The PowerPoint explains the importance of hygiene in the kitchen and food management. The PowerPoint explains the importance of personal hygiene in the kitchen.
6 week lesson plan for SEN & KS1 students. Planning includes road safety, stranger awareness and what constitutes an emergency and what to do in an emergency. Planning includes videos, power points which can be accessed via twinkl. Plenary and differentiation is included also.
This planning was created for a class of SEN students and was designed to meet their needs.
Visiting the Community - Leisure & Reflection Spring Term Planning 2017 - 6 Lessons.
This planning is designed for SEN students, planning consists of visiting the community, belonging to a community, independent living skills and places for reflection rather than worship.
This activity intends to support the recognition of emotions and support emotional literacy. Suitable for early years, KS1 and SEN. Differentiation included to support the students.
Happy teaching
I used this PowerPoint along with other activities for a lesson observation (I did great). Differentiated with symbols, and most of all meaning to everyday day life.
I created this planning for a class of specific students with learning difficulties and behavioural issues. I have added quite a lot of differentiation throughout the planning to support students as the class has mixed abilities. Topics include;
-What is mental health? stress, depression and anger management.
-Self-harm and negative thoughts
-Preventing mental health - stress management
-Self-Actualization personal growth and recognising personal qualities
-Self Actualization personal growth and what can we improve about ourselves.
If you are to purchase this please beware it is specifically designed for a mixed group of young people.
Happy teaching.
How the media influences fast foods. Lesson contains:
Dyslexia friendly PowerPoint
Starter video for hook
Tasks for white-boards
Learning through discussion and video
Activity - create your own design to influence others to eat more healthier.
Peer assessment
Resources are attached (except white-boards)
Differentiation is involved, all learning styles are included. Assessment for learning methods described in lesson planning.
I have this used this lesson for mainstream and special ed teaching.
I am using this for a lesson observation Monday, wish me luck…
PSHCE - All about me. 6 Weeks planning designed for students with special needs, can easily be adapted to suit your students, may be helpful for early years and foundation.
I made this to explain to my students who is the Prime Minister, what the role of the Prime Minister is, and to explain what a law is in simple context. The learning objective is to explain what the government does.
Independent and groups tasks. Plenary at the end.
Use of images to help understanding.
One task includes separating silly laws and real laws will include the hand out.
This PowerPoint will cover the whole lesson.
Suitable for Early Years, KS1 and Special Educational Needs. Planning consists of 6 lessons plans with activities. Each lesson is well differentiated with plenary added.
Happy teaching....
6 Weeks Planning includes, seating plan, adult deployment, differentiation, plenary, AFL, teaching activities and keywords.
6 PowerPoint's, are made for group participation, simple thumbs up, thumb down as well opportunities for discussion.
Will suit students KS1 and SEN. I made the PowerPoint's in a social story style. Will help students with change of class, new teachers, new peers and new schools
Everything is easy to adapt to suit your students.
Happy Teaching....
A lesson I created for Year 11 students Psychological factors that affect human growth and development - PowerPoint - for Health & Social Care.
Contains, starter, main and plenary. Dyslexia friendly.
A PowerPoint to help and teach students about Negative Thoughts and Self-Harming behaviour. Useful coping strategies, and lists of help available.
Happy Teaching
Perfect to teach students about healthy eating, the PowerPoint contains two videos of the extreme of unhealthy diets. To encourage healthy eating. Easy to adapt, I used this in special Ed to Sixth Form Students, great lesson, encourages a lot of discussion.
This lesson was designed to explain fair and unfair in a simple way using Olympics, Paralympics and democracy.
The lesson includes activities.
Videos - insightful
Experiment - to explain how unfair and fair effects a person while reinforcing examples of fairness and feelings.
Statutory rights and contractual rights explained and broken down to ensure understanding.
This resource is a PowerPoint and includes resources to be printed to support the lesson and marking.
Starter, main, plenary with images.
Dyslexia friendly, used Century Gothic, dark blue font with light blue background.
Suitable for year 9 and over.
Subjects in accordance with preparation for adulthood such as Work Related Learning, Citizenship, Sixth Form and PSHE.
Happy Teaching