With a decade of teaching experience, I specialize in developing student-centered ELA activities and unit plans that foster creativity and critical thinking. My resources have been tried and tested in more than 74,000 classrooms worldwide since 2013.
With a decade of teaching experience, I specialize in developing student-centered ELA activities and unit plans that foster creativity and critical thinking. My resources have been tried and tested in more than 74,000 classrooms worldwide since 2013.
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this plot-based quiz covering a portion of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale (chapters 18 through 30). An alternate version is also provided for re-assessment purposes, though it may be used as a guided reading worksheet to help students ascertain crucial details about characters, settings, and conflicts. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Questions pertain to the following important details:
Luke’s plans according to Offred
The relationship between Offred and her mother
Birthing day
Moira’s tense escape
The Commander’s private request of Offred
A test of loyalty
A present
Changes in the Ceremony
The evolution in the relationship with Ofglen
Significant life events of the past
A Latin phrase
A question of purpose and a desire for normalcy
Evaluate general reading comprehension and foster the Halloween spirit any time of year with this plot-based quiz covering H.P. Lovecraft’s macabre short story “The Cats of Ulthar,” which involves sinister neighbors, an avenging curse, and flesh-eating felines. The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to help students ascertain crucial details about characters, settings, and conflicts. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in printable Word Document and PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
The narrator’s perception of cats
The longtime existence of cats
The old couple’s terrible reputation
The community’s general disposition toward the couple
The paintings on the travelers’ caravan
The characterization of Menes
The sudden disappearance of the cats
A change in the cats’ physical appearance upon their return
The fate of the old couple
Peculiar discoveries inside the old couple’s house
A change in the law
Help high school students explore literary craft with this activity covering Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Tell-Tale Heart.” With this worksheet, students will isolate and reflect upon textual details that are consistent with the conventions of Dark Romanticism, horror, and supernatural fiction. An answer key is provided, as well as a copy of the narrative, which makes for an excellent addition to a short story unit for grades 9 through 12. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with this literary craft analysis activity, students will:
Isolate examples of compelling sensory description
Isolate characterization details that elicit emotional responses from readers
Apply knowledge of literary devices with emphasis on dramatic irony, foreshadowing, hyperbole metaphor, personification, simile, and symbolism
Convey information through speech and writing in a coherent manner
Come to class better prepared to discuss works of fiction
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Chinua Achebe’s short story “Dead Men’s Path.” A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: condemnation, cordiality, denigration, disused, eradicate, frail, further, headmaster, pivotal, propitiate, quarrel, rank, scandalize, shrine, stout, superannuated, and zeal.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement the classic fairy tale “Jorinda and Jorindel” by the Brothers Grimm. A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, the public domain short story, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
By engaging with these activities, students will determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words, consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings, and discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed:
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement the classic fairy tale “Rumpelstiltskin.” A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, the public domain short story, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: acquiesce, avarice, bewail, boast, despondently, dolefully, droll, earnestly, formidable, jeer, rapacious, shrewd, slyly, and vain.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Hans Christian Andersen’s short story “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, a copy of the public domain narrative, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: accordingly, array, council, diligently, elaborate, knave, procession, retinue, riband, rogue, sovereign, vexed, and viz.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Anita Desai’s short story “Games at Twilight.” A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: arid, defunct, elude, glare, heartily, hirsute, ignominy, jubilation, laurels, lavishly, lugubrious, maniacal, melancholy, mortuary, sari, shutter, sidle, stridently, superciliously, vague, and veranda.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Evaluate general reading comprehension and promote homework accountability with this plot-based quiz covering Isaac Asimov’s science fiction short story “Robot Dreams,” a cautionary tale about humanity’s commitment to developing artificial intelligence. The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to help students ascertain crucial details about characters and conflicts. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
Susan Calvin’s disposition
Linda Rash’s profession
The nature of the relationship between the two professionals
The name of the robot
Linda’s efforts to improve the robot’s brain
The reason Linda kept her work private
The means by which the robot re-awakens
The duration of the robot’s dreams
The First, Second, and Third Laws of Robotics
Alarming details of the robot’s dreams
Susan’s motive for destroying the robot
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement the classic fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by the Brothers Grimm (also called “Little Red Cap”). A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, the public domain short story, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: arresting, bouquet, enraptured, feeble, infirm, odious, ominous, peer, scarcely, sly, trough, and velvet.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Help high school readers explore how Nathaniel Hawthorne used literary devices such as direct description, characterization, figurative language, foreshadowing, and symbolism to develop a complex short story: “Young Goodman Brown.” This craft analysis activity helps students go beyond general reading comprehension by making them reflect on the motivations behind the author’s word choices and narrative techniques. Delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats, this resource also helps prepare students for more meaningful classroom discussions. Through these discussions, students may evaluate peers’ reasoning and use of rhetoric to support claims, clarifying or challenging ideas as needed. An answer key and copy of the public domain short story are included.
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this plot-based quiz covering a portion of Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel The Handmaid’s Tale (chapters 31 through 46). An alternate version is also provided for re-assessment purposes, though it may be used as a guided reading worksheet to help students ascertain crucial details about characters, settings, and conflicts. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Questions pertain to the following important details:
A network of believers, disenchanted with society
Serena’s suggestion to the narrator
Revelations about the baby
The return of Moira
The function of women in the colonies
Nick’s garage home
The savage act of Salvaging
A character’s suicide
Offred and the resolution
Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this plot-based quiz covering the short story “The Possibility of Evil” by Shirley Jackson. The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to facilitate active engagement with the narrative. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
Miss Strangeworth’s first name
Miss Strangeworth’s age
The name of the street on which Miss Strangeworth lives
The sources of Miss Strangeworth’s pride
Mr. Lewis’ profession
The condition of Miss Strangeworth’s house
Miss Strangeworth’s stated motivations
The content of various letters delivered to townspeople
What Miss Strangeworth keeps by the bed
The character who writes strange letters
The character who discovers a dropped letter
The startling resolution
Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this plot-based quiz covering the short story “Two Kinds” from The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. The resource may double as a guided reading worksheet to facilitate active engagement with the narrative. An answer key is provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
The mother’s perspective on America
The mother’s backstory
The mother’s goals for her daughter
The significance of the magazines collected by the mother
The daughter’s changing emotional state
A musical instrument of significance to the plot
The mother’s criticism toward her daughter
Mr. Chong’s condition
The title of a piece performed at a talent show
The crowd’s general reaction to the daughter’s performance at the talent show
The mother’s reaction to the performance
The type of daughter the mother prefers
How the daughter conveys anger toward her mother
How the mother and daughter’s relationship evolved over the decades
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Anne Estevis’ short story “The Whistle.” A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: abuela, affect, bleat, bound, cabrito, discern, flare, glare, infuriated, nippy, paternal, permeate, savory, and wretched.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this plot-based quiz covering the short story “The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury. The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to facilitate active engagement with the narrative. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
A general description of society
The protagonist’s profession
The reason the protagonist goes for a walk
How to protagonist tries not to alarm neighbors
The interaction between the protagonist and the police car
The protagonist’s final destination
Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Possibility of Evil.” An answer key is provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly as well as implicitly
Utilize dictionaries to ensure knowledge of word meanings
Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques
Discern the functions of given details
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices including dramatic irony, foreshadowing, situational irony, and symbolism
Conduct brief online research on a relevant topic (Ethan Allen) in order to answer a question about plot
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Write about fiction with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Come to class better prepared to discuss literature
Help high school students go beyond basic reading comprehension and support the development of critical thinking and literary craft analysis skills with this close reading worksheet covering Roald Dahl’s short story “The Landlady.” An answer key is provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this close reading activity, students will:
Identify what the text states explicitly as well as implicitly
Utilize dictionaries to ensure knowledge of word meanings
Infer the intended effects of the author’s word choices and narrative techniques
Explore how complex characters think, behave, interact, and develop
Apply knowledge of literary devices including euphemism, foreshadowing, simile, and more
Consider themes in context
Support claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence
Write about fiction with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Come to class better prepared to discuss literature
Evaluate general reading comprehension and eliminate assessment planning responsibilities with this plot-based quiz on Washington Irving’s short story “The Devil and Tom Walker.” The assessment may double as a guided reading handout to facilitate active engagement with fiction. An answer key and copy of the public domain narrative are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
The backstory of Kidd
Ominous discoveries
The nickname of the devil
Physical characteristics of the devil
Tom’s observation about the trees around him
The devil’s parting act
The wife’s reaction to Tom’s interaction with the devil
What the wife takes with her out of the house
Negotiations between the devil and Tom
Tom’s agreement with the devil
Tom’s living conditions
How Tom changes as he ages
An important possession
Rumors about Tom
Tom’s seemingly fatal mistake
The public’s reaction to Tom’s apparent fate
Support vocabulary development and enhance reading comprehension with this set of games and activities to complement Ray Bradbury’s short story “The Flying Machine.” A crossword puzzle, a word search activity, a vocabulary application worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: apparatus, bewildered, dominion, farthest, grove, horde, murmur, nestle, plead, rustle, scarlet, seize, serene, solace, sorrowful, splendid, and writhe.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences