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Introducing Shape: Triangle
Use this powerpoint to introduce the shape Traingle.
Children will recognise different objects in different sections with Triangle Powerpoint.
My children also enjoy pretending to be a teacher to teach other friends on the IWB using this powerpoint.
Introducing Square
Use this powerpoint to introduce the shape Square.
Children will recognise different objects in different sections with square shape powerpoint.
My children also enjoy pretending to be a teacher to teach other friends on the IWB using this powerpoint.
What is your favourite pet?
A powerpoint included some pets with their sounds to let the children guess.
It is also good for the children to play by themselves with the ipad.
Green Week Powerpoint
Help the children to save the earth by this powerpoint
Using the song to help the children remember it easily
Jungle animal sounds guessing
To help the children listen to and guess the sounds of some jungle animals
Long and Short ppt - teach Preschoolers about length
To help the children compare the length of different objects
To familiar with these words: long and short