With a decade of teaching experience, I specialize in developing student-centered ELA activities and unit plans that foster creativity and critical thinking. My resources have been tried and tested in more than 74,000 classrooms worldwide since 2013.
With a decade of teaching experience, I specialize in developing student-centered ELA activities and unit plans that foster creativity and critical thinking. My resources have been tried and tested in more than 74,000 classrooms worldwide since 2013.
Covering the entirety of Farley Mowat’s Never Cry Wolf, a scientific memoir exploring the behavior of wolves, this set of three application worksheets reinforces high school students’ knowledge of literary elements in relation to the nonfiction text. Students will apply knowledge of the following literary devices: alliteration, allusion, assonance, dramatic irony, epiphany, euphemism, hyperbole, idiom, invective, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, sibilance, simile, situational irony, and verbal irony. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Evaluate reading comprehension, support vocabulary development, and sharpen literary device application skills with these activities and assessments covering chapters 1 through 8 of Farley Mowat’s Never Cry Wolf, a scientific memoir exploring the behavior of wolves. Two quizzes, two vocabulary application activities, two crossword puzzles, two word search games, a literary elements worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with these materials, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Apply knowledge of various literary devices including alliteration, allusion, epiphany, euphemism, idiom, invective, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, simile, situational irony, and verbal irony
Come to class better prepared to discuss narrative nonfiction
Evaluate reading comprehension, support vocabulary development, and sharpen literary device application skills with these activities and assessments covering chapters 17 through 24 of Farley Mowat’s Never Cry Wolf, a scientific memoir exploring the behavior of wolves. Two quizzes, two vocabulary application activities, two crossword puzzles, two word search games, a literary elements worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with these materials, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Apply knowledge of various literary devices including alliteration, allusion, assonance, epiphany, euphemism, hyperbole, idiom, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, simile, and situational irony
Come to class better prepared to discuss narrative nonfiction
Evaluate reading comprehension, support vocabulary development, and sharpen literary device application skills with these activities and assessments covering chapters 9 through 16 of Farley Mowat’s Never Cry Wolf, a scientific memoir exploring the behavior of wolves. Two quizzes, two vocabulary application activities, two crossword puzzles, two word search games, a literary elements worksheet, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with these materials, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Apply knowledge of various literary devices including allusion, dramatic irony, epiphany, euphemism, hyperbole, metaphor, onomatopoeia, personification, simile, situational irony, and verbal irony
Come to class better prepared to discuss narrative nonfiction
With this summative test covering the entirety of Never Cry Wolf by Farley Mowat, English teachers will evaluate students’ reading comprehension, knowledge of literary devices, and essay writing skills. Included are the following: an answer key, standards-based writing rubric, and test prep study guide. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By completing this assessment, students will:
Demonstrate knowledge of significant people and events
Apply knowledge of literary elements including allusion, epiphany, metaphor, onomatopoeia, and personification
Match vocabulary terms to their correct definitions
Write a brief essay addressing the greater significance of the book’s title and how the author advances its theme, supporting claims with relevant textual evidence and adhering to the standard conventions of written English
Facilitate vocabulary development, enhance reading comprehension and integrate narrative nonfiction into the ELA classroom with this bundle of vocabulary games and activities covering Ishmael Beah’s A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. Vocabulary lists, application activities, crossword puzzles, word search games, and answer keys are provided. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
The following words from chapters 1 through 9 are addressed: adage, avenge, bayonet, cassette, commence, congealed, crapes, cutlass, disconsolate, evade, evoke, flotsam, hasten, hoarse, Imam, indelibly, interrogate, laden, liberation, lorry, machete, maim, mercenaries, mosque, notorious, parable, predicament, refugee, reluctantly, scabbard, shudder, soukous, sternly, strive, subsequent, sura, tactic, taut, thatched, translucent, vain, verandah, vigilance, and wharf.
The following words from chapters 10 through 14 are addressed: accord, akimbo, boast, calabash, conjure, countenance, dilapidated, disperse, embellish, evince, exalt, garrison, intermission, jovial, jubilation, monologue, pestle, profusely, Quran, recite, respective, reverie, riffraff, spirogyra, tarpaulin, transfixed, transparent, tributary, vanquished, vehemently, waft, and wahlee.
The following words from chapters 15 through 21 are addressed: ablution, affect, amiss, auspice, beneficiary, chieftaincy, commotion, convoy, counsel, democratically, descend, enunciate, exploit, facilitator, fare, festoon, gari, inquire, jerrican, jetty, latrine, mantle, marvel, mesmerized, persistent, perspire, proficient, proposition, provoke, raggamorphy, reconcile, redemption, relentlessly, resilience, savor, sentence, sporadic, summon, torrent, vividly, wail, Walkman, and wander.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
This summative test covers A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah and includes an answer key, as well as a standards-based rubric for scoring essays. Materials are delivered in Word Document and PDF formats. By administering this assessment, teachers will evaluate students’ abilities to do the following:
Demonstrate knowledge significant figures in a nonfiction text
Demonstrate knowledge of significant events throughout the memoir
Respond to an essay prompt requiring students to explore the concept of perseverance in the context of the memoir
Support claims made in an academic essay with sound reasoning and relevant textual evidence
Help students better understand the historical context of A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah and facilitate the process of researching topics related to Sierra Leone with this low-prep, standards-based resource. Students will choose from thirty relevant subjects—the deposing of Siaka Stevens’ government, the Revolutionary United Front, illegal diamond mining, the West Side Boys, and All People’s Congress to name a few—and navigate credible sources with the goal of teaching others about their topic. A detailed scoring rubric is provided. Materials are delivered in Word Document and PDF formats. Ultimately, students will perform the following tasks:
Articulate connections between a research topic and the assigned text
Conduct research using available resources
Collect and classify reliable sources
Develop successful methods of recording information
Evaluate the credibility of nonfiction texts, taking into consideration readability, date, relevance, expertise, and bias
Apply conventions of MLA formatting
Correctly site resources to avoid plagiarism
Organize information in a cohesive manner, using a note-taking system that includes summary, paraphrasing, and quoted material
Analyze, synthesize, and integrate information, generating a thoughtfully comprehensive report, free of generalities and redundancies
Present information in a formal, coherent manner
Evaluate reading comprehension, support vocabulary development, facilitate the process of academic research, and integrate narrative nonfiction into the English Language Arts classroom with this bundle of activities and assessments for teaching Ishmael Beah’s A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. Six quizzes, three vocabulary application activities, three crossword puzzles, three word search games, a comprehensive research project, a summative test, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
By engaging with these materials, students will:
Read for literal comprehension
Consult reference materials to learn and verify word meanings as needed
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Explore how figures in the text think, behave, interact, and develop
Articulate connections between a research topic and the assigned text
Evaluate the credibility of nonfiction texts, taking into consideration readability, date, relevance, expertise, and bias
Organize information in a cohesive manner, using a note-taking system that includes summary, paraphrasing, and quoted material
Analyze, synthesize, and integrate information, generating a thoughtfully comprehensive report, free of generalities and redundancies
Write a brief essay addressing the author’s resilience, supporting claims with relevant textual evidence and adhering to the standard conventions of written English
Come to class better prepared to discuss narrative nonfiction
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this plot-based quiz covering chapters 1 through 6 of Bette Greene’s World War II-set novel Summer of My German Soldier. A bonus short answer version is provided for re-assessment purposes, but it may also be used as a guided reading handout. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
Historical context
Facilitate vocabulary development, enhance reading comprehension, and integrate narrative nonfiction in the ELA classroom with this set of vocabulary games and activities covering chapters 15 through 21 of Ishmael Beah’s A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. A vocabulary list, application worksheet, crossword puzzle, word search, and answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats.
Specifically, the following vocabulary terms are addressed: ablution, affect, amiss, auspice, beneficiary, chieftaincy, commotion, convoy, counsel, democratically, descend, enunciate, exploit, facilitator, fare, festoon, gari, inquire, jerrican, jetty, latrine, mantle, marvel, mesmerized, persistent, perspire, proficient, proposition, provoke, raggamorphy, reconcile, redemption, relentlessly, resilience, savor, sentence, sporadic, summon, torrent, vividly, wail, Walkman, and wander.
By engaging with these activities, students will:
Determine the meaning of unfamiliar and complex words
Consult reference materials in order to learn and verify word meanings
Discern the most proper application of words as they are used in sentences
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this plot-based quiz covering chapters 7 through 12 of Bette Greene’s World War II-set novel Summer of My German Soldier. A bonus short answer version is provided for re-assessment purposes, but it may also be used as a guided reading handout. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
Historical context
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this plot-based quiz covering chapters 13 through 21 of Bette Greene’s World War II-set novel Summer of My German Soldier. A bonus short answer version is provided for re-assessment purposes, but it may also be used as a guided reading handout. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
Historical context
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this set of three plot-based quizzes covering the entirety of Bette Greene’s World War II-set novel Summer of My German Soldier. Three bonus short answer assessments are provided for re-testing purposes, but they may also be used as guided reading worksheets. Answer keys are included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following:
Historical context
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this plot-based quiz covering Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Summer People.” The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to help students focus on key details as they read the narrative. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following aspects of plot:
General description of the protagonists
The protagonists’ shared attitude toward the townspeople
Why the protagonists stay longer than usual
General details about secondary characters like the Halls and Mr. Babcock
Complications facing the protagonists
Suspicious activity at a neighboring house
The resolution
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this plot-based quiz covering R. K. Narayan’s short story “An Astrologer’s Day.” The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to help students focus on key details as they read the narrative. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following aspects of plot:
Qualities about the astrologer that appeal to clients
The astrologer’s qualifications
The astrologer’s conversational approach
The man’s initial attitude toward the astrologer
How the man becomes convinced that the astrologer is legitimate
The man’s motives for seeking insight from the astrologer
The astrologer’s deceptive remarks
What the astrologer’s wife wants to do with the extra money
The astrologer’s confession
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this plot-based quiz covering Anton Chekhov’s short story “The Darling.” The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to help students focus on key details as they read the narrative. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following aspects of plot:
The professions of Olga’s husbands and romantic interests
The nature of Kukin’s complaints
Where Kukin travels for business
Pustovalov’s opinion of the theater
What leads to Pustovalov’s death
The duration of Olga’s mourning period
Smirnin’s marriage
The effect not having a relationship has on Olga
General characterization of Sasha
The character to whom the story’s title most directly connects
Evaluate general reading comprehension with this plot-based quiz covering Jesse Stuart’s short story “The Split Cherry Tree.” The assessment may double as a guided reading worksheet to help students focus on key details as they read the narrative. An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the following aspects of plot:
How the cherry tree was split
The protagonist’s punishment
The protagonist’s worries about his father
How Pa upsets the protagonist
What the professor proves
How the professor proves it
Pa’s views on killing living things
Pa’s confession
What Pa compares himself to
And more
Help readers explore poetic craft and make sense of Emily Dickinson’s poetry with this close reading inference worksheet covering the poem “I heard a Fly buzz when I died.” An answer key is included. Materials are delivered in editable Word Document and printable PDF formats. By engaging with this close reading activity, students will:
Read for literal and interpretive comprehension
Apply knowledge of literary devices including allusion, metaphor, onomatopoeia, and situational irony
Explore rhyme scheme
Be better prepared to engage in collaborative discussions about poetry
Write with clarity, accuracy, and precision
Defend claims and inferences with sound reasoning and relevant evidence