Winter KS1 Bundle UK
Weather and seasons simple powerpoint and activities
Year 1 science and geography
Over 30 pages of activities
Weather recording sheets for Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer
Months/weather/clothes/celebration for each season
I know it’s Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter because… writing template
Draw/List what you observe in Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter
Weather word cards
Order months of the year - cut and stick activity
sort clothes/trees - cut and stick activity
what do people do in Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter
Find a tree activity
Sun safety activity
Draw the weather
Blank fact sheets for each season for children to complete
Seasons and weather display pictures
Months of the year poster
Seasonal pictures for sorting
Hibernation Powerpoint and Activities
Suitable for EYFS and KS1
Includes differentiated activities for children to complete after watching Powerpoint.
Activities include colouring, labelling, drawing, cutting and sticking, sorting and questions.
Arctic and Antarctic Animals Reading Comprehensions
Suitable for year 1, maybe year 2 .
4 differentiated sheets for each animal.
4 different animals - polar bears, penguins, arctic fox, seals
Each sheet had assessment statements from National Curriculum.
All about Winter 20 page powerpoint.
Winter activities, worksheets, comprehension.
Suitable for KS1 and possibly EYFS winter, seasons, weather topic.
Powerpoint covers what and when is winter, winter solstice, why it is cold and dark in winter, what happens to animals, plants and trees in winter, signs of winter.
Activities - how to keep warm in winter, signs of winter, winter walk hunt, 2 x differentiated comprehension and questions, migrate or hibernate cut and stick activity and blank winter fact sheet for children to complete.
Guided reading assessment sheets for year 1 guided reading sessions.
Use these sheets to keep track of your pupils reading achievements and next step targets. Never be stuck again when somebody asks you how little Johnny is doing with his reading and what his reading targets are!
Use the sheets during a guided reading session with class teacher or other adult.
Each reading statement for year 1 has its own individual recording sheet.
Mark off as children meet the statements and record onto the individual or group assessment sheets. These can be used to create individual targets or next steps, inform class teachers, create data and progress reports for SLT and to aid report writing.
Easter Reading Comprehensions
Suitable for key stage 1 5-7 year olds
4 different comprehensions plus 1 inference picture.
Easter Party Invitation - differentiated 4 times
Easter Egg Hunt Poster - differentiated 4 times
Easter Story - differentiated 3 ways
How Chocolate Is Made - differentiated 3 ways
Alphabet flash cards, unicorn themed.-26 cards a-z lower case letters
5.5cm x 11cm
Ideal for printing out and laminating
For UK customers, this product can be posted to you printed, laminated and cut up. Email for price.
If you live in the UK these cards can be laminated, cut up and sent to you -
email for details
These home themed flash cards can be used in a variety of ways.
Ideal for teaching children with SEN or EFL as well developing language skills.
These cards are focused on nouns around the home.
There are 7 colour coded sets, each set has 9 cards - 63 in total.
The sets are:
the bedroom
the bathroom
kitchen items
fruit and vegetables
Cut out and laminate and use as flashcards, matching games, ring cards, small group work or home learning.
Tricky Words Flashcards for phases 2-4 of Letters and Sounds.
Print out and laminate for phonics sessions, home learning, interventions etc.
This set contains the 31 tricky words taught in phases 2-4
Phonics Lotto Game
Help your children learn the different ways of making the igh sound in words.
Game consists of 4 picture boards and 36 word cards.
Each child has a board and children take it in turns to pick a card.
Read the word on the card. If they have the corresponding picture on their board they place the card on top.
The first player to cover all of their pictures is the winner.
Print, laminate and cut out.
Summer reading comprehensions. Guided reading.
Written for year 1, possibly suitable for year 2 depending on children’s abilities.
Suitable for Northern hemisphere countries.
This set of reading comprehensions is linked to the topic of summer. Ideal to use during a guided reading session for children to use independently or for working with an adult.
Each comprehension is differentiated, sometimes up to 4 times. See preview.
Titles -
Life Cycle Of A Butterfly
At The Beach
Anyone For Icecream?
How To Build A Sandcastle
Keeping Safe In The Sun (not differentiated)
Grammar activities for year 1.
No prep required - the perfect teacher time saver.
All you need to teach year 1 grammar.
Simply print out and ready to go - 23 activities, each differentiated 2 ways.
Based on the National Curriculum requirements for year 1 grammar.
Activities include:
noun hunt
noun sort - people, place or thing x 2
noun sort - common/proper
noun or verb sort
question mark or exclamation mark
capital letters
capital letters and full stops
plurals add -s/-es x 3
count the syllables x 2
alphabetical order
join words using and
adding -un
adding -ed
adding -ing
adding -er/-est
months of the year
days of the week
Selection of colourful lotto games to be printed out and laminated. Great, fun ways for children to learn about a variety of subjects relevant to KS1.
Buy this bundle at 50% discount!
Christmas Sequencing Activities.
Suitable for key stage 1
Christmas is a super busy time for teachers. Save yourself some time with these print and go sequencing activities. They will keep your children busy as they colour, work out the ordering and cut and stick the pictures. Simply print and go.
This product includes:
5 different activities, each one with 5 different versions.
Cut and stick - ordering 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, - pictures only
Cut and stick - ordering first, next, then, finally - pictures only
Cut and stick - ordering pictures and adding a caption
Cut and stick - ordering sentences only
cut and stick - ordering sentences with pictures
Titles -
Decorating the tree
Wrapping a present
Christmas Cookies
Baking Christmas Pie
Christmas Shopping
Spring Comprehensions - Northern Hemisphere
All About Spring - Northern Hemisphere
Easter comprehensions
Easter lotto games
Life cycle lotto games
Easter story sequencing
Easter holiday recount
Christmas Comprehensions and Reading Activities.
Christmas themed reading activities for KS1.
Suitable for comprehensions, adult led reading activities and for children to use independently in a guided reading session.
10 activites, each one differentiated 2 ways.
Activities include:
Letter to Santa - Comprehension
How to make Christmas cookies - ordering instructions
Reindeer Facts - comprehension
Decorate a gingerbread man - Read and follow instructions
Christmas Eve - read and draw
Order Christmas words alphabetically
Inference questions
Find the Christmas noun
Label a reindeer
Nativity - order sentences
Easter Grammar Activities
5 Easter grammar activities for you to use in the week leading up to Christmas.
Cut and paste noun sort
Cut and paste capital letters
Colour noun
Highlight noun
Mixed up sentences
Suitable for kindergarten/KS1
There, their and they’re poster, bookmarks and activity.
Are you trying to teach your students the correct use of there, their and they’re? It’s such a hard one for students to get to grips with!
Use the handy poster in your classroom to remind students which one to use.
Also included is a differentiated, fill in the blanks activity.
Plus, give students a bookmark to help them remember which there, their or they’re to use!
Included in this product:
Colour bookmarks
2 x differentiated ‘fill in the blanks’ activity worksheet
answer sheets
17 slide power point teaching children about who the real St George was plus how and why we celebrate St George’s Day
Differentiated reading comprehensions and questions.
2 x differentiated on the real Saint George
2 x differentiated on the Legend of George and the Dragon.
A fact sheet explaining how St George’s Day is celebrated.
Make a mini book about St George
Design your own St George’s shield
Blank fact sheet / research sheet for students to complete
Make a shield book.
Make a bookmark for early finishers
These activities would be ideal for a morning or afternoon learning about St George.
St David’s Day Print and Go Activities. Comprehensions, colouring, activities and craft. Suitable for KS2.
Use this product to learn all about Saint David’s Day with your students.
Students can read the comprehensions to find out about the legend of St David and how St David’s Day is celebrated in Wales.
Students can then complete the different activities and craft.
The time saving, print and go activities are no prep and will keep students engaged.
US and UK spelling versions included.
This product contains: One comprehension passage about the life of Saint David and 10 questions.
One easier comprehension passage about how people celebrate St David’s Day and 8 questions.
Colouring the Welsh flag and flag of Saint David.
Craft activity - make a Saint David’s Day wreath. There is a coloured version and a black and white version for children to colour.
Make a mini book.
Word search
Make your own book marks
Blank fact sheet for students to complete
Dictionary activity - students to use a dictionary to look up the meaning of words.
All you need to celebrate Saint David’s Day!