Year 1. All you need to teach the Year 1 unit on plants.
Pack includes:
What a plant needs to grow labelling activity
Label parts of a plant - 2 differentiated sheets
Label parts of a tree - 2 differentiated sheets
Parts of a plant flip book - write about the role each part plays
Lifecycle of a sunflower - 3 differentiated activities
What part of a plant do we eat? cut and stick activity
Science experiment template - 2 differentiated sheets
How to plant a seed - 2 differentiated sheets
Identify plants and trees - cut and stick activity
Observe changes over time activity
Seed diary sheet
Trees research sheet
Draw a garden
Contrast and Compare activity
Plants word mat
Posters - What a plant needs, life cycle of a plant, parts of a plant
Word cards
Above / below ground sorting cards
Everyday materials print and go activities plus a 27 slide teaching power point suitable for year 1 UK. This product includes easy, print and and go activities plus a teaching power point - meaning no prep required from you! Children will love these fun activities whilst learning at the same time. The colourful power point will teach children about materials and how they are used in every day life. Real life photos, word cards, pictures for sorting and colouring for early finishers also included.
Included in this product:
Set of print and go activities that contains:
materials hunt
float or sink activity
recycle or compost cut and stick
magnetic or non magnetic cut and stick
properties of materials activity
design a toy activity
make a boat that floats activity
materials in school sorting
label the materials cut and stick
colour the materials
hunt the material
objects and materials
27 slide teaching power point
word cards
sorting cards (black & white and colour)
real life pictures for display
colouring sheet for early finishers
Choice of 3 weather chart designs (my weather chart/our weather chart) to print out and laminate.
Suitable to use in year 1 - observe and describe weather associated with seasons.
Includes day, date, month, year, season and today’s weather.
Weather and seasons activities and teaching power point for year 1.
This product is suitable for children aged 5-6 years old who are learning about the weather and seasons.
This product includes a child friendly 16 slide Power Point for you to use as a teaching tool. You could watch the whole thing, or just use sections, stopping to complete the printable activities. 22 activities plus display pictures and extra activities for early finishers.
Topics covered in the PPT:
Types of weather
Weather forecasting
Severe weather conditions
The Sun
Sun Safety
Shade and shade structures
The 4 seasons.
Each of these subjects have print and go worksheets for you to use alongside.
Some activities have 2 options for differentiation.
Print and Go Activities:
Make a weather wheel template
26 word cards for display or use in the classroom
Label the weather - x 2 differentiated
Keeping safe in the sun - x 2 differentiated
Draw the weather - x 2 differentiated
What clothes should I wear - cut and stick activity
Yearly weather report
Monthly weather report
Weather for month recording sheet
Weekly weather recording sheet
Daily weather recording sheet x 2 differentiated
4 seasons activity sheet
Draw a spring scene
Draw a summer scene
Draw an autumn scene
Draw a winter scene
Draw the seasons
Order months of the year
Seasons picture match
Find a tree x 2 differentiated
Months of the year poster
Seasonal pictures for sorting
real life pictures of weather and seasons
Make a weather book
Weather snap cards
PLUS 4 activities for early finishers:
Day and night cut and stick sorting activity
Hot and cold cut and stick sorting activity
Colour and count activity
Colouring page
This unit includes:
Simple and colourful 20 slide Power Point
Bingo/lotto game
Snap cards - can be used to play games such as snap, pairs, go fish
16 word cards for display, word wall, writing activities
6 real life pictures for display
Label pictures x 2 differentiated
Colour and describe
Colourful water cycle poster
Black and white water cycle poster for students to colour
Make a bookmark
Colour a rainbow
Colour the clothes for a rainy day
Colouring sheet
Make a rain cloud mobile - templates
Teach your children how to keep safe in the sun this Summer.
A Blank template for children to make a poster about how they will keep themselves safe this Summer.
Blank writing frames suitable for Early Writers. Large selection of writing templates and writing frames suitable for children aged 4-6 years old.
Just print out and you’re ready to write!
Product includes:
Story writing -
My story plan - 2 versions
5 sentence story
Story map
My story setting
My character
Writing frames
Book Reviews 2 x fiction 1 x non fiction
Lined and unlined frames -
I Phone
Notepads x 2
Santa Face
Easter Egg
Scroll x 2
My Potion x 2
My diary entry
My healthy lunchbox
Science Investigation
Animal fact sheet
Country fact sheet
Blank fact sheet
Instructions x 2
My Summer Holidays
My Christmas Holidays
Letter to Santa
My Weekend News x 2
Recipe Sheet
All About Me
My Birthday
My New School Year
My Year Review
Great for use at the beginning of a topic.
This activity will familiarise your students to the vocabulary they will come across throughout the topic of Ancient Egypt.
Can be used as an individual activity, for students to work at in pairs.
If enlarged, could also be used for small group/table activity.
Children need to match the words with the correct picture and definition.
Fun, early morning alphabet activities, ideal for teaching children the letters of the alphabet.
These alphabet activities can be set up for children to complete as they come into the classroom in the morning.
Alternatively they could be used during a phonics session, in a writing area or as an adult led session. They could even be used as homework/home learning activities or catch up.
Each letter of the alphabet has a quick activity for children to complete, for example, draw a leaf for the ladybird’s lunch. Each sheet is black and white for children to colour. 52 sheets.
Each letter of the alphabet has an initial sounds sort.
Colour or circle the objects that have a certain initial sound.
Also included is a colourful alphabet mat.
Are you teaching your children about the Christian celebration of Easter?
Use this sequencing activity to help children learn the story.
Children can colour the pictures, cut them out and stick them in the correct order.
This activity is part of our Easter Story Product below
Fun activity for children to use in the outside area or around the school.
Children need to search for and identify certain shapes and angles in the environment.
They will need an Ipad or tablet to photograph the angles/shapes.
Full instructions included.
Match the words to the definitions
Check your students’ understanding of vocabulary related to volcanoes topic
Active learning - cutting and sticking activity
Help your students collate facts and plan paragraphs when writing a biography.
Can be used when researching or when planning writing (or both!)
Suitable for KS2