Powerpoint for describing my style - past present and future. Includes visual reference of masculine and feminine clothes vocabulary, review of gender and number agreement, reading text with comprehension questions, translation to adapt the text, and finishing with writing task to put it all together.
Let pupils know that Spanish is fun to learn if they choose activities that interest them, and that they will succeed if they're enjoying their language learning. 15 suggested activities for pupils to complete outside of class to boost their knowledge. Can be displayed on board or printed off for pupils to check off the activities they've completed.
En la ciudad - Spanish lesson to review places in town, then beginning to ask where places are. Used with Year 8 at the start of Viva 2, Module 5.
Including: Select the correct option from 2 possible phrases to match pictures, phonics review to help with pronunciation, matching pictures to phrases, noughts and crosses to practise places (gradually removing written support), delayed copying exercise and highlighter splat.
Vocabulary recap -
Places in town - una tienda, un parque, un espacio verde, un polideportivo, un museo, una playa, un bar, un colegio, un cine, un mercado, un restaurante
Adjectives - tranquilo/ruidoso, grande/pequeño, industrial/rural, bonito/feo, turístico
Visual support slide - can be used to play 'slap the board' or adapted to play Kim's game etc.
Speaking activity - Questions about the town
Reading - extended text with multiple choice questions - use with decision discs to get whole class response
Writing - framework for points to include.
LO: Can I say where my house is in relation to other things?
El banco
La estación
La iglesia
La parada de autobuses
El supermercado
El colegio
Las tiendas
Articles - matching activity, splat & o&x games, translation & writing
Powerpoint to teach pupils how to talk about conflicts with parents over free time activities
Phonics focus
Sentence Scaffold
Translation by numbers
Powerpoint to help pupils to write a letter of introduction to a Spanish-speaking penfriend
Sentence scaffold
A lesson to encourage pupils to identify and use key structures in their writing - adjectives, verbs, opinions, connectives, adverbs, details and originality.
Includes a WAGOLL (what a good one looks like), text adaptation, and a writing scaffold.
I have used this with Year 8 at the end of Viva 2 Module 4, to get pupils to create a piece of writing
Spanish Verb Mat for Higher GCSE and A Level. Students can see at a glance how to form all tenses required for GSCE and A Level on one page. Preterite, imperfect, imperfect subjunctive, imperfect continuous, pluperfect, perfect, past participles, present, gerund, present continuous, imperative, simple future, conditional, near future, subjunctive. Also includes lists of irregulars for each tense. Assumes pupils have basic knowledge of infinitives, stems etc. Great Revision resource, especially now that translation and grammar feature more prominently in the GCSE exams.
Using near future to say what you are going to do tomorrow / at the weekend / in the holidays, extending sentences by saying where, with whom and expressing opinions.
Ir + infinitive - voy a , vas a, va a , vamos a , vais a, van a
Future time expressions - mañana, la semana que viene, este fin de semana, en las vacaciones
ir de compras / al estadio / al cine / al polideportivo / al centro commercial / al parque
jugar al fútbol / tenis / rugby / voleibol / con el ordenador
hacer natación / ciclismo / patinaje / esquí / senderismo
en el parque / en casa / en el polideportivo / en la playa / en el campo / en las montañas
con mi madre / padre / hermano / hermana/ amigo / amiga / familia
con mis amigos / padres / abuelos / hermanos / hermanas
en mi opinión / creo que / pienso que... va a ser...
aburrido / divertido / interesante / fenomenal / estupendo / horrible / fácil /difícil
GCSE Spanish Resource to introduce formation and use of preterite and imperfect tenses within the topic of holidays. Includes word matching, trapdoor game, translation and extended writing.
Display high frequency, important vocabulary on your classroom wall. Fill your wall with words for a literacy-rich classroom display. Comprised of lists of French time phrases, connectives, intensifiers, opinion phrases and some common adjectives. Pupils love to stretch themselves by including words or phrases from the wall to improve their work. Challenge them to include particular ones for effective differentiation.
Perfect for revising KS3 holidays topic when beginning topic at KS4. Allows pupils to talk about where, who with, how they get there and what they do - focussing on extended sentences in present and past tense, but also some support for future and putting all 3 together at the end. Includes dice game, translation, adverbs of frequency.
Knowlegde organisers and checkers for all grammar and tenses required for GCSE Spanish.
Pupils can revise and test themselves over and over again until they know their grammar perfectly.
Display high frequency, important vocabulary on your classroom wall. Fill your wall with words for a literacy-rich classroom display. Comprised of lists of Spanish time phrases, connectives, intensifiers, opinion phrases and some common adjectives. Pupils love to stretch themselves by including words or phrases from the wall to improve their work. Challenge them to include particular ones for effective differentiation.
Knowledge organiser contains all verb tenses required at GCSE level. Pupils can use this to revise, and then test their knowledge using the knowledge checkers. Each knowledge checker has more information missing than the previous one, until pupils need to be able to recall virtually all of the information given.
This knowledge organiser can be used to revise essential grammar for the GCSE exam, including articles, demonstrative pronouns, prepositions, intensifiers, comparatives, negatives, conjunctions, superlatives, diminutives, augmentatives, neuter articles, quantifiers, possessive pronouns and reflexive verbs.
The knowledge checkers can be used to test knowledge of these items. They start with small amount of information missing, and each one gets harder as the pupil has to recall more information in order to fill it in.
Infinitive, present, preterite, imperfect, future and conditional tenses for key Spanish verbs - ir, ser, estar, hacer, tener, querer and poder. Also includes acronyms DOCTOR and PLACE to help pupils with ser vs. estar. Get these verbs into your pupils' heads by having them permanently on display in your classroom!
Make yours a literacy-rich MFL classroom with this bundle of Spanish and French displays and literacy resources. Includes Spanish and French Word Walls, Interrogatives displays, Marking Codes, Literacy Word Mats and numbers display in both languages. Your classroom will not only look amazing, but you will provide lots of literacy support to your pupils. SAVE 32% (£7) by buying this resource bundle instead of paying full price!