We are Sally and Amanda from Guinea Pig Education. We present a range of complimentary teaching aids and workbooks to use in your classroom or as homework – in both print and digital format.
We aim to raise reading standards and to develop literacy skills, with our ‘fun for kids’ phonic reading resources.
We also offer support for pupils aged 4-16 years. We highly recommend our comprehension and creative writing resources - which build confidence and develop imagination.
We are Sally and Amanda from Guinea Pig Education. We present a range of complimentary teaching aids and workbooks to use in your classroom or as homework – in both print and digital format.
We aim to raise reading standards and to develop literacy skills, with our ‘fun for kids’ phonic reading resources.
We also offer support for pupils aged 4-16 years. We highly recommend our comprehension and creative writing resources - which build confidence and develop imagination.
Naughty Nigel: Read the story to revise suffixes and prefixes.
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
Snow: Read the story to revise the phonic sound ow.
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
Muddy Shoes: Read the story to revise the phonic sound ea.
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
Sam’s Half Term: Read the story to revise the phonic sound soft c.
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
Read the story ‘Summer Sales’ to revise ough and augh.
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
Sam And Kim’s Week: Read the story to revise the phonic sound soft g.
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
Bad Cat: Read the story to revise phonic sound ea
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
Feather World: Read the story to revise soft c, soft g and words ending in …ing.
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
A Disaster Strikes: Read the story to reinforce silent letters
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
A Day Out At The Forest: Learn The Spelling Rule i before e, except after c
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
Donalds: Read the story to learn phonic sounds au and aw
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
First Day At School: Read the story to learn ue (as in blue), u and e (as in cube), u (as in music), ui (as in suit)
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
The Famous Cousin From The Country: Read the story to revise phonic sound ou, that sounds like u.
Read the story and then answer the reading comprehension questions. Younger children might wish to work alongside an adult and answer the comprehension questions orally.
This resource is part of our ‘Learn To Read With Phonics’ reading scheme.
This DIGITAL resource contains a link to access and make a copy into your google drive. It is fully editable and can be shared with your students via Google Classroom or similar platform. Pdf version included.
This resource provides a writing skeleton, so the child can write their own autumn story They should complete the sentences and choose the best words from the multiple choice options or make up their own endings to the sentences. Look at how the story is structured into three paragraphs - a beginning, a middle paragraph building up suspense and an ending. The child can then read and write their own Autumn poem.
This series provides prompts to get the child to write. It provides starting points to encourage children of all abilities to write - even the most reluctant writers. With this series they will be inspired to write stories, poems, play scripts, diaries, reports, persuasive leaflets and more.
More than this, the child will learn writing techniques; simple, compound and complex sentences, connectives and spelling, punctuation and grammar tips. There is an emphasis on improving vocabulary - looking at lots of better word choices: harder adjectives, more powerful verbs and adverbs.
This DIGITAL resource contains a link to access and make a copy into your google drive. It is fully editable and can be shared with your students via Google Classroom or similar platform. Pdf version included.
Includes two resources:
‘Write About What Scares You Most‘
The child should read the radio script from Guinea Pig radio and the dialogue between DJ George and his co presenter. Then, they should read the emails and messages sent in by the listeners, describing their nightmares and worst fears. The child should, then, develop some of these ideas into stories with three paragraphs. The child should write their own imaginary e-mail about what scares them or what they fear most. Finally, they should complete the ‘I am scared’ and ‘I am loving’ pages.
‘I Hate Horrible Hairy Spiders’
The child should read the pages, to help him or her plan and structure a story in three paragraphs (with a beginning, a middle and an end). The child should read the story of the ‘horrible, hairy spider’ and complete the last paragraph, winding the story up. The child should then use the ideas given to write his or her own creepy crawly or crocodile and alligators story.
This series provides prompts to encourage children to write. It provides starting points, to encourage even the most reluctant writers. Presented in a lively ‘magazine style’ format, these packs feature stories and non fiction texts to read. They include follow up activities that will inspire even the most reluctant writer, to write stories, letters, play scripts, diaries, poems, persuasive leaflets and more. More than this, the child will learn writing techniques including: simple, compound and complex sentences - connectives, grammar tips - harder vocabulary and punctuation.
Aimed at 7-11 year olds, these work packs provide excellent writing practice for those children preparing to take examinations. They will also benefit children with special needs, or where English is a second language.
32 pages
This DIGITAL resource contains a link to access and make a copy into your google drive. It is fully editable and can be shared with your students via Google Classroom. Pdf version included.
Includes two resources:
‘I Hate Horrible Hairy Spiders’
The child should read the pages, to help him or her plan and structure a story in three paragraphs (with a beginning, a middle and an end).
The child should read the story of the ‘horrible, hairy spider’ and complete the last paragraph, winding the story up. The child should then use the ideas given to write his or her own creepy crawly or crocodile and alligators story.
‘Write About What Scares You Most‘
The child should read the radio script from Guinea Pig radio and the dialogue between DJ George and his co presenter. Then, they should read the emails and messages sent in by the listeners, describing their nightmares and worst fears. The child should, then, develop some of these ideas into stories with three paragraphs. The child should write their own imaginary e-mail about what scares them or what they fear most. Finally, they should complete the ‘I am scared’ and ‘I am loving’ pages.
This series provides prompts to encourage children to write. It provides starting points, to encourage even the most reluctant writers. Presented in a lively ‘magazine style’ format, these packs feature stories and non fiction texts to read. They include follow up activities that will inspire even the most reluctant writer, to write stories, letters, play scripts, diaries, poems, persuasive leaflets and more. More than this, the child will learn writing techniques including: simple, compound and complex sentences - connectives, grammar tips - harder vocabulary and punctuation.
Aimed at 7-11 year olds, these work packs provide excellent writing practice for those children preparing to take examinations. They will also benefit children with special needs, or where English is a second language.
32 pages
Persuasive Writing work packs are essential for all students, of 9-14 years, wanting to develop their literacy skills and improve their grades in English assignments and examinations.
Persuasive Writing work packs teach children how to write from different points of view and how opinions can be used to make articles biased. This series of work packs will enable the student to write convincingly in letters, leaflets, brochures and newspaper articles for example. The packs include a lively collection of writings, poems and a play to inspire the pupils. These are designed as starting points, ideal for the student who finds it difficult to think up ideas for writing, challenging them to recreate their own persuasive pieces.
In addition to this, the packs teach organisational and literary devices in persuasive writing, including, figurative language, emotive words, repetition, connectives and use of good vocabulary. The student will learn how to consider writing for the appropriate audience, how to vary sentence types in order to make writing more interesting, and the importance of using good spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Each work pack includes an exciting range of model answers and sample texts written by students and provides practice questions to test them. Common errors made by students are highlighted and corrected. They are packed with vital hints and tips to enable the pupil to be successful and gain good grades.
The work packs are ideal for home study and will reinforce the work done in school. They may be purchased in any order. There are a number of titles to choose from. By working through the packs, the student will grow in confidence and will learn to enjoy writing. The packs are also a useful resource for teachers and save hours of time when preparing lessons or homework tasks.
15 pages
Persuasive Writing work packs are essential for all students, of 9-14 years, wanting to develop their literacy skills and improve their grades in English assignments and examinations.
Persuasive Writing work packs teach children how to write from different points of view and how opinions can be used to make articles biased. This series of work packs will enable the student to write convincingly in letters, leaflets, brochures and newspaper articles for example. The packs include a lively collection of writings, poems and a play to inspire the pupils. These are designed as starting points, ideal for the student who finds it difficult to think up ideas for writing, challenging them to recreate their own persuasive pieces.
In addition to this, the packs teach organisational and literary devices in persuasive writing, including, figurative language, emotive words, repetition, connectives and use of good vocabulary. The student will learn how to consider writing for the appropriate audience, how to vary sentence types in order to make writing more interesting, and the importance of using good spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Each work pack includes an exciting range of model answers and sample texts written by students and provides practice questions to test them. Common errors made by students are highlighted and corrected. They are packed with vital hints and tips to enable the pupil to be successful and gain good grades.
The work packs are ideal for home study and will reinforce the work done in school. They may be purchased in any order. There are a number of titles to choose from. By working through the packs, the student will grow in confidence and will learn to enjoy writing. The packs are also a useful resource for teachers and save hours of time when preparing lessons or homework tasks.
15 pages
Persuasive Writing work packs are essential for all students, of 9-14 years, wanting to develop their literacy skills and improve their grades in English assignments and examinations.
Persuasive Writing work packs teach children how to write from different points of view and how opinions can be used to make articles biased. This series of work packs will enable the student to write convincingly in letters, leaflets, brochures and newspaper articles for example. The packs include a lively collection of writings, poems and a play to inspire the pupils. These are designed as starting points, ideal for the student who finds it difficult to think up ideas for writing, challenging them to recreate their own persuasive pieces.
In addition to this, the packs teach organisational and literary devices in persuasive writing, including, figurative language, emotive words, repetition, connectives and use of good vocabulary. The student will learn how to consider writing for the appropriate audience, how to vary sentence types in order to make writing more interesting, and the importance of using good spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Each work pack includes an exciting range of model answers and sample texts written by students and provides practice questions to test them. Common errors made by students are highlighted and corrected. They are packed with vital hints and tips to enable the pupil to be successful and gain good grades.
The work packs are ideal for home study and will reinforce the work done in school. They may be purchased in any order. There are a number of titles to choose from. By working through the packs, the student will grow in confidence and will learn to enjoy writing. The packs are also a useful resource for teachers and save hours of time when preparing lessons or homework tasks.
23 pages
Information Writing work packs are essential for all students wanting to develop their literacy skills and improve their grades in English assignments and examinations.
Information Writing work packs concentrate specifically on information writing, providing everything needed to stimulate a child to write. The child is taught to recognise the difference between facts and opinions. Each pack in this series concentrates on a different aspect of information writing including: writing to advise, writing to inform, writing to explain, writing to analyse, review and comment, giving examples. The child is taught how a newspaper article is structured, how to write formal and informal letters, diaries, police reports, e-mails, biographies, autobiographies, interviews, book reviews and many more.
The work packs contain starting point for writing, helping the child to form ideas, enabling him or her to structure their work and organise it into paragraphs. Attention is given to making writing more interesting by varying sentence types, using punctuation and good grammar.
Each work pack includes an exciting range of model answers and sample texts written by students and provides practice questions to test them. Common errors made by students are highlighted and corrected. They are packed with vital hints and tips to enable the student to be successful and gain good grades.
The packs are a very useful resource for teachers and save hours of time when preparing lessons or homework tasks. The specimen lesson plans and examples contained within each work pack will give the student ideas to build on and provide practice to develop their writing skills. Each work pack provides children with ideas for writing, especially reluctant writers who require starting points to write. Each work pack provides a safe topic that children will be comfortable with.