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Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution Lecture

Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution Lecture

Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution Lecture Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution Lecture is very important in the field of Global/International Marketing. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution. Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 List the major innovations and trends that contributed to the digital revolution. 2 Define “convergence” and give an example. 3 Define value network and explain the differences between sustaining technologies and disruptive technologies. 4 Identify current trends in global e-commerce and explain how global companies are expanding their presence on the Web. 5 Explain the key issues facing a company when designing and implementing a Web site. 6 Identify the most important new products and services that have been introduced in the past decade. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Global Marketing and the Digital Revolution with 96 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. You may find more teaching resources for International Marketing by pressing this link.
Chemical Kinetics Lecture (Chemistry)

Chemical Kinetics Lecture (Chemistry)

Chemical Kinetics Lecture Chemists ask three fundamental questions when they study chemical reactions: What happens? To what extent does it happen? How fast and by what mechanism does it happen? The answer to the first question is given by the balanced chemical equation, which identifies the reactants, the products, and the stoichiometry of the reaction. The answer to the second question concerning the extent of reaction is addressed in Chapter 14, which deals with chemical equilibrium. In this chapter, we’ll look at the answer to the third question—the speeds, or rates, and the mechanisms of chemical reactions. The area of chemistry concerned with reaction rates and the sequence of steps by which reactions occur is called chemical kinetics. It is not a secret clear that Topic of Chemical Kinetics is very important in Chemistry. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Chemical Kinetics. Chemical Kinetics teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Chemical Kinetics Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: • Reaction rates • Rate Laws and reaction Order • Method of Initial rates: experimental Determination of a rate Law • Integrated rate Law: Zeroth-Order reactions • Integrated rate Law: First-Order reactions • Integrated rate Law: Second-Order reactions • Reaction rates and temperature: the arrhenius equation • Using the arrhenius equation • Reaction Mechanisms • Rate Laws for elementary reactions • Rate Laws for Overall reactions • Catalysis • Homogeneous and heterogeneous Catalysts • Enzyme Catalysis ** ** By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get:** 1 Chemical Kinetics Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Chemical Kinetics with 130 different questions and answers to them. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Solutions and Their Properties (Chemistry)

Solutions and Their Properties (Chemistry)

It is not a secret clear that Topic of Solutions and Their Properties is very important in Chemistry. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Solutions and Their Properties. Solutions and Their Properties teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Solutions and Their Properties Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: · Solutions · Energy Changes and the Solution Process · Concentration Units for Solutions Some Factors That Affect Solubility · Physical Behavior of Solutions: Colligative Properties · Vapor-Pressure Lowering of Solutions: Raoult’s Law · Boiling-Point Elevation and Freezing- Point Depression of Solutions · Osmosis and Osmotic Pressure · Fractional Distillation of Liquid Mixtures By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Solutions and Their Properties Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Solutions and Their Properties with more than 100 different questions and answers to them. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Chemical Equilibrium Lecture (Chemistry)

Chemical Equilibrium Lecture (Chemistry)

Chemical Equilibrium Lecture A mixture of reactants and products in the equilibrium state is called an equilibrium mixture. In this lecture, we’ll address a number of important questions about the composition of equilibrium mixtures: What is the relationship between the concentrations of reactants and products in an equilibrium mixture? How can we determine equilibrium concentrations from initial concentrations? What factors can we exploit to alter the composition of an equilibrium mixture? This last question is particularly important when choosing conditions for the synthesis of industrial chemicals such as hydrogen, ammonia, and methanol 1CH OH2 . It is not a secret clear that Topic of Chemical Equilibrium is very important in Chemistry. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Chemical Equilibrium. Chemical Equilibrium teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Chemical Equilibrium Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: • The Equilibrium State • The Equilibrium Constant Kc The Equilibrium Constant Kp Heterogeneous Equilibria • Using the Equilibrium Constant • Factors That Alter the Composition of an Equilibrium Mixture: Le Châtelier’s Principle • Altering an Equilibrium Mixture: Changes in Concentration • Altering an Equilibrium Mixture: Changes in Pressure and Volume • Altering an Equilibrium Mixture: Changes in Temperature • The Link between Chemical Equilibrium and Chemical Kinetics ** By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get:** 1 Chemical Equilibrium Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Chemical Equilibrium with more than 100 different questions and answers to them. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases Lecture (Chemistry)

Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases Lecture (Chemistry)

Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases Lecture It is not a secret clear that Topic of Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases is very important in Chemistry. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases. Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: • Acid–Base Concepts: The Brønsted–Lowry Theory • Acid Strength and Base Strength • Factors That Affect Acid Strength Dissociation of Water • The pH Scale • Measuring pH • The pH in Solutions of Strong Acids and Strong Bases • Equilibria in Solutions of Weak Acids • Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations in Solutions of Weak Acids • Percent Dissociation in Solutions of Weak Acids • Polyprotic Acids • Equilibria in Solutions of Weak Bases • Relation Between Ka and Kb • Acid–Base Properties of Salts • Lewis Acids and Bases By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases with more than 100 different questions and answers to them. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Applications of Aqueo Equilibria Lecture

Applications of Aqueo Equilibria Lecture

Applications of Aqueo Equilibria Lecture Aqueous equilibria play a crucial role in many environmental and biological processes. For example, the pH of many lakes and streams must remain near 5.5 for plant and aquatic life to flourish. The pH of human blood is carefully controlled at a value of 7.4 by equilibria involving primarily the conjugate acid–base pair H2CO3 and HCO3 - . At lower pH values, the affinity of hemoglobin in red blood cells for O2 molecules decreases and the blood carries less oxygen to the tissues. It is not a secret clear that Topic of Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases is very important in Chemistry. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases. Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Aqueous Equilibria Acids and Bases Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: • Neutralization reactions • the Common-Ion effect • Buffer Solutions • The henderson–hasselbalch equation ph titration Curves • Strong acid–Strong Base titrations • Weak acid–Strong Base titrations • Weak Base–Strong acid titrations • Polyprotic acid–Strong Base titrations • Solubility equilibria for Ionic Compounds • Measuring Ksp and Calculating Solubility from Ksp • Factors that affect Solubility precipitation of Ionic Compounds • Separation of Ions by Selective precipitation • Qualitative analysis By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Applications of Aqueo Equilibria Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Applications of Aqueo Equilibria with more than 100 different questions and answers to them. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium Lecture

Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium Lecture

Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium Lecture what factors determine the direction and extent of a chemical reaction? Some reactions, such as the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, go almost to comple- tion. Others, such as the combination of gold and oxygen, occur hardly at all. Still others—for example, the industrial synthesis of ammonia from N2 and H2 at 400-500°C—result in an equilibrium mixture that contains appreciable amounts of both reactants and products It is not a secret clear that Topic of Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium is very important in Chemistry. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium. Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: • Spontaneous processes • Enthalpy, entropy, and Spontaneous processes: a Brief review • Entropy and probability • Entropy and temperature • Standard Molar entropies and Standard entropies of reaction • Entropy and the Second Law of thermodynamics • Free energy and the Spontaneity of Chemical reactions • Standard Free-energy Changes for reactions • Standard Free energies of Formation • Free-energy Changes for reactions under Nonstandard-State Conditions • Free energy and Chemical equilibrium By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Thermodynamics Entropy, Free Energy, and Equilibrium with more than 100 different questions and answers to them. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Electrochemistry Lecture (Chemistry)

Electrochemistry Lecture (Chemistry)

Electrochemistry Lecture Batteries are everywhere. They provide the electric current to start our automobiles and to power a host of products such as digital watches and cameras, electronic calculators and laptop computers, heart pacemakers, radios, and cell phones. In hybrid and all electric vehicles, batteries power an electric motor that supplements or replaces a gasoline engine. A battery is an electrochemical cell, a device for converting chemical energy to electrical energy. A battery takes the energy released by a spontaneous chemical reaction and uses it to produce electricity. It is not a secret clear that Topic of Electrochemistry is very important in Chemistry. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Electrochemistry. Electrochemistry teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Electrochemistry Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: • Balancing redox reactions by the half-reaction Method • Galvanic Cells • Shorthand Notation for Galvanic Cells • Cell potentials and Free-energy Changes for Cell reactions • Standard reduction potentials • Using Standard reduction potentials • Cell potentials under Nonstandard- State Conditions: the Nernst equation • Electrochemical Determination of ph • Standard Cell potentials and equilibrium Constants • Batteries • Corrosion • Electrolysis and electrolytic Cells • Commercial applications of electrolysis • Quantitative aspects of electrolysis By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Electrochemistry Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Electrochemistry with more than 100 different questions and answers to them. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more teaching resources for Chemistry you may press this link.
Communication Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Communication Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Communication Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Communication Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Communication. Communication resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Communication. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Describe the functions and process of communication. Contrast downward, upward, and lateral communication through small-group networks and the grapevine. Contrast oral, written, and nonverbal communication. Describe how channel richness underlies the choice of communication channel. Differentiate between automatic and controlled processing of persuasive messages. Identify common barriers to effective communication. Discuss how to overcome the potential problems of cross-cultural communication. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Communication Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Communication with 110 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Leadership Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Leadership Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Leadership Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Leadership Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Leadership. Leadership resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Leadership. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Summarize the conclusions of trait theories of leadership. Identify the central tenets and main limitations of behavioral theories. Contrast contingency theories of leadership. Describe the contemporary theories of leadership and their relationship to foundational theories. Discuss the roles of leaders in creating ethical organizations. Describe how leaders can have a positive impact on their organizations through building trust and mentoring. Identify the challenges to our understanding of leadership. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Leadership Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Leadership with 110 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more Organizational Behavior teaching resources please press this link!
Power and Politics Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Power and Politics Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Power and Politics Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Power and Politics Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Power and Politics. Power and Politics resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Power and Politics. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Contrast leadership and power. Explain the three bases of formal power and the two bases of personal power. Explain the role of dependence in power relationships. Identify power or influence tactics and their contingencies. Identify the causes and consequences of abuse of power. Describe how politics work in organizations. Identify the causes, consequences, and ethics of political behavior. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Power and Politics Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Power and Politics with 110 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more Organizational Behavior teaching resources please press this link!
Understanding Work Teams Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Understanding Work Teams Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Understanding Work Teams Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Understanding Work Teams Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Understanding Work Teams. Understanding Work Teams resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Understanding Work Teams. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Analyze the continued popularity of teams in organizations. Contrast groups and teams. Contrast the five types of team arrangements. Identify the characteristics of effective teams. Explain how organizations can create team players. Decide when to use individuals instead of teams. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Understanding Work Teams Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Understanding Work Teams with 105 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more teaching resources for Organizational Behavior please press this link!
Personality and Values Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Personality and Values Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Personality and Values Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Personality and Values Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Personality and Values. Personality and Values teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Personality and Values. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Describe personality, the way it is measured, and the factors that shape it. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality framework and the Big Five model. Discuss how the concepts of core self-evaluation (CSE), self-monitoring, and proactive personality contribute to the understanding of personality. Describe how personality affects job search and unemployment. Describe how the situation affects whether personality predicts behavior. Contrast terminal and instrumental values. Describe the differences between person-job fit and person-organization fit. Compare Hofstede’s five value dimensions and the GLOBE framework. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Personality and Values Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Personality and Values with 116 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
What Is Organizational Behavior Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

What Is Organizational Behavior Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

What Is Organizational Behavior Lecture (Organizational Behavior) What Is Organizational Behavior Lecture an introductory lecture for Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Organizational Behavior. Organizational Behavior Responsibility teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Introduction to Organizational Behavior. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Demonstrate the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace. 2 Define organizational behavior (OB). 3 Show the value to OB of systematic study. 4 Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB. 5 Demonstrate why few absolutes apply to OB. 6 Identify managers’ challenges and opportunities in applying OB concepts. 7 Compare the three levels of analysis in this text’s OB model. 8 Describe the key employability skills gained from studying OB applicable to other majors or future careers. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 What Is Organizational Behavior Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for What Is Organizational Behavior with 115 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Diversity in Organizations Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Diversity in Organizations Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Diversity in Organizations Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Diversity in Organizations Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Diversity in Organizations. Diversity in Organizations teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Diversity in Organizations. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: Describe the two major forms of workplace diversity. Demonstrate how workplace discrimination undermines organizational effectiveness. Describe how the key biographical characteristics are relevant to Organizational Behavior (OB). Explain how other differentiating characteristics factor into OB. Demonstrate the relevance of intellectual and physical abilities to OB. Describe how organizations manage diversity effectively. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Diversity in Organizations Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Diversity in Organizations with 110 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. More teaching resources for Organizational Behavior you may find by pressing this link!
Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Attitudes and Job Satisfaction. Attitudes and Job Satisfaction teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Attitudes and Job Satisfaction. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Contrast the three components of an attitude. 2 Summarize the relationship between attitudes and behavior. 3 Compare the major job attitudes. 4 Define job satisfaction. 5 Summarize the main causes of job satisfaction. 6 Identify three outcomes of job satisfaction. 7 Identify four employee responses to dissatisfaction. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Attitudes and Job Satisfaction with 120 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more teaching resources for Organizational Behavior please press this link!
Emotions and Moods Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Emotions and Moods Lecture (Organizational Behavior)

Emotions and Moods Lecture (Organizational Behavior) Emotions and Moods Lecture is a lecture which is covered during Organizational Behavior module. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Emotions and Moods. Emotions and Moods teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct lecture or class on Emotions and Moods. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: 1 Differentiate between emotions and moods. 2 Identify the sources of emotions and moods. 3 Show the impact emotional labor has on employees. 4 Describe affective events theory. 5 Describe emotional intelligence. 6 Identify strategies for emotion regulation. 7 Apply concepts about emotions and moods to specific OB issues. By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Emotions and Moods Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Emotions and Moods with 120 different questions. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Nuclear Chemistry Lecture (Chemistry)

Nuclear Chemistry Lecture (Chemistry)

Nuclear Chemistry Lecture Nuclear chemistry, the study of properties and reactions of atomic nuclei, is a topic of high societal importance. Due to the incredible strength and long-term radiation effects of atomic weapons, 190 countries worldwide have joined the International Non-Proliferation Treaty, which aims to prevent the spread of weapons technology, disarm weapons stockpiles, and promote peaceful uses of nuclear technology such as nuclear power and medicine. Nuclear power plants operate in 30 countries worldwide, and approximately 20% of electricity generated in the United States comes from nuclear reactions. Some people consider nuclear energy a “clean” source of electricity because it does not emit air pollutants or the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. However, drawbacks of nuclear power include the need for a long-term waste disposal plan and the potential for serious accidents such as the Chernobyl plant in Ukraine in 1986 and the Fukushima Daiichi plant in Japan in 2011. Although radiation from nuclear accidents is a public health concern, nuclear medicine uses radioactive isotopes to diagnose and treat conditions ranging from appendicitis to cancer. In this chapter we’ll study various aspects of nuclear reactions including changes in atomic nuclei, the energy of nuclear reactions, and rates of radioactive decay. It is not a secret clear that Topic of Nuclear Chemistry is very important in Chemistry. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Nuclear Chemistry. Nuclear Chemistry teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Electrochemistry Nuclear Chemistry Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: • Nuclear Reactions and Their Characteristics • Radioactivity • Nuclear Stability • Radioactive Decay Rates • Energy Changes during Nuclear Reactions • Nuclear Fission and Fusion • Nuclear Transmutation • Detecting and Measuring Radioactivity • Some Applications of Nuclear Chemistry By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Nuclear Chemistry Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Nuclear Chemistry with more than 100 different questions and answers to them. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry Lecture

Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry Lecture

Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry Lecture It is not a secret clear that Topic of Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry is very important in Chemistry. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry. Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE: • Electron Configurations Properties of Transition Elements • Oxidation States of Transition Elements • Chemistry of Selected Transition Elements • Coordination Compounds • Ligands • Naming Coordination Compounds • Isomers • Enantiomers and Molecular Handedness • Color of Transition Metal Complexes • Bonding in Complexes: Valence Bond Theory • Crystal Field Theory By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry with more than 100 different questions and answers to them. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources.
Metals and Solid-State Materials Lecture (Chemistry)

Metals and Solid-State Materials Lecture (Chemistry)

Metals and Solid-State Materials Lecture The materials available for making tools and weapons, houses and skyscrapers, computers and lasers have had a profound effect on the development of human civilization. Indeed, archaeologists organize early human history in terms of materials—the Stone Age, in which only natural materials such as wood and stone were available; the Bronze Age, in which implements were made of copper alloyed with tin; and the Iron Age, in which orna- ments, weapons, and tools were made of iron. It is not a secret clear that Topic of Metals and Solid-State Materials is very important in Chemistry. With the help of this teaching resources you will be able to explain your students what is it Metals and Solid-State Materials. Metals and Solid-State Materials teaching resources will suite any teacher/lecturer or tutor who is going or planning to conduct Metals and Solid-State Materials Lecture or Seminar. LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF THE LECTURE • Sources of the Metallic elements Metallurgy • Iron and Steel • Bonding in Metals Semiconductors • Semiconductor applications Superconductors • Ceramics • Composites By purchasing this teaching resource, you will get: 1 Metals and Solid-State Materials Lecture PowerPoint Presentation 1 Teaching Gide for the Lecture/Seminar 1 Test bank for Metals and Solid-State Materials with more than 100 different questions and answers to them. Once you will purchase please write your comments and subscribe to my store in order to be up to date with new teaching resources. For more Chemistry teaching resources please press this link!