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English Teacher who writes lesson plans on various topics including: literature, history, culture, politics, and many more

English Teacher who writes lesson plans on various topics including: literature, history, culture, politics, and many more
Cat in the Rain (Analysis)

Cat in the Rain (Analysis)

90 mins (+homework). Pack includes: lesson plan, and worksheets. An in-depth study of Hemingway’s short story ‘Cat in the Rain’. This short story appears simple on the surface but offers broad discussions and a range of interpretations for students. It is an easy read. Analyse the short story, then write essays, summaries or creative writing projects. Comprehension questions for the story and further discussion points are included. The lesson can be linked with essay writing, summary writing, and creative writing. Other Hemingway lesson plans include: Old Man at the Bridge.
Academic Essay (British Style)

Academic Essay (British Style)

Lesson plan focused on how to write an effective essay in the British academic style. This lesson can be combined with short story lesson, history, and many other lesson plans. (In my lesson plans, there are notes in the ‘Materials Needed’ and ‘objectives’ boxes at the top of the lesson plan). As well as information about academic essay writing, there are small writing activities for students which break down the essay into small, manageable pieces. Worksheet is designed as a reference tool for after the class.
Culture: Windrush (Generation & Scandal)

Culture: Windrush (Generation & Scandal)

up to 180+ minutes Pack contains: lesson plan, Windrush worksheet (reading exercise, comprehension, activities, essay writing) Pack focus: British Culture/History/Politics/immigration (Black British Culture/History/Politics/immigration), BLM. Students learn about the Windrush Generation and the scandal that recently made front-page news. The pack looks at the reason for the immigration, the impact on British culture and how the British government has reacted to the scandal. Part 2 includes analysis of “Black” lyrics by rapper Dave (lyrics not included, though easily found online), who includes references to Windrush, Grenfell, Reparations, and Meghan Markle’s representation in the press. Writing exercises include - formal letter writing to MPs, and creative writing, and essay writing.
Conditionals: Titanic

Conditionals: Titanic

90+ minutes Pack contains: lesson plan, Titanic worksheet, conditionals worksheets, additional activities sheet. Pack focus: conditional clauses. Students learn about the sinking of the Titanic with a newspaper article. Students use conditionals to discuss how the past could have been different had ‘x’ happened, or ‘y’ had been awake. There is a resource sheet with all the conditional information with examples for the students to keep for revision, as well as a worksheet that goes step-by-step through the different conditional structures and build up to creating their own sentences. Additional activities: debate (who is most to blame for the sinking of the Titanic), writing (both essay and creative), and games.