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Inna's ESOL teaching resources

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I teach ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) to students aged 16-19 and my ESOL resources are engaging, and keep students active during the class. These resources are more than relevant for adult learners too.




I teach ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) to students aged 16-19 and my ESOL resources are engaging, and keep students active during the class. These resources are more than relevant for adult learners too.
ESOL  reading  skills booster 60min lesson

ESOL reading skills booster 60min lesson

This resource aims to help students review exam specific questions, such as ordering words in alphabetical order, differentiation between features of the main types of texts ( formal letter, website, article, leaflet), and synonym substitution, use of apostrophe (possessive case and shortenings). The lesson can also be used to prepare students for their writing exam as the units of exams are closely knit. The worksheet is a sorting activity, where students work in groups and sort out features of different text types into 4 categories according to the text type. There are 2 links to interactive resources within the presentation: Kahoot - apostrophe use and Quizlet- synonym substitution. My students really appreciated this revision lesson and felt it boosted their confidence The lesson is 60 minutes long.
A set of conversation cards to talk about Artificial Intelligence

A set of conversation cards to talk about Artificial Intelligence

This set of 18 conversation cards is intended for intermediate and upper intermediate ESL/ESL/EAL students and includes questions about ethics, benefits and drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence use. Included is a set of basic terminology on AI. This worksheet helped me prepare my 16-18 year old intermediate learners for a debate on Artificial Intelligence and developed their understanding of the concept. It can also be cut up for a mingling activity which adds dynamics to a lesson for young people.
Gym equipment vocabulary and gym form filling for pre-intermediate and intermediate ESOL/ESL/EFL

Gym equipment vocabulary and gym form filling for pre-intermediate and intermediate ESOL/ESL/EFL

This is a resource for pre-intermediate and intermediate level students to extend vocabulary on gym equipment and practice filling a form. The resource consists of two parts: a PowerPoint presentation and a word document. There are links to a wordwall random wheel exercise, where student are prompted to do a set of physical exercises to review understanding of vocabulary. In addition to a paper-based form there is a link to an online gym form, where students need to demonstrate their ability to comprehend the text and practice their skills. As an extension students are asked to write a short informal email where they explain how to join the gym. This resource was prepared in preparation learners for their writing exam, in particular- form filling. Check out my other activities for pre-intermediate and intermediate learners. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12986374 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12967616
New Year's Resolutions for intermediate ESOL/ EFL/ EAL learners

New Year's Resolutions for intermediate ESOL/ EFL/ EAL learners

This is a lesson for pre-intermediate and intermediate ESOLESL/ EAL learners. First, as a warm up activity, students discuss their winter break. The prompts are provided for learners as a scaffolding. Focus is on questions in past simple tense. Followed is a mistakes correction exercise based on typical mistakes students made during the activity. The first main activity is a listening comprehension based on the video on New Year resolutions made by 8-12 year old children. The next activity is the introduction of 6 phrasal verbs: take up, give up, catch up with/on, cut down on, get into. To reinforce the knowledge students match up phrasal verbs and their definitions and then use the above verbs speaking about their own resolutions based on WordWall activity. The reading exercise invites students to come up with the plan how to achieve the resolutions and encourages the further discussion on the topic. The plenary is based on the Wordwall activity with some interesting facts about New year resolutions.
Revision and activation of structure used to/ didn't use to for intermediate ESOL/ EFL /EAL learner

Revision and activation of structure used to/ didn't use to for intermediate ESOL/ EFL /EAL learner

This is a dynamic 60-90 min lesson for intermediate ESOL/EFL/EAL learners aimed to revise and activate the structure USED TO/DIDN’T USE TO. It starts with the grammar activity, where learners work in pairs or small groups and correct mistakes in given sentences. Make it into a competition between groups and give a point or two for each correct answer. Invite students explain the rule and remind them when to use the expression. The exercise also reminds students that we use the structure to indicate past habits and the equivalent for present habit is usually. Next activity is a mingling activity,where students walk around the class and ask each other questions to reinforce the use of the structure. To further activate the use of structure, learners write a piece on the topic ‘An accident in your childhood’. The plenary is a WordWall activity to check what learners remember from the session. Check out a speaking and listening comprehension lesson on my page https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12477290
Booking a restaurant table Speaking and Listening comprehension lesson

Booking a restaurant table Speaking and Listening comprehension lesson

This is a complete lesson to teach pre-intermediate and intermediate ESOL /EAL/EFL learners vocabulary on restaurant table reservation. The warm up activity includes a WordWall activity , followed by the pair/small group starter consisting of questions on the topic. Vocabulary items include reservation, availability, outdoor seating, dietary resrictions. There is a link to a quizlet activity to check students’ understanding. A matching exercise adds to the class dynamics, just cut up the worksheet on slide 5 if phones are not allowed in your classroom. The video is taken from the YouTube and is an excellent resourse for thepre-intermediate learners Comprehension questions are followed by a reading activity and then a roleplay where learners try to remember as much as they can , taking roles of a customer and restaurant receptionist. My students definitely enjoyed lesson activities. Video is taken from Youtube open resources.
Basic  sentence punctuation 2 worksheets for elementary/ beginner level ESL/ ESOL/EFL learners

Basic sentence punctuation 2 worksheets for elementary/ beginner level ESL/ ESOL/EFL learners

This resource contains two worksheets for beginners and elementary ESOL/ EAL learners. The first worksheet revises the rules of capitalization, such as proper names, pronoun I, beginning of the sentence. It illustrates the rule and then invites learners to add more examples to reinforce the rule. The second worksheet contains two activities- punctuation mistakes correction in a short text which describes a friend and a free practice exercise to describe student’s own best friend using the example as scaffolding. This set of activities will take about 40-60 min to complete with teacher’s explanations and feedback.
Speaking and  listening comprehension lesson for intermediate and upper-intermediate ESL/ EFL/ESOL

Speaking and listening comprehension lesson for intermediate and upper-intermediate ESL/ EFL/ESOL

A dynamic lesson for intermediate and upper-intermediate ESOL learners to boost their listening comprehension skills. It is based on the YouTube video, which discusses how people can create their own luck. The link to the form is included in the PowerPoint presentation. The second part of the lesson is on word formation, suffixes and prefixes, it contains a quiz and a word game. My students really enjoyed class discussion. Please, check out my other grammar lessons for intermediate learners. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12967616
My home: kitchen. Speaking and listening, plus vocabulary elementary level

My home: kitchen. Speaking and listening, plus vocabulary elementary level

This is a lesson that allows students develop their speaking and listening skills and extend their vocabulary on the topic of MY HOME: KITCHEN. The PowerPoint presentation is clearly signposted with the objectives that are to be met. The starter is a hangman activity, where students guess the word based on the clues given to them. The letters are revealed by clicking on the corresponding square. There is a great variety of activities, including vocabulary matching exercise, gap fill, pair/ group speaking activity, test your memory exercise. The learners are invited to speak in front of the board to check their topic acquisition and asked questions by their peers, to help identify any gaps of knowledge, both in narrative sentences and question formation. A comprehensive lesson plan is included.
Informal email - writing exam  style task for pre-intermediate ESOL/EAL/ESL learners

Informal email - writing exam style task for pre-intermediate ESOL/EAL/ESL learners

This writing worksheet for pre-intermediate ESOL/ ESL/ EAL learners consists of 3 tasks: Task 1: Jumbled sentences to review the sentence word order and give examples of sentences which can be used to answer the email from your friend. The focus is on the use of present continuous tense for future plans, e.g.: I am bringing a cake. Task 2: student are to write a reply to an invitation to the party and cover the listed instructions ( word count, use of conjunctions and adjectives) to meet the writing task criteria. Task 3 is an extension/ homework task, where learners write a reply to give specific details about the party e.g. Who is coming? It is an efficient worksheet for pre-intermediate ESL learners to prepare for their writing assessment and practice the use of narrative tenses for future plans.
Informal letter/ email writing

Informal letter/ email writing

It is a great resource for entry level ESOL students which helps students remember the main parts of an informal email/letter. It includes a sorting exercise on differentiation between the features of formal and informal letters and a freer practice activity, where learners write a paragraph to follow a given introduction to the email. The materials include a PowerPoint presentation and a sorting exercise cut-up worksheet. I have also included a lesson plan as a bonus feature.
Family and  relationships  film based lesson with video link, PPT, worksheet, 2 quizzes

Family and relationships film based lesson with video link, PPT, worksheet, 2 quizzes

This lesson on family and relationships is based on the episode of the Modern Family series. The lesson aims to develop speaking and listening skills. The materials include a presentation, a family tree diagram, and a worksheet with the target vocabulary, as well as comprehension and discussion questions. The lesson presentation contains 2 Quizlet links to vocabulary flashcards, which can be displayed on the smart board. The vocabulary practiced in the lesson includes some of the less common items: stepmother, mother-in-law, step-uncle, among other commonly used ones (mother, cousin, etc). The film episode is available on YouTube and AMAZON VIDEO. The series highlights a few very important issues of modern life, such as relationships between step-parents and step-children, same sex relationships and relationships between siblings. I have used this lesson for distance learning and it was really successful. The materials can be sent to students for reference and the discussion questions are discussed in small groups/ pairs in breakout rooms. Lesson duration 90-120 minutes