Love Learning Languages French and English Resources
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I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.
I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.
French Connect 4 Game - ALLER - Present Tense
This is a fun, quick, and easy way to have your beginner students review aller in the present tense.
In order to win, students connect four boxes by filling them in with the correct conjugations of the verb aller, which is listed at the bottom of the game board. Subject pronouns are listed on the left.
Students take turns filling in boxes until four are connected. At this point, they can check their work using the answer key provided. If any of the conjugations are incorrect, the game continues. Full instructions are included.
One game board
How to play
Answer key
French Dots and Boxes Game - L’AÉROPORT - No prep printable
An easy and fun no-prep game that will elicit a lot of exposure and pronunciation for the target vocabulary! This is a one-page dots & boxes game including directions. See below for the included vocabulary. This game could be laminated and used repeatedly with dry-erase markers or played on an iPad with annotation/whiteboard tools.
Objective: Complete more boxes than your component. Each player draws lines using a different color. On your turn, make a horizontal or vertical line from one dot to another. Say the words on either side of the line you drew. If you complete a box on your turn, draw an X in the box using your color. Once all of the boxes have been completed, count to see who got the most.
The following words are included:
un avion
un pilot
un passager
un billet
une hôtesse
un steward
la piste
le départ
une arrivée
la sécurité
le décollage
un bagage
une valise
un tableau
un horaire
la douane
un salon
un vol
une compagnie aérienne
un numéro de vol
un aller-simple
un aller-retour
un guichet
un employé
une réservation
monter dans l’avion
descendre de l’avion
les toilettes
un passeport
se dépêcher
faire la queue
une carte d’embarquement
un bagage à main
faire ses bagages
classe affaire
classe économique
une navette
un magasin
un restaurant
une pièce d’identité
côté couloir
côté fenêtre
une ceinture de sécurité
un écran
une annonce
la porte
un chariot
un terminal
une escale
French Dots and Boxes Game - CHEZ LE MÉDECIN - No prep printable
An easy and fun no-prep game that will elicit a lot of exposure and pronunciation for the target vocabulary! This is a one-page dots & boxes game including directions. See below for the included vocabulary. This game could be laminated and used repeatedly with dry-erase markers or played on an iPad with annotation/whiteboard tools.
Objective: Complete more boxes than your component. Each player draws lines using a different color. On your turn, make a horizontal or vertical line from one dot to another. Say the words on either side of the line you drew. If you complete a box on your turn, draw an X in the box using your color. Once all of the boxes have been completed, count to see who got the most.
The following words are included:
avoir mal à la tête
avoir mal au ventre
avoir mal aux oreilles
avoir mal à la gorge
avoir mal au dos
avoir mal aux yeux
avoir de la fièvre
se sentir mal
avoir des courbatures
avoir des frissons
avoir la tête qui tourne
avoir de la diarrhée
avoir du mal à respirer
être allergique
une ordonnance
la grippe
un cachet
un médecin généraliste
un chirurgien
une infirmière
la douleur
l’hypertension artérielle
une crise cardiaque
des démangeaisons
un coup de soleil
une otite
une bronchite
une gastro
le diabète
une entorse
un médicament
une piqûre
un diagnostic
une radio
une échographie
une IRM
un ophtalmologue
un cardiologue
des séances de kiné
le visage
avoir le nez qui coule
la bouche
avoir mal au cou
la réception
prendre rendez-vous
le bras
le coude
le poignet
la main
les doigts
la poitrine
un stéthoscope
une salle d’attente
Christmas Gratitude Activity - No prep printable
This is a one page printable gratitude activity with a Happy Holidays theme. Students name and write something they are grateful for that starts with each letter of the words Happy Holidays.
Primary French - Valentine’s Day Word Search - Mots Cachés - La Saint Valentin
This literacy center or independent work activity for primary core French or primary French immersion is an easy, no-prep, black and white, print it out and go activity during the month of February. 2 versions are included with answer keys. Perfect for grades 1 and 2.
22 x 8 grid
Words hidden across and down only
No backwards words
Largest font size
Recommended for grades 1 and 2
**These word searches include 15 words related to Valentine’s Day:
Primary French - Valentine’s Day Word Search - Mots Cachés - La Saint Valentin
This literacy center or independent work activity for primary core French or primary French immersion is an easy, no-prep, black and white, print it out and go activity during the month of February. 2 versions are included with answer keys. Perfect for grades 2-4.
18 x 12 grid
Words hidden across, down, and diagonally
No backwards words
Medium font size
Recommended for grades 2 - 4
These word searches include 20 words related to Valentine’s Day:
Primary French - Valentine’s Day Word Search - Mots Cachés - La Saint Valentin
This literacy center or independent work activity for core French or French immersion is an easy, no-prep, black and white, print it out and go activity during the month of February. 2 versions are included with answer keys. Perfect for grades 5 and up.
23 x 16 grid
Words hidden across, down, diagonally, and backwards
Smallest font size
Recommended for grades 5 and up
**These word searches include 30 words related to Valentine’s Day:
French Connect 4 Game - Avoir Expressions
This is a fun, quick, and easy way to have your students review avoir in the present tense with common expressions.
In order to win, students connect four boxes by filling them in with the conjugations of avoir and the expressions listed at the bottom of the game board (see the expressions used below). Subject pronouns are listed on the left.
Students take turns filling in boxes until four are connected. At this point, they can check their work using the answer key provided. If any of the conjugations are incorrect, the game continues. Full instructions are included.
Expressions used:
One game board
How to play
Answer key
French Connect 4 Game - Halloween
This is a fun, quick, and easy way to let your students have some fun reviewing the following verbal phrases:
faire peur à
se déguiser en
jouer un tour à
frapper à la porte de
avoir peur de
hanter quelqu’un
sonner à la porte de
hurler sur quelqu’un
In order to win, students connect four boxes by speaking complete sentences using the correctly conjugated forms of the verbal phrases listed at the bottom of the game board (see the vocabulary used above) with 60 different costume ideas on the game board. Subject pronouns are listed on the left.
Once 4 boxes have been connected, students can check their work using the answer key provided. If a conjugation mistake has been made, play continues until 4 boxes have been correctly connected. Full instructions are included.
One game board
How to play
Answer key
Spanish verb HABLAR PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating HABLAR in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Spanish verb ABRIR PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating ABRIR in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Spanish verb SABER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating SABER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Spanish verb DAR PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating DAR in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Spanish verb HABER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating HABER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Spanish verb TENER PRESENT TENSE conjugation - Fortune teller - Cootie Catcher
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating TENER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Spanish verb VER - PRESENT TENSE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating VER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
Spanish verb PODER - PRESENT TENSE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice
Use this fun fortune teller to have your students practice conjugating PODER in the present tense in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing conjugation. This game uses the following subject pronouns: yo, tú, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French ER VERBS - CONDITIONAL TENSE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice
Use fortune tellers to have students practice conjugating REGULAR ER VERBS in the CONDITIONNEL in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing verb conjugations at any time of the year.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper (see preview for folding instructions).
French verb ALLER - CONDITIONAL TENSE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice
Use fortune tellers to have students practice conjugating ALLER in the CONDITIONNEL in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing verb conjugations at any time of the year.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper.
French verb FAIRE - CONDITIONAL TENSE - Fortune teller for conjugation practice
Use fortune tellers to have students practice conjugating FAIRE in the CONDITIONNEL in a fun and different way. Your students already love them, and fortune tellers are a perfect activity for reviewing verb conjugations at any time of the year.
This resource includes 1 fortune teller, and instructions on how to use the activity and fold the paper (see preview for folding instructions).