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GCSE French and German resources, including plenty of good old worksheets. SEND resources suitable for young children with autism.




GCSE French and German resources, including plenty of good old worksheets. SEND resources suitable for young children with autism.
French worksheet about school rules

French worksheet about school rules

A worksheet for using 'on ne peut pas' and 'il faut' with school rules. Easily adaptable to your own school rules: the vocab is on a separate page. Easy to photocopy with 2 worksheets & 4 sets of vocab on one page of A4. Two exercises to practise sentence structure, then a more open-ended task to create 'fantasy' school rules.
Festivals past tense sentence builder

Festivals past tense sentence builder

A French starter activity with suggested chunks of sentences in the past tense about various festivals. Could be used as part of a true/false activity, or pronunciation practice. Could be extended into a piece of speaking or writing, using this as scaffolding.
French reading activity with descriptions of foods

French reading activity with descriptions of foods

A set of short descriptions of different foods in French: pupils have to guess what foods they are. Answers are shown - take these away before using the resource! Possible adaptations include providing the answers jumbled to make it easier, or asking pupils to write their own descriptions to extend the task.
French worksheet to prepare for using near future tense

French worksheet to prepare for using near future tense

French worksheet which builds up in stages, ready to construct the near future tense: write the English for some time markers, some infinitives and finally some phrases which could complete sentences. You would then practise using the aller paradigm to put it all together.
French comparative starter task

French comparative starter task

A set of sentences with corresponding pictures to show the use of the comparative in French (plus/moins/aussi ... que). Use as a starter where pupils must adapt the sentences to include their own choice of vocab; could be extended into a listening task where they say if each other's sentence is true/false or possible/impossible.
French directions: matching and translation

French directions: matching and translation

A list of 15 directions vocab in French, with the English jumbled alongside. Pupils match the French to the English. Beneath is a list of 10 short sentences for translation into French, using the vocab from the matching task. Use as a revision task or pair work activity, or a written task. Could equally be a lesson starter. Answers provided on second page.
French reading task: opinions of school uniform

French reading task: opinions of school uniform

A reading task with 14 sentences in French which give opinions about school uniform. Pupils have to tick or cross the sentences to show whether each opinion is for or against uniform. Could be extended to use as a translation task into English, or a basis for a pair work discussion. Save money photocopying: 2 copies of the task fit on one page of A4.
Arranging to go out: matching and translation

Arranging to go out: matching and translation

A list of 20 short phrases in French with the English jumbled alongside, vocab used in role plays arranging to go out. Pupils match the French to the English. Beneath is a list of 8 short sentences in English for translation into French, using the vocab from the matching task. Useful as a lesson starter or revision task, written or pair work. Answers provided on second page of document.
French text about where I live

French text about where I live

A detailed text written in French in the present tense, with detailed and varied sentences. Make your own questions to use this as a reading comprehension - or ask pupils to make up questions to ask their partner. Use as a script for a listening task, ask pupils to note specific details such as which rooms or which furniture are mentioned. Would make a challenging translation task.
Camping multi-choice quiz in French

Camping multi-choice quiz in French

A set of 12 pictures/symbols with a choice of three phrases below each, about campsite facilities and making a booking. Would also work as a translation task once pupils have chosen the correct phrase. Could be extended by asking pupils to suggest another alternative for each set of phrases, or to make up their own quiz about hotel/youth hostel accommodation. Answers provided - WARNING: the answers are at the bottom of the page, take care not to print them!
A translation task from French into English about local area

A translation task from French into English about local area

A set of 8 sentences in French about "where I live", for pupils to translate into English. Opinions and perfect tense included. Could be a homework task or revision activity. Make into a pair work game or team competition with numbers 1-8 on the board for pupils to choose as a lottery, set a timer and challenge pupils to translate as much of a sentence as they can in a limited amount of time.
French worksheet about daily routine including time

French worksheet about daily routine including time

Four tasks on a worksheet which build up to pupils writing their own sentences in French about their daily routine. First is a list of vocab for telling the time and 18 times for pupils to write out in French. The second task is a vocab matching exercise with short sentences about daily routine in the present tense. The third task is a set of short phrases giving further details such as where/who with - written in French and English but with some words missing for pupils to complete. Finally pupils are asked to produce their own sentences, using vocab from the previous tasks.
A scaffolding worksheet about holidays with 3 time frames

A scaffolding worksheet about holidays with 3 time frames

A skeleton for a piece of writing or speaking about holidays. Sentences are started, for pupils to finish with their own information. Clearly presented with visuals and related sentences grouped together. Includes sentences in present, perfect, imperfect, near future and future tenses. Easy to differentiate by giving pupils a maximum number of sentences to produce, or challenge pupils to include certain random words of your own choice.
French worksheet about countries and nationalities

French worksheet about countries and nationalities

A grid for pupils to complete with countries listed in French and some nationalities provided. Pupils write the countries in English and then complete the masculine and feminine spellings of the corresponding nationalities, then the English words for the nationalities. Makes a good homework. Could be extended by asking pupils to add more countries and nationalities of their own choice, or to build short sentences using the vocab.
A translation task from French into English about adverts

A translation task from French into English about adverts

A set of 6 sentences in French about adverts for pupils to translate into English. A range of opinions and reasons, all in the present tense. Could be a homework task or revision activity. Make into a pair work game or team competition with numbers 1-6 on the board for pupils to choose as a lottery, set a timer and challenge pupils to translate as much of a sentence as they can in a limited amount of time.
French worksheet about reflexive verbs with daily routine

French worksheet about reflexive verbs with daily routine

This worksheet has 3 tasks: first pupils read short sentences in French and choose the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the gaps. Then they decide whether each sentence is in past, present or future tense. Finally they translate the sentences into English. Sentences are all about what time people do things in their daily routine.
French reading & writing worksheet about daily routine

French reading & writing worksheet about daily routine

This worksheet has three tasks. There is a text about one person's routine on a school day, all in the present tense. First pupils have to answer comprehension questions in English about the text. Then they must find the French vocab in the text which corresponds to a list of vocab in English. Finally they are asked to produce their own paragraph about their own daily routine, using vocab they have seen on the previous tasks. Could be extended into a speaking and listening activity, with pupils reading their text to a partner, who has to note the main points, for example.
French text about ideal school uniform

French text about ideal school uniform

A detailed text in French about a student's ideal school uniform. Information is given about current uniform in the present tense, then ideal uniform is described in the future conditional. Could be used as a translation text (may need cutting into shorter chunks), good revision material, or a lesson starter with comprehension questions made up by the pupils.
French texts about household chores

French texts about household chores

A pair of texts in French about household chores, one more detailed and more complex than the other. Parts of speech are highlighted in different colours, according to a key. Different tenses and justified opinions are included. Would make a good basis for a reading comprehension or grammar task.