwards)
It is ideal for:
-Teaching and revising moral concepts specific to the religion covered.
-Teaching students to apply general moral principles from the religious tradition to different moral issues.
-Practising exam technique: most of the debate prompts are potential 12/15 mark questions.
-End of lesson activities
-Revision sessions
-Cover lessons
The debate format asks students to move from one side of the room or the other based on whether they think a member of the religious tradition should agree or disagree with the statement, it is also good practice to get students to move to express their opinion in response to the statement.
It is also good practice to ask students for ideas other than the ones on the slide they might connect, and update the slides accordingly.
This download is for Religious Studies teachers covering Hinduism at GCSE Level. It can also be used at KS3 level, though its design is based on GCSE specifications (2016/7 onwards).
It features:
-50 Debates
-Animated slides
-A randomiser function
-Central moral/ethical teachings for students to link to debate prompts
-All debates linked to moral issues from the exam board specifications (specifically, OCR/AQA specs, 2016/7 onwards)
It is ideal for:
-Teaching and revising moral concepts specific to the religion covered.
-Teaching students to apply general moral principles from the religious tradition to different moral issues.
-Practising exam technique: most of the debate prompts are potential 12/15 mark questions.
-End of lesson activities
-Revision sessions
-Cover lessons
The debate format asks students to move from one side of the room or the other based on whether they think a member of the religious tradition should agree or disagree with the statement, it is also good practice to get students to move to express their opinion in response to the statement.
It is also good practice to ask students for ideas other than the ones on the slide they might connect, and update the slides accordingly.
This download is for Religious Studies teachers covering Christianity at GCSE Level. It can also be used at KS3 level, though its design is based on GCSE specifications (2016/7 onwards).
It features:
-50 Debates
-Animated slides
-A randomiser function
-Central moral/ethical teachings for students to link to debate prompts
-All debates linked to moral issues from the exam board specifications (specifically, OCR/AQA specs, 2016/7 onwards)
It is ideal for:
-Teaching and revising moral concepts specific to the religion covered.
-Teaching students to apply general moral principles from the religious tradition to different moral issues.
-Practising exam technique: most of the debate prompts are potential 12/15 mark questions.
-End of lesson activities
-Revision sessions
-Cover lessons
The debate format asks students to move from one side of the room or the other based on whether they think a member of the religious tradition should agree or disagree with the statement, it is also good practice to get students to move to express their opinion in response to the statement.
It is also good practice to ask students for ideas other than the ones on the slide they might connect, and update the slides accordingly.
This download is for Religious Studies teachers covering Buddhism at GCSE Level. It can also be used at KS3 level, though its design is based on GCSE specifications (2016/7 onwards).
It features:
-50 Debates
-Animated slides
-A randomiser function
-Central moral/ethical teachings for students to link to debate prompts
-All debates linked to moral issues from the exam board specifications (specifically, OCR/AQA specs, 2016/7 onwards)
It is ideal for:
-Teaching and revising moral concepts specific to the religion covered.
-Teaching students to apply general moral principles from the religious tradition to different moral issues.
-Practising exam technique: most of the debate prompts are potential 12/15 mark questions.
-End of lesson activities
-Revision sessions
-Cover lessons
The debate format asks students to move from one side of the room or the other based on whether they think a member of the religious tradition should agree or disagree with the statement, it is also good practice to get students to move to express their opinion in response to the statement.
It is also good practice to ask students for ideas other than the ones on the slide they might connect, and update the slides accordingly.
This bundle is designed to be an essential purchase for all PSHE leaders.
It includes the PSHE Debate Generator, as well as the Political Debate Generator and Moral Dilemma Generator.
This is a 211 slide PPT, containing over 200 PSHE debates, discussions, and dilemmas.
It also contains a 'randomiser' slide: when clicked a random debate is presented to the group.
-PSHE Sessions
-P4C (Philosophy for kids)
-Form/tutor time activities
-Cover Lessons
-Debating societies
-Making best use of spare time at the end of lessons
Discussions follow one of five formats, each asking students to move from one side of the room or the other to make their position clear: teachers should then use questioning to foster a debate between students, encouraging them to present reasons for their choice and defend their position.
The formats are:
-Agree or Disagree?
-Which parallel dimension would you go to?
-Which of the two laws would you put in place?
-Which job would you prefer?
-Which is better?
This resource is great value at £4.99 and cannot be found elsewhere:
-Every debate is directly relevant to the PSHE remit.
-It clearly contributes to your school's SMSC provision
-Furthers students' critical thinking skills
-It allows for countless hours of discussion and debate to be structured in a focussed and engaging manner
-It would take days to reproduce yourself
-It can save vast amounts of staff time in preparing cover lessons
-It is the perfect way to make the most of any time a teacher might have left at the end of a lesson
-It deals with cross curricular issues
Please note: this resource deals with controversial issues, debates and questions that may be deemed unsuitable for younger children. It is designed for secondary school students, but can be easily adapted to younger years with appropriate amendments by their teacher.
This download is part of a four-lesson series on:
-Atheism & Agnosticism
-The Secularisation of Society
-Non-Religious Ethics & Values
The series is designed as an essential component of GCSE Religious Studies courses: regardless of the primary religion(s) studied. It is an ideal way to provide your students with additional perspectives for 12/15 mark answers: as all specifications now allow students to compare religious worldviews with non-religious ones.
This lesson is focussed on Humanism; the objectives of the lesson are:
-To describe what Humanism is
-To explain the main beliefs Humanists hold
-To analyse and debate Humanist beliefs
Implicit objectives include:
-To identify common humanist objections to religious influences on society, law and politics
-To draw out (through debate) the motivations Humanists have for rejecting religion and religious beliefs.
The download includes:
-A full lesson PowerPoint Presentation designed to the highest professional standard
-A complete lesson plan, stating: differentiation, key-words, objectives and a detailed timeline of activities.
-A double-sided A4 Worksheet
-A double-sided A4 Homework Worksheet
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or for further details.
This is for the legacy spec, brand new resources have been uploaded for the 2017 spec onwards.
If you are teaching the new specification DO NOT BUT THIS RESOURCE: BUY OUR NEW STUFF!
Complete teaching materials for GCSE Sociology Units:
-The Sociology of Work
-Crime & Deviance
A full lesson on Marxism, Education and The Family.
The Sociology Christmas Quiz
The Sociology Debate Generator!
And two bonus ‘activity generator’ resources useful to any Sociology Teacher.
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units
Essential for any KS4/5 Sociology teachers! Generate debates instantly, never waste a minute of class-time!
This is a 202 slide PPT, containing 200 Sociological debates, discussions, and dilemmas.
It also contains a ‘randomiser’ slide: when clicked a random sociological debate is presented to the group.
-GCSE/AS/A2 Sociology Classes
-P4C (Philosophy for kids)
-Form time activities
-Sociology/Citizenship/History/Politics/R.S./Philosophy cover lessons
-Debating societies
-Making best use of spare time at the end of lessons
Discussions follow one of three formats, each asking students to move from one side of the room or the other to make their position clear: teachers should then use questioning to foster a debate between students, encouraging them to present reasons for their choice and defend their position.
The formats are:
-Agree or Disagree?
-Which parallel dimension would you go to?
-Which of the two laws would you put in place?
This resource is great value at £4.99 and cannot be found elsewhere:
-It clearly contributes to your school’s SMSC provision
-Furthers students’ critical thinking skills
-It allows for countless hours of discussion and debate to be structured in a focussed and engaging manner
-It would take days to reproduce yourself
-It can save vast amounts of staff time in preparing cover lessons
-It is the perfect way to make the most of any time a teacher might have left at the end of a lesson
-It deals with cross curricular issues
Please note: this resource deals with controversial issues, debates and questions that may be deemed unsuitable for younger children. It is designed for secondary school students, but can be easily adapted to younger years with appropriate amendments by their teacher.
This pack contains four different printable board games. 3 of the 4 games also include PPT files with instructions.
All are in Word format so easily customisable (by the teacher or student).
Check-out some of our most popular resources on TES!
GCSE Religious Studies
Buddhism (20 Lesson Unit)
Buddhism (Thematic Studies Units)
Christianity (Thematic Studies Units)
Hinduism (20 Lesson Unit)
Hinduism (Thematic Studies Units)
Islam (Thematic Studies Units)
GCSE Sociology Resources
Complete Units (Whole Course)
AS/A2 Revision Sessions
OCR Religious Studies
AQA Philosophy
AQA Sociology
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
The Ultimate P4C Resource Pack
The Debating Society Toolkit
Philosophy Boxes
Other Tools
A3 DIRT Worksheet (15+ 5-star ratings!)
KS3 RE Units