Blank volcano diagram to label
Blank diagram to label
Volcanoes quiz
Volcanoes quiz to beat the mouse
Plate boundaries
Table to complete about 3 types of plate boundary
Seismograph statement activity
Students stick statements along graph to show where they think they would occur - before, during or after an Earthquake event,
KWL table for tectonic activity
KWL table to use at beginning of topic with key tectonic words.
Location of earthquakes and volcanoes
Activity to describe patterns of tectonic activity
Earth structure missing words
A missing words exercise to describe the layers of the earth and their characteristics
picture info cards for each burgess zone
use to aid kids observation and view changes through zones
AQA A urban unit keywords and glossary
Urban dictionary
AQA A Rocks and Resources key word glossary
Geology glossary, resources, scenary
Antaractica newspaper wordframe/template
A Newspaper template to discuss the human impact upon Antarctica.
Coastal defence methods
Coastal defense methods advantages and disadvantages table to complete along with information cards
Comparing the cimates of the Rainforest and Hull
Data sheet to produce a climate graph for the rainforest.
Hull Climate Graphs
Table to compare both climates.
Rainforest vegetation cards
A set of rainforest plant species info cards.
Around the world quiz
A quiz with flags, capital cities, and country outlines.
Coast defence decision scenario cards
Coastal defense decision cards along the Holderness Coast. Letter help card guide.
Following a route/symbols
Map skills - following a route/symbols
Antaractica prior knowledge
Antarctica prior knowledge worksheet/word bank
GCSE topic posters
GCSE topic posters (AQA A)
Earths structure
Earths structure labeling sheet. Low ability.