All theory content of OCR Design and Technology A Level. Including Fashion & Textiles, Design Engineering and Product Design. Each resources has flip learning, key words and terms, exam style questions, maths content and revision activities for students to complete.
I have mainly used these during Year 13, but can be used throughout Year 12 to deliver the curriculum.
All editable. Feedback Welcome
NEA student portfolio sheets to help organise individual tasks and whole coursework layout. The OCR mark scheme is included on the sheets along with top tips and literacy support. Good for differentiation. Resources can be edited.
A pic ‘n’ mix revision booklet for Design and Technology GCSE. 15 pages with 50 video explanations, 28 exam questions and over 50 revision tasks. To be used independently, during tutor time, supporting class revision for students and parent/carers.
If a student only completes the definitions and watches the videos they should get a 4/5 grade in the exam. I created it for students who are disengaged with revision.
For each topic there is:-
video explanations
definitions of key terms question
exam questions
further revision tasks
The sections link to the AQA specification, however it is fully editable so you can adapt to fit other exam boards. It covers:
Core technical principles
Specialist technical principles - timber (although most are generic links/questions so can be adapted to other materials)
Design and making principles
Feedback welcome.
AQA GCSE NEA checklist that has all the pages needed linked to the mark scheme.
There is one for textiles focus and one for product design.
I use it as a Google sheet on Google Classrooms so that students can edit it and I can monitor their progress.
Made on excel so it can be edited.
PowerPoint for Product Design A Level project that teachers designing for different stakeholder’s needs. I normally run the project for 4 weeks and teach ‘identifying requirements’ and ‘communication techniques’ through the project. I give each student a different stakeholder that they need to design for. It is a great project to show how the same initial brief will have different design outcomes depending on who you are designing for. PowePoint can be edited. I have included an example of a student’s submitted work for reference.
Theory 1 - Identifying Requirements
Retrieval and revision sheets for A Level OCR Fashion & Textiles, Design Engineering and Product Design.
Each theory section has been divided up. All sheets have flip learning activities, key words and terms, exam style questions, related maths content and further revision activities for students to complete.
Writing framework to support students to create a design criteria with sentence starters for ‘musts’ and ‘coulds’ . There is a connective bank to help extend writing and examples.
Redesign an everyday product to meet the need of a chosen user. This small project is divided into 4 tasks that are set up in the same sequence of the NEA.
I use this as an extended piece of homework for Year 9 as a transition into Year 10.
Initial idea success checklist. To ensure students have covered all the success criteria with communicating their designs I get them to use the check list.
Writing framework for design development for material testing. Sentence starters, checklist and connectives to support students to annotate their material testing page during the development of their designs.
Theory 3 -Wider Issues
Retrieval and revision sheets for A Level OCR Fashion & Textiles, Design Engineering and Product Design.
Each theory section has been divided up. All sheets have flip learning activities, key words and terms, exam style questions, related maths content and further revision activities for students to complete.
Theory 2- Learning from existing products
Retrieval and revision sheets for A Level OCR Fashion & Textiles, Design Engineering and Product Design.
Each theory section has been divided up. All sheets have flip learning activities, key words and terms, exam style questions, related maths content and further revision activities for students to complete.
Theory 8 - Viability of design
Retrieval and revision sheets for A Level OCR Fashion & Textiles, Design Engineering and Product Design.
Each theory section has been divided up. All sheets have flip learning activities, key words and terms, exam style questions, related maths content and further revision activities for students to complete.
Theory 9- Health & Safety
Retrieval and revision sheets for A Level OCR Fashion & Textiles, Design Engineering and Product Design.
Each theory section has been divided up. All sheets have flip learning activities, key words and terms, exam style questions, related maths content and further revision activities for students to complete.
Theory 7- Manufacturing Processes & Techniques
Retrieval and revision sheets for A Level OCR Fashion & Textiles, Design Engineering and Product Design.
Each theory section has been divided up. All sheets have flip learning activities, key words and terms, exam style questions, related maths content and further revision activities for students to complete.
Theory 6 - Technical Understanding
Retrieval and revision sheets for A Level OCR Fashion & Textiles, Design Engineering and Product Design.
Each theory section has been divided up. All sheets have flip learning activities, key words and terms, exam style questions, related maths content and further revision activities for students to complete.
Theory 5 - Materials & Components
Retrieval and revision sheets for A Level OCR Fashion & Textiles, Design Engineering and Product Design.
Each theory section has been divided up. All sheets have flip learning activities, key words and terms, exam style questions, related maths content and further revision activities for students to complete.
Theory 4 - Design thinking and communication
Retrieval and revision sheets for A Level OCR Fashion & Textiles, Design Engineering and Product Design.
Each theory section has been divided up. All sheets have flip learning activities, key words and terms, exam style questions, related maths content and further revision activities for students to complete.
NEA student portfolio sheets to help organise individual tasks and whole coursework layout. The AQA mark scheme is included on the sheets along with top tips and literacy support. Good for differentiation.