This is my A-level Edexcel Chemistry Unit 9 & 16 Revision Notes for the Edexcel Chemistry 2015 specification.
They include the topics involving Kinetics and Rates of Reaction
This is my A-level Edexcel Chemistry Summary of the Core Practicals undertaken for this A-Level.
This summary is particlarly useful for Paper 3, where the understanding of practicals is featured.
This is my A-level Edexcel Chemistry Unit 6, 17, 18, 19 Revision Notes for the Edexcel Chemistry 2015 specification.
They include Organic Chemistry 1, 2 & 3 in addition to Modern Analytical Techniques
This Bundle includes:
A-level Edexcel Chemistry Reaction Map
Benzene + Grignard Reaction Map
Benzene Reaction Map
Grignard Reaction Map
Transition Metal Colours Map
Summary of Core Practicals
Topic 1: Atomic Structure
Topic 2: Bonding and Structure
Topic 3& 14: Redox I & II
Topic 4: Inorganic Chemistry and the Periodic - Table
Topic 6, 17, 18, 19: Organic Chemistry I, II & III
Topic 8 & 13: Energetics I and II
Topic 9 & 16- Kinetics I & II
Topic 15: Transition Metals