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Love Learning Languages French and English Resources

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I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.




I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.
French subjunctive or indicative worksheet - Complétez les phrases

French subjunctive or indicative worksheet - Complétez les phrases

French subjunctive or indicative worksheet - Complétez les phrases One page text of about 500 words in which students complete the sentences by filling in the blanks by conjugating the infinitive in parentheses in either the subjunctive or the indicative (they choose the appropriate tense given the context). The theme of the text is “Projets pour les vacances”. There are 37 blanks to fill in. Answer key is included. LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
French present subjunctive worksheet - Il faut que - Subjonctif présent

French present subjunctive worksheet - Il faut que - Subjonctif présent

French present subjunctive worksheet - Il faut que - Subjonctif présent Quiz or worksheet on the French present subjunctive with regular and irregular verbs. 30 fill in the blank sentences have infinitives in parentheses. Each sentence begins with Il faut que followed by a subject pronoun. Answer key is provided. LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
L'expression du temps - When to use POUR, PENDANT, DEPUIS, IL Y A exercise and handout

L'expression du temps - When to use POUR, PENDANT, DEPUIS, IL Y A exercise and handout

My French students always get confused when expressing durations of time. This resource includes a one page handout with simplified rules and examples in French and English for when to use pour, pendant, depuis, and il y a. There is space beneath each rule and example for students to write their own examples in French and English. The exercise that follows includes 25 sentences for students to fill in the blanks with pour, pendant, depuis or il y a. A variety of tenses are used in this exercise. Sentences are written in the present tense, passé composé with both être and avoir as helping verbs, futur proche, passé récent, futur simple, and imperfect. Answer key is included. Be sure to visit my shop and browse through 500+ resources like grammar games, speaking activities, listening comprehension, worksheets, and much more. Just click here! LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students. Merci beaucoup!
French futur simple bundle - Speaking activities and games

French futur simple bundle - Speaking activities and games

8 Resources
French futur simple bundle - Speaking activities and games When teaching the French futur simple it's great to be able to keep it fun and interesting for your students. This bundle is 15% off, and it includes a jeopardy power point game (with all the bells and whistles!), a dice game, a battleship game, a total of 70 sudoku games, a set of 30 speaking task cards, and two worksheets.
French relative pronouns QUE - QUI - OÙ - DONT: 140 practice cards

French relative pronouns QUE - QUI - OÙ - DONT: 140 practice cards

This is a set of 140 French relative pronouns practice cards focusing on QUI - QUE - OÙ - DONT. These cards are so much more fun (and challenging) than classic worksheets. There’s lots of repetition, and that’s what our students need to practice and master these confusing relative pronouns. My students find it particularly fun to use these cards as a guessing game with a partner or small group, and even the mysterious DONT becomes a lot easier! Each card displays an image, and beneath the image it is written how to say it in French. For example, C’est un lave-vaisselle. Students are prompted to say at least two sentences using relative pronouns to describe the image, and their partner(s) have to guess what it is. At the top of the card it may say C’est quelque chose que… or C’est quelque chose dont… and at the bottom of the card it may say C’est quelque chose où… or C’est quelque chose qui… Students have to finish the sentences using correct grammar, and they need to give enough information for their partner to make an intelligent guess. In the beginning, it can be very difficult for students to formulate their own sentences, and that’s why there are two sets of 70 cards included with this resource. SET ONE: The cards have two clues already written on them. This is a nice way for students to warm up to the activity, understand how it works, and get in some valuable practice and examples. In this version, students read the clues to their partner(s) and soak in the grammar while their peers practice their listening skills. SET TWO: These are the same cards, but the clues are not written on them. Students will have already practiced with SET ONE, and should be able to come up with their own sentences (and if they remember the ones from SET ONE… all the better)! The only clues they are given is whether they should follow the prompt with a subject or verb since those rules can be tricky and hard to remember. These practice cards provide a quick NO PREP activity that you can use for years to come. You have the option of printing and cutting out the cards (4 per page - laminate if possible) or having students use the PDF file on their devices (1 per page). Included: 70 numbered practice cards with clues - 4 per page for printing and cutting out 70 numbered practice cards with clues - 1 per page for projecting or online use 70 numbered practice cards without clues - 4 per page for printing and cutting out 70 numbered practice cards without clues - 4 per page for printing and cutting out
Free French School Menu #7

Free French School Menu #7

Free French School Menu #7 Have a look at what’s on the menu at my kids’ school in France. Cheese every day!! I’ll be adding more menus weekly as I receive them. There are so many things a French teacher could do with these in class. It would be a fun cultural study to look up images of some of these menu items to show students what they look like and if they eat anything similar at their schools or homes. This could lead to a discussion on the length of time French students typically have to eat and rest as compared to students and teachers in your school. LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Free Irregular French Verbs Crossword Puzzle

Free Irregular French Verbs Crossword Puzzle

Free Irregular French Verbs Crossword Puzzle Want your French students to have some fun when learning irregular French past participles? This NO PREP crossword puzzle is a fun way to shake things up a little. The clues given are past participles, and students fill in the blanks with infinitives. Many times students can guess infinitives just by seeing the past participles, so you can even use this crossword puzzle before teaching the verbs. 

COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Jeu de Dominos - French St. Patrick's Day - La Saint Patrick

Jeu de Dominos - French St. Patrick's Day - La Saint Patrick

Jeu de Dominos - French St. Patrick’s Day - La Saint Patrick Set of 16 dominoes with French and English words related to St. Patrick’s Day. This is an easy, very low prep activity that your students will enjoy playing during the month of March. Print out the game on card stock, laminate, and cut out for years of no prep practice and fun for your students. LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Tout Sur Moi - All About Me Activity - 1 Page Printable

Tout Sur Moi - All About Me Activity - 1 Page Printable

Tout Sur Moi - All About Me Activity - 1 Page Printable This *Tout sur moi! *worksheet can be used in many different ways. Students will write and draw about: ✎ C’est moi self-portrait ✎ Quand je serai grand self-portrait ✎ J’ai _____ ans. ✎ Mon anniversaire c’est le _____. ✎ Je suis en classe de _____. ✎ Ma maîtresse / Mon maître s’appelle _____. ✎ Mes meilleur(e)s ami(e)s: ______, _____, _____. ✎ Quelques membres de ma famille: _____, _____, _____. ✎ Ma matière préférée: _____ ✎ Mon sport préféré: _____ ✎ Mon film préféré: _____ ✎ Mon repas préféré: _____ ✎ Ma couleur préférée: _____ ✎ Mon animal préféré: _____ ✎ Mon jeu préféré: _____ ✎ Je sais: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____ Click here for this resource in English Ways you can use this one page printable worksheet: ✎ As a back to school ice-breaker ✎ As a getting to know you activity ✎ As a group circle activity ✎ As a student spotlight activity ✎ As a birthday spotlight activity ✎ As independent work
Irregular French Verbs Conjugation Practice Charts - Present Tense

Irregular French Verbs Conjugation Practice Charts - Present Tense

Irregular French Verbs Conjugation Practice Charts - Present Tense This set of present tense conjugation practice charts is for practicing irregular French verbs, and three versions are included covering 30 verbs (see list below). Check out the preview to see exactly what you get with this French conjugation resource. Students practice conjugating each of the 30 irregular French verbs provided in the present tense. There is a space where they have to write what the verb means in English. The translations are omitted so that students will retain their meanings better by looking up the French verbs they don’t know and writing them on the charts. Each page has plenty of space for writing. There are 5 pages with charts for 4 French verbs and space for taking notes, 3 pages with charts for 8 verbs leaving out space for notes, and one page with all 20 verbs listed and ready to be conjugated. The last page is perfect for self testing and checking progress. Included: 8 Pages of irregular French verb conjugation tables + Space for notes - 4 per page 4 Pages of irregular French verb conjugation tables - No notes - 8 per page 2 French Verb Conjugation Practice Sheets - All 30 verbs are listed Verbs included: être aller avoir faire prendre apprendre lire dire écrire voir savoir recevoir croire boire mettre ouvrir couvrir offrir conduire traduire courir partir sortir dormir servir venir tenir vouloir pouvoir devoir
Spanish Verb PODER Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable

Spanish Verb PODER Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable

Spanish Verb PODER Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable This literacy center or independent work worksheet includes 6 activities, and is a fun, hands-on way for your students to practice conjugating PODER in the present tense. Includes subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas Activities: Conjugate Palabras escondidas Crucigrama Sudoku Match the words Write a sentence in Spanish using PODER in the present tense Includes the following: ➯ One-page worksheet
Spanish Verb TENER Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable

Spanish Verb TENER Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable

Spanish Verb TENER Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable This literacy center or independent work worksheet includes 6 activities, and is a fun, hands-on way for your students to practice conjugating TENER in the present tense. Includes subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas Activities: Conjugate Palabras escondidas Crucigrama Sudoku Match the words Write a sentence Includes the following: ➯ One-page worksheet
Dice Game - French Imperfect Tense - l'Imparfait

Dice Game - French Imperfect Tense - l'Imparfait

This is an easy to play 30 minute dice game to practice the French imperfect tense. My high school students love this game, and it can get very competitive if you decide to play it as a race (details are explained with the activity). Students divide up into teams and play a dice game, the dice determining which subject and infinitive to conjugate in the passé composé. Included with this activity you will receive full instructions as well as five different versions of the game with answers. Be sure to visit my shop and browse through 500+ resources like grammar games, speaking activities, listening comprehension, worksheets, and much more. Just click here!
Dice Game - French Simple Future Tense- Jeu de Dés

Dice Game - French Simple Future Tense- Jeu de Dés

This is an easy to play 30 minute dice game to practice the French simple future tense - le futur simple. This game focuses on the common verbs that have irregular stems. My high school students love this game, and it can get very competitive if you decide to play it as a race (details are explained with the activity). Students divide up into teams and play a dice game, the dice determining which subject and infinitive to conjugate in the futur simple. Included with this activity: How to play : Five different versions of the game with answers Student response and scoring sheet This dice game is an especially fun way to practice while learning about irregular verbs. More advanced students also benefit from the review. Be sure to visit my shop and browse through 500+ resources like grammar games, speaking activities, listening comprehension, worksheets, and much more. Just click here!
Dice Game - French Plus-que-Parfait Tense

Dice Game - French Plus-que-Parfait Tense

This is an easy to play 30 minute dice game to practice the French plus-que-parfait tense with regular, irregular and reflexive verbs using both être and avoir as helping verbs. My high school students love this game, and it can get very competitive if you decide to play it as a race (details are explained with the activity). Students divide up into teams and play a dice game, the dice determining which subject and infinitive to conjugate in the plus-que-parfait. Included with this activity: How to play Five different versions of the game with answers Student response and scoring sheet This dice game is an especially fun way to practice while learning about the plus-que-parfait. More advanced students also benefit from the review. Be sure to visit my shop and browse through 500+ resources like grammar games, speaking activities, listening comprehension, worksheets, and much more. Just click here!
French Matching Tenses #1 - La Concordance Des Temps - French AP Advanced Lesson

French Matching Tenses #1 - La Concordance Des Temps - French AP Advanced Lesson

Finding superior upper level French materials suitable for AP is a challenge! In particular, matching tenses / la concordance des temps is key to retelling conversations using correct tenses. This comprehensive lesson includes activities for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. EN ANGLAIS: Martine says she’s going to France. What did Martine say? Martine said she was going to France. EN FRANÇAIS: Martine dit qu’elle va en France. Qu’est-ce que Martine a dit? Martine a dit qu’elle allait en France. The following tenses are used in this resource: présent - imparfait imparfait - imparfait passé composé - plus-que-parfait futur proche - imparfait futur simple - conditionnel Step 1 - Distribute the lesson guide and tense chart for students to observe and study the retelling of events using different verb tenses. Step 2 - Students complete the exercises in written form and check their work. Step 3 - Students use the set of numbered cards to practice oral production at their own pace. This can also be a paired speaking activity or a whole class. Step 4 - Listen to the audio recording of the exercises while reading along with the set of numbered practice cards. Each prompt is read twice, and time is then given to speak the response. Step 5 - Listen to the audio recording of the exercises without the help of the practice cards to work on listening comprehension and oral production at the same time. Use the answer key from the exercise to check responses when needed. Included: Lesson plan Tenses chart + many examples Written activity with 30 exercises Answer key 30 numbered practice cards M4A audio recording for listening activity Ways to use this lesson: Warm up work before class Test review Listening comprehension Whole class or paired speaking activity Print and laminate or use the cards digitally
GCSE FRENCH: French Jeopardy Game: Vouloir, Pouvoir, Devoir

GCSE FRENCH: French Jeopardy Game: Vouloir, Pouvoir, Devoir

You're going to love this powerpoint POWER VERB JEOPARDY GAME with all the bells and whistles. It even has the JEOPARDY music, A DAILY DOUBLE and FINAL JEOPARDY. This is a version that I’ve worked out the kinks on for the last 20 years of playing it with my students. The answers don’t have to be given in the form of a question unless you want to play that way. My students absolutely love this game, and so do I. They get very excited about it and always look forward to JEOPARDY DAY. This game focuses on the verbs VOULOIR, POUVOIR AND DEVOIR in the present, passé composé and imperfect tenses. A few times the conditional pops up (je voudrais).
Faire - Present Tense French Tic Tac Toe Games - No Prep Printable

Faire - Present Tense French Tic Tac Toe Games - No Prep Printable

Faire - Present Tense French Tic Tac Toe Games - No Prep Printable Tic Tac Toe is a fun game that your students already know how to play, and it is a simple way to get them conjugating, writing, and speaking the verb faire in the present tense. This resource includes two worksheets with 6 tic-tac-toe grids per page. One worksheet is for speaking answers, and the other one is for writing them. Photocopy on the front and back for a no-prep set of 12 grids for differentiated learning. Students play in pairs, conjugating faire so that it agrees with the subject pronoun in each box, saying answers aloud or writing them to claim squares on tic tac toe grids. Three correctly conjugated verbs in a row wins the game. Students need to use different colored pens or markers when writing their answers.
Spanish Verb VENIR Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable

Spanish Verb VENIR Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable

Spanish Verb VENIR Worksheet - Present Tense - 6 Activities - One Page Printable This literacy center or independent work worksheet includes 6 activities, and is a fun, hands-on way for your students to practice conjugating VENIR in the present tense. Includes subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas Activities: Conjugate Palabras escondidas Crucigrama Sudoku Match the words Write a sentence in Spanish using VENIR in the present tense Includes the following: ➯ One-page worksheet
French Aller Expressions Taboo Game

French Aller Expressions Taboo Game

Playing TABOO while learning French ALLER expressions is a great way to get students to speak French and learn a lot of new vocabulary. This game is simple to modify and use with beginners and advanced students alike. All of the words on the cards are in French and English. This is very useful as many of the words will be new to students. This French Aller Expressions Taboo game includes the following: 32 Taboo game cards to print, cut out and laminate if possible (see preview) Color and black and white versions included How to play Aller expressions list with images Be sure to visit my shop and browse through 500+ resources like grammar games, speaking activities, listening comprehension, worksheets, and much more. Just click here!