Grule1's ShopAverage Rating4.68(based on 94 reviews)Teacher of French and Spanish at Hitchin Boys’ SchoolEdit shopAdd a resource
grule1Studio 2 Rouge: Module 3. Unit 2, On se dit tout(0)Following Studio 2 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio 1: Module 3. Unit 1, Mon ordi et mon portable(0)Following Studio 1 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio 1: Module 2. Unit 5, Miam-miam(0)Following Studio 1 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio 1: Module 4. Unit 4, Coucou(0)Following Studio 1 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio 1: Module 4. Unit 3, Le weekend(0)Following Studio 1 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio 2 Rouge: Module 3. Unit 3, Quelle musique écoutes-tu?(0)Following Studio 2 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio 1: Module 2. Unit 2, C'est génial(0)Following Studio 1 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio 1: Module 3. Unit 3, Qu'est-ce que tu fais(0)Following Studio 1 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio 1: Module 2. Unit 1, Mes matières(0)Following Studio 1 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio 1: Module 3. Unit 5, Ils sont actifs(0)Following Studio 1 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio GCSE Vert Foundation: Module 7. Point de départ. Bon travail!(0)A PowerPoint presentation to go alongside the content covered in Studio Vert’s coursebook. Does not come with audio for the listening activities.
grule1Studio GCSE Rouge Higher: Module 6. Unit 1. Mon bahut(0)A PowerPoint presentation to go alongside the content covered in Studio Rouge’s coursebook. Does not come with audio for the listening activities.
grule1Studio GCSE Vert Foundation: Module 7. Unit 1. Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais faire?(0)A PowerPoint presentation to go alongside the content covered in Studio Vert’s coursebook. Does not come with audio for the listening activities.
grule1Studio GCSE Rouge Higher: Module 2. Unit 4. Mes émissions préférées(0)PowerPoint presentation to go alongside the content covered in Studio Rouge’s coursebook. Does not come with audio for the listening activities.
grule1Studio 1: Module 1. Unit 1, Mon autoportrait(0)Following Studio 1 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.
grule1Studio GCSE Rouge Higher: Module 6. Unit 2. L'école chez nouz, l'école chez vous(0)A PowerPoint presentation to go alongside the content covered in Studio Rouge’s coursebook. Does not come with audio for the listening activities.
grule1Studio GCSE Rouge Higher: Module 2. Unit 1. Tu es plutôt foot, tennis ou basket?(0)A PowerPoint presentation to go alongside the content covered in Studio Rouge’s coursebook. Does not come with audio for the listening activities
grule1Studio GCSE Rouge Higher: Module 6. Point de départ. Au college(0)A PowerPoint presentation to go alongside the content covered in Studio Rouge’s coursebook. Does not come with audio for the listening activities.
grule1Studio GCSE Rouge Higher: Module 4. Unit 3. Il fera beau demain?(0)A PowerPoint presentation to go alongside the content covered in Studio Rouge’s coursebook. Does not come with audio for the listening activities.
grule1Studio 1: Module 5. Unit 2, Je me prépare(0)Following Studio 1 scheme of work. Will require access to textbook for listening tracks.