Love Learning Languages French and English Resources
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I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.
I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.
Free Mardi Gras Sudoku Games in English
Use these 2 sudoku games to have some fun using Mardi Gras vocabulary. 2 versions with answer keys are included. Students place a word in each empty box so that each row, column and nine box square contains each of the words.
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Free French School Menu #6
Have a look at what’s on the menu at my kids’ school in France. Cheese every day!! I’ll be adding more menus weekly as I receive them. There are so many things a French teacher could do with these in class.
It would be a fun cultural study to look up images of some of these menu items to show students what they look like and if they eat anything similar at their schools or homes. This could lead to a discussion on the length of time French students typically have to eat and rest as compared to students and teachers in your school.
French scrambled sentences exercise - IR VERBS - Passé Composé - Negation
This French freebie is a no prep printable that you can use to have your students putting words in the correct order to form grammatically sound sentences using regular IR verbs in the passé composé with simple negation. There are 9 sentences to unscramble, one per subject pronoun.
Free French School Menu #2
Have a look at what’s on the menu at my kids’ school in France. Cheese every day!! I’ll be adding more menus weekly as I receive them. There are so many things a French teacher could do with these in class.
It would be a fun cultural study to look up images of some of these menu items to show students what they look like and if they eat anything similar at their schools or homes. This could lead to a discussion on the length of time French students typically have to eat and rest as compared to students and teachers in your school.
French February Scattergories Game - Février - Petit Bac
February Scattergories is a fun game that will get students thinking about February vocabulary and word work practice. Instructions are included. Students will enjoy working in groups and learning together. This activity works well as a literacy center once students know how to play. Please note that this resource includes many references to American historical figures, holidays and general culture.
This is a really fun activity to play with your students as they practice and build their February themed vocabulary. Students of all ages can play this vocabulary game. Perfect for core and French immersion curriculums.
Players attempt to create answers for each of the four categories for each game on their game card. 4 game cards are included for a total of 12 games and 48 categories. This should be a fast moving game and there are only spaces for six words per category. The MAXIMUM they can write is six words so they have to choose them wisely. Students can be creative and flexible with their answers, but other players can challenge them!
12 games are included with 48 different categories! Just print out the game sheets and you’re ready to go. For younger students you can allow more time for thinking and writing, while older students will love the challenge of the timer.
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
French scrambled sentences exercise - RE VERBS - Passé Composé - Negation
This French freebie is a no prep printable that you can use to have your students putting words in the correct order to form grammatically sound sentences using regular RE verbs in the passé composé with simple negation. There are 9 sentences to unscramble, one per subject pronoun.
Jeu de Dominos - French St. Patrick’s Day - La Saint Patrick
Set of 16 dominoes with French and English words related to St. Patrick’s Day. This is an easy, very low prep activity that your students will enjoy playing during the month of March. Print out the game on card stock, laminate, and cut out for years of no prep practice and fun for your students.
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
French scrambled sentences exercise - ER VERBS - Passé Composé - Negation
This French freebie is a no prep printable that you can use to have your students putting words in the correct order to form grammatically sound sentences using regular ER verbs in the passé composé with simple negation. There are 9 sentences to unscramble, one per subject pronoun.
Free French School Menu #4
Have a look at what’s on the menu at my kids’ school in France. Cheese every day!! I’ll be adding more menus weekly as I receive them. There are so many things a French teacher could do with these in class.
It would be a fun cultural study to look up images of some of these menu items to show students what they look like and if they eat anything similar at their schools or homes. This could lead to a discussion on the length of time French students typically have to eat and rest as compared to students and teachers in your school.
Tout Sur Moi - All About Me Activity - 1 Page Printable
This *Tout sur moi! *worksheet can be used in many different ways. Students will write and draw about:
✎ C’est moi self-portrait
✎ Quand je serai grand self-portrait
✎ J’ai _____ ans.
✎ Mon anniversaire c’est le _____.
✎ Je suis en classe de _____.
✎ Ma maîtresse / Mon maître s’appelle _____.
✎ Mes meilleur(e)s ami(e)s: ______, _____, _____.
✎ Quelques membres de ma famille: _____, _____, _____.
✎ Ma matière préférée: _____
✎ Mon sport préféré: _____
✎ Mon film préféré: _____
✎ Mon repas préféré: _____
✎ Ma couleur préférée: _____
✎ Mon animal préféré: _____
✎ Mon jeu préféré: _____
✎ Je sais: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Click here for this resource in English
Ways you can use this one page printable worksheet:
✎ As a back to school ice-breaker
✎ As a getting to know you activity
✎ As a group circle activity
✎ As a student spotlight activity
✎ As a birthday spotlight activity
✎ As independent work
L’heure - French Telling Time Board Game - 24 Hour Clock
This French board game for telling time using a 24 hour clock includes 37 numbered boxes. The first player to reach box 37 wins. There are a few tricks along the way, so getting to the end isn’t always so easy! All boxes require students to say the numerical time aloud in French. Lots of repetition will really help your students get used to saying the time. Instructions on the game board remind them NOT to use vocabulary such as: et demie, et quart, moins le quart, moins vingt (etc), midi, et minuit with a 24 hour clock.
In groups of two to four, players take turns rolling a die to move their pieces forward. Spaces are numbered to keep track of which way they’re moving. There are some spaces with special instructions:
Départ - Start
Avance de 5 cases - Move forward 5 spaces
Recule de 5 cases - Move backward 5 spaces
Rejoue - Play again
Tu perds ton tour - Lose a turn
Fin - End
For an extra challenge and to extend playing time, you can tell your students that they have to land directly on the last square and answer it correctly to win.
This resource includes the following:
➯ 1 page printable game board
Not included:
➯ 1 die per group
➯ Game tokens, 1 per player
French Numbers 1 - 100 Fortune Tellers - Cootie Catchers
Use fortune tellers to have students practice French numbers 1 - 100 in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for learning and reviewing complicated French numbers.
This resource includes 13 fortune tellers, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French IR VERBS - FUTUR SIMPLE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice
Use fortune tellers to have students practice conjugating FRENCH IR VERBS in the FUTUR SIMPLE in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing verb conjugations at any time of the year.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Conjugate Être - Present Tense French Conjugation Board Game
This French board game for conjugating être in the present tense includes 37 numbered boxes. The first player to reach box 37 wins. There are a few tricks along the way, so getting to the end isn’t always so easy!
Some boxes require students to conjugate the verb using the provided subject pronoun, and others require them to name the subject pronoun that matches the verb conjugation. Lots of repetition will really help them to memorize this very important verb!
In groups of two to four, players take turns rolling a die to move their pieces forward. Spaces are numbered to keep track of which way they’re moving. There are some spaces with special instructions:
Départ - Start
Avance de 5 cases - Move forward 5 spaces
Recule de 5 cases - Move backward 5 spaces
Rejoue - Play again
Tu perds ton tour - Lose a turn
Fin - End
For an extra challenge and to extend playing time, you can tell your students that they have to land directly on the last square and answer it correctly to win.
This resource includes the following:
➯ 1 page printable game board
Not included:
➯ 1 die per group
➯ Game tokens, 1 per player
Spanish verb QUERER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating QUERER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French Dots and Boxes Game - Subject Pronouns - Les Pronoms Personnels - No prep printable
This easy and fun no-prep game provides a lot of exposure to recognizing French subject pronouns. This one-page dots & boxes games includes directions at the top of the page. This game could be laminated and used repeatedly with dry-erase markers.
Objective: Complete more boxes than your opponent. Each player draws lines using a different color. On your turn, make a horizontal or vertical line from one dot to another. Say the words on either side of the line you drew. If you complete a box on your turn, draw an X in the box using your color. Once all of the boxes have been completed, count to see who got the most.
Spanish verb DEBER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating DEBER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French Connect 4 Game - ALLER - Present Tense
This is a fun, quick, and easy way to have your beginner students review avoir in the present tense.
In order to win, students connect four boxes by filling them in with the correct conjugations of the verb avoir, which is listed at the bottom of the game board. Subject pronouns are listed on the left.
Students take turns filling in boxes until four are connected. At this point, they can check their work using the answer key provided. If any of the conjugations are incorrect, the game continues. Full instructions are included.
One game board
How to play
Answer key
French Connect 4 Game - ALLER - Present Tense
This is a fun, quick, and easy way to have your beginner students review aller in the present tense.
In order to win, students connect four boxes by filling them in with the correct conjugations of the verb aller, which is listed at the bottom of the game board. Subject pronouns are listed on the left.
Students take turns filling in boxes until four are connected. At this point, they can check their work using the answer key provided. If any of the conjugations are incorrect, the game continues. Full instructions are included.
One game board
How to play
Answer key
French Dots and Boxes Game - L’AÉROPORT - No prep printable
An easy and fun no-prep game that will elicit a lot of exposure and pronunciation for the target vocabulary! This is a one-page dots & boxes game including directions. See below for the included vocabulary. This game could be laminated and used repeatedly with dry-erase markers or played on an iPad with annotation/whiteboard tools.
Objective: Complete more boxes than your component. Each player draws lines using a different color. On your turn, make a horizontal or vertical line from one dot to another. Say the words on either side of the line you drew. If you complete a box on your turn, draw an X in the box using your color. Once all of the boxes have been completed, count to see who got the most.
The following words are included:
un avion
un pilot
un passager
un billet
une hôtesse
un steward
la piste
le départ
une arrivée
la sécurité
le décollage
un bagage
une valise
un tableau
un horaire
la douane
un salon
un vol
une compagnie aérienne
un numéro de vol
un aller-simple
un aller-retour
un guichet
un employé
une réservation
monter dans l’avion
descendre de l’avion
les toilettes
un passeport
se dépêcher
faire la queue
une carte d’embarquement
un bagage à main
faire ses bagages
classe affaire
classe économique
une navette
un magasin
un restaurant
une pièce d’identité
côté couloir
côté fenêtre
une ceinture de sécurité
un écran
une annonce
la porte
un chariot
un terminal
une escale