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Ultimate Geography

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(based on 11 reviews)

High quality lessons and revision resources available to purchase.




High quality lessons and revision resources available to purchase.
Fracking - Geography

Fracking - Geography

Complete lesson covering fracking in the UK. Designed for the Edexcel GCSE specification, but could be used with other specifications or lower year groups. Lesson includes: Do Now - what is fracking? Video about fracking Graphs showing the impact of fracking in the US Map showing where fracking could occur in the UK AfL - correct the mistakes Printable information cards with differing views - students debate Images illustrating some of the issues with fracking 3 mark exam question and model answer
How can we reduce the development gap - Geography

How can we reduce the development gap - Geography

Complete lesson on different strategies to reduce the development gap. Lesson is set up as a decision making exercise. Lesson includes: Do Now Definition of the development gap Link to videos describing why it’s important to reduce the gap Decision making activity with printable differentiated worksheets Teacher-led evaluation of the best strategy Plenary
Climate Change Mitigation - Geography

Climate Change Mitigation - Geography

Complete lesson covering mitigation of climate change. Lesson includes: Do Now Recap on the human causes of climate change Optional interquartile range practise slide Video and prompts about the ecological footprint Mind map about reducing our own ecological footprint Card sort activity (printable cards) with different mitigation strategies Evaluation whole class writing Plenary
Geography of the Middle East - Geography Lesson

Geography of the Middle East - Geography Lesson

Complete lesson covering the geography of the Middle East. Lesson includes: Do Now - map labelling activity Think, pair, share with key images from the Middle East Video and questions Labelling map task (Atlas required) Plenary
Water Conflict in the Middle East - Geography

Water Conflict in the Middle East - Geography

Complete lesson covering water conflict and water scarcity in the Middle East, with a focus on the Jordan River. Lesson includes: Do Now - locating the Jordan River Comparison of precipitation between Jordan and the UK Keyword match-up activity and extension Link to Water Scarcity Atlas for discussion Video Annotate and complete the sentences on the map of the Jordan River - printable handout Plenary Bonus video and questions
Why do people live on floodplains? (Mississippi River) - Geography

Why do people live on floodplains? (Mississippi River) - Geography

Complete lesson covering some of the reasons why people live on floodplains, with a focus on the Mississippi River. Lesson includes: Do Now Drainage basin explanation and keyword match-up Describe the route of the Mississippi using maps Comprehension questions covering why people live on the Mississippi floodplain with printable info sheet Spot the mistakes AfL Exam question plenary
Oil & Conflict in the Middle East (Gulf War) - Geography

Oil & Conflict in the Middle East (Gulf War) - Geography

Complete lesson covering the links between oil and conflict in the Middle East. Focus is on the 1991 Gulf War. Lesson includes: Do Now Kuwait location Video and questions Worksheet to complete covering causes & effects (lower ability worksheet also available) Plenary
Indian Ocean Tsunami - Geography

Indian Ocean Tsunami - Geography

Complete lesson covering the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami in the Indian Ocean. Lesson includes: Do Now Video and questions Printable maps and data to create a choropleth map to help students decide which country was worst hit Decision making activity with 2 options to prevent future tsunamis (printable sheet) Plenary
Middle East Borders - Geography

Middle East Borders - Geography

Complete lesson covering the reasons why some Middle Eastern borders are straight lines, with a focus on Syria and the Sykes-Picot Agreement. Lesson includes: Do Now Prediction activity Map of the Sykes-Picot agreement Printable reading sheet (with differentiated one also available) and comprehension activity - can be done independently or as paired work Writing task Atlas challenge plenary
Religious Conflict in the Middle East - Geography

Religious Conflict in the Middle East - Geography

Complete lesson covering the role of religion in conflict in the Middle East. Lesson includes: Do Now AfL check for understanding Video about the difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims Conflict map students annotate using map showing religious divide Optional additional video & questions News article and comprehension questions (differentiated lower ability article also available) Summary plenary
Solutions to Water Scarcity - Geography

Solutions to Water Scarcity - Geography

Complete lesson covering solutions to water scarcity and water insecurity. Lesson includes: Do Now Video and question about desalination 8 information cards about different strategies, with table to complete Extension questions Diamond 9 categorising activity Plenary
East Asian Tigers - Geography

East Asian Tigers - Geography

Complete lesson covering the growth of the East Asian Tigers, with a focus on the development of Singapore. Lesson includes: Do Now Locate the East Asian Tigers on printable maps Location of Singapore - correct the mistakes Printable reading and comprehension questions Plenary
Greenfield & Brownfield Sites - Geography

Greenfield & Brownfield Sites - Geography

Complete lesson covering greenfield and brownfield sites. Lesson was designed for the Edexcel A GCSE Geography Spec, but could be used with any GCSE specification or with KS3. Lesson includes: Do Now Partner activity to remember the definition of greenfield and brownfield AfL activity Definitions Printable handout covering the pros and cons of each site; students complete a table using the information Answers Extended writing activity 2 mark exam question plenary
Waterfalls - Geography

Waterfalls - Geography

Complete lesson covering the formation of waterfalls and gorges. Includes: Do Now - match up keyword activity Guess the location - widest, tallest and most visited waterfalls using clues Diagrams and explanation of how a waterfall forms Main activity - diagram draw and label Explanation of a gorge Plenary
Ethical Consumption (Edexcel A-level) - Geography

Ethical Consumption (Edexcel A-level) - Geography

Complete lesson covering ethical consumption. Lesson was designed for the Edexcel A-level but would work with other specifications too. Lesson includes: Do Now Keyword check Summary of the world’s ecological footprint The sustainability quadrant Info sheets summarising Fairtrade, recycling, Traid, Keep Britain Tidy, ethical shopping and the circular economy - students use this info to annotate their sustainability quadrants Discussion questions
Nationalist Movements (Edexcel A-level) - Geography

Nationalist Movements (Edexcel A-level) - Geography

Complete lesson covering nationalist and independence movements, with a focus on Scottish and Catalan independence. Lesson includes: Do Now Maps showing global and regional independence movements Explanation of the Scottish independence referendum, the key arguments and the outcome News article on Scottish independence and printable table to complete Video and questions on Catalan independence Discussion questions Continuum activity based on the main challenges to national identity
IGO Management of the Environment - Geography

IGO Management of the Environment - Geography

Complete lesson covering the ways IGOs (intergovernmental organisations) manage the environment through treaties and conventions. Lesson covers 6 key IGO management schemes including the Montreal Protocol on the ozone layer, CITES, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Helsinki Water Convention, the Antarctic Treaty System and Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Lesson includes: Printable table for students to complete through the lesson Video and article summarising the Montreal Protocol that students use to complete their table Series of information sheets on the other 5 conventions (with an accompanying news article for each one) that students use to complete the rest of their table Speed dating sheet for students to question their partners in order to check for understanding Possible 20 mark exam question and printable planning sheet