Previously a Subject Leader and Science SLE with bags of experience with all things KS4 and A level Biology.
I am currently teaching and creating resources for:
OCR A Level Biology,
AQA Trilogy, Synergy and Triple
Edexcel iGCSE coming soon
KS3 ( looking at the AQA 2 year course) including Biomimicry
If there is anything specific that you would like, please send me a message.
Previously a Subject Leader and Science SLE with bags of experience with all things KS4 and A level Biology.
I am currently teaching and creating resources for:
OCR A Level Biology,
AQA Trilogy, Synergy and Triple
Edexcel iGCSE coming soon
KS3 ( looking at the AQA 2 year course) including Biomimicry
If there is anything specific that you would like, please send me a message.
For A level Biology - suitable for all exam boards and includes student work sheets to calculate chi-squared
This lesson:
Teaches the theory
Worked example using 3:1 monohybrid cross with earlobes shape
Dihybrid example question with peas
Unfamiliar context using a tub of celebrations - photo so you don’t need to buy them!
Exam questions to try at the end.
Lots more resources available!
I have been creating podcasts to help students revise the A level Biology content.
I created this work sheet to use alongside the podcast.
Students spend 10 minutes answering the questions first, listen to the podcast and mark their answers, adding any additional detail that they need in the extra box.
There are 2 parts to 2.1.2 as it is such a large topic about 25 mins long each.
More podcasts added regularly
Created using the Edexcel International GCSE Biology specification.
This resource contains 18 slides of activities, tailored to the specification. I have included all resources ina single documentr
Paper 2 is distinguished by using light grey boxes and practical and maths skills indicated by icons in the corner.
Top ways to use this resource:
Print off as a booklet and use alongside teaching
Set as homework
Revision lessons for tests and exams
Print off on card to create active recall flashcards
Please note, this does not come with answers as it is meant to be an independent task using notes and revision guides to aid learning.
Created using the Edexcel International GCSE Biology specification.
This resource contains 2 slides of activities, tailored to the specification. Other topics available
Paper 2 is distinguished by using light grey boxes and practical and maths skills indicated by icons in the corner.
Top ways to use this resource:
Print off as a booklet and use alongside teaching
Set as homework
Revision lessons for tests and exams
Print off on card to create active recall flashcards
Please note, this does not come with answers as it is meant to be an independent task using notes and revision guides to aid learning.
Created using the Edexcel International GCSE Biology specification.
This resource contains 2 slides of activities, tailored to the specification. Other topics are available
Paper 2 is distinguished by using light grey boxes and practical and maths skills indicated by icons in the corner.
Top ways to use this resource:
Print off as a booklet and use alongside teaching
Set as homework
Revision lessons for tests and exams
Print off on card to create active recall flashcards
Please note, this does not come with answers as it is meant to be an independent task using notes and revision guides to aid learning.
Created using the Edexcel International GCSE Biology specification.
This resource contains 4 slides of activities, tailored to the specification. Other topics available.
Paper 2 is distinguished by using light grey boxes and practical and maths skills indicated by icons in the corner.
Top ways to use this resource:
Print off as a booklet and use alongside teaching
Set as homework
Revision lessons for tests and exams
Print off on card to create active recall flashcards
Please note, this does not come with answers as it is meant to be an independent task using notes and revision guides to aid learning.
Created using the Edexcel International GCSE Biology specification.
This resource contains 9 slides of activities, tailored to the specification. Other topics available
Paper 2 is distinguished by using light grey boxes and practical and maths skills indicated by icons in the corner.
Top ways to use this resource:
Print off as a booklet and use alongside teaching
Set as homework
Revision lessons for tests and exams
Print off on card to create active recall flashcards
Please note, this does not come with answers as it is meant to be an independent task using notes and revision guides to aid learning.
Created using the Edexcel International GCSE Biology specification.
This resource contains 1 slide of activities, tailored to the specification.
This is a free sample and other topics have paper 2 distinguished by using light grey boxes and practical and maths skills indicated by icons in the corner.
Top ways to use this resource:
Print off as a booklet and use alongside teaching
Set as homework
Revision lessons for tests and exams
Print off on card to create active recall flashcards
Please note, this does not come with answers as it is meant to be an independent task using notes and revision guides to aid learning.
Created using the Edexcel International GCSE Biology specification.
This resource contains 18 slides of activities, tailored to the specification. also available as individual topics.
Paper 2 is distinguished by using light grey boxes and practical and maths skills indicated by icons in the corner.
Top ways to use this resource:
Print off as a booklet and use alongside teaching
Set as homework
Revision lessons for tests and exams
Print off on card to create active recall flashcards
Please note, this does not come with answers as it is meant to be an independent task using notes and revision guides to aid learning.
Made using the AQA Synergy specification.
Contains 1 slide of activities to complete for the Periodic table topic
I give these out at the end of each topic and also before holidays for exam preparation.
I have made the boxes equal sizes so that they can be blown up onto A3 card to create revision cards for intervention/ starters/ plenaries
More of these available for all AQA units Synergy, Trilogy and Triple, RPAs and maths skills.
Please note there are no answers, this is intended to do as an independent activity along with notes/ revision guide.
This lesson is about the Fire Triangle tailored to the theme of Bonfire night and the Gun Powder Plot. with student work sheet that follows the lesson along suitable to print as A4 or A5 booklet
Lesson overview:
Story of the gun powder plot with questions to answer
Learn about the fire triangle and link to the Gun powder plot
Students learn how the fire triangle applies to putting out a candle looking at different methods:
* blowing it out
* using a wick dipper - opportunity to make their own using a paper clip
* using a candle snuffer
looking at the effect of different sized beakers to put out candles and a displacement of water demo
looking at unsafe ways to put out a candle with fingers and using the lid on a scented candle
Evaluation question at the end of the lessons for extended writing
A great lesson for bonfire night, teaching about flame tests or even Bunsen burner safety, includes student worksheets
Lesson includes:
A list of equipment for technicians - uses soaked splints rather than wire loops and solid samples - not as messy!
identifying which metal ions create which colours
recap on parts of a Bunsen burner
recap on safety flames and heating flames
Flame test demo
identifying unknown samples by their colours
link to pyrotechnic engineer as a career
Questions to answer at the end with answers
This bundle contains the lessons needed to teach module 2 for OCR A level Biology A
2.1.1 Cell structure
2.1.2 Biological molecules
2.1.3 Nucleotides and nucleic acids
2.1.4 Enzymes
2.1.5 Biological membranes
2.1.6 Cell division, diversity and cellular organisation
Lots of other resources and bundles available
Made using the OCR A Level Biology specification
Cell cycle
PAG 1 Mitosis - preparing slides to view mitosis and scientific drawing skills
Specialised cells
Tissues and organs
Stem cells
Stem cells and medicine
Revision using QR codes to access exam Qs via Study mind
Lots of other lessons, revision and bundles available!
This resources contains a power point and student booklet.
Cell surface membranes
Diffusion with animations
Rate of diffusion and surface area
Active transport
5-7 Beetroot practical - colorimeters and serial dilutions
9-10 Osmosis with potatoes
Model cells application
Revision - with QR codes to exam questions
Contains lessons for:
3.1.1 Exchange surfaces
3.1.2 Transport in Animals
3.1.3 Transport in Plants
I also have revision materials available for all OCR A level Biology topics.
This resource is 18 A4 pages of revision activities for Module 6
Top features include:
QR code - takes students to multiple choice quiz from the OCR
QR code for useful videos
QR code to questions on Seneca
maths elements
PAG elements
checks key terminology
*Checks ability to draw key diagrams
Links to other parts of the spec where appropriate
The activity is designed to check that students have an understanding of the topic and encourages independent working. I advise my students to use notes or a textbook before asking the teacher if they do not know the answer.
Each side takes students roughly an hour to complete. I have used as homeworks, support sessions, revision lessons private study tasks and printed on card and cut to use as revision cards
I have also included all in one document with a front cover for printing as a booklet.
All other topics available. Please note, answers not yet available but are in the pipeline!!
This resource is 17 A4 pages of revision activities for module 5
Top features include:
QR code - takes students to multiple choice quiz from the OCR
QR code for useful videos
QR code to questions on Seneca
maths elements
PAG elements
checks key terminology
*Checks ability to draw key diagrams
Links to other parts of the spec where appropriate
The activity is designed to check that students have an understanding of the topic and encourages independent working. I advise my students to use notes or a textbook before asking the teacher if they do not know the answer.
Each side takes students roughly an hour to complete. I have used as homeworks, support sessions, revision lessons private study tasks and printed on card and cut to use as revision cards.
Also include is my 'booklet document where they are all in one document for easy printing with a front cover.
All other topics available. Please note, answers not yet available but are in the pipeline!!