This booklet provides 10 pages of exercises to practice all the indicative tenses.It is divided into 5parts
• présent
• passé-composé, imparfait, plus que parfait,
• futur simple, futur proche, futur antérieur
• All indicative tenses including conditionnel présent, conditionnel passé.
Conjugation exercise with 100 sentences in all tenses. Students conjugate the verb in bracket in the right tense. Answers are provided when to select Review tab, then Final: show up.
Most of the exercices consists of gap filling exercises with the correct conjugation or multiple choice with the right verb or time word to insert. Exercises are graded in difficulty.
This booklet takes between 3 and 4 hours to complete and is ideal for home learning, homework and end of Year Revision for As and A2 Students. Booklet is in Word format and therefore fully editable.
Students find this activity useful to revise tenses and also learn some set phrases. Can be used as a translation exercise as well. It provides an opportunity to review any area of weakness student might have.
I have designed this Powerpoint for a comprehensive lesson on French geography with A Level and IB students. The aim is to learn about key aspects of France in preparation for their exam.
The presentation consists of 11 maps of France representing different aspects of France : climate, economy, landscapes, counties, regions, rivers and…wine among others! There is also an interactive slide with the main French cities and regions to place correctly on the map. It is followed by other slides illustrating various regions of France . My students found it very useful to revise and reinforce their knowledge of the French territory.
I can be used as a cross-curricular activity with Geography.
The bundle includes a 24 pages A-level French handbook outlining the course, its challenges, the curriculum, , the exam, what to expects, lots of tips and a useful list of websites and apps
Other resources include:
_ A 18 slide PPT Presentation comparing the A Level course to climbing a mountain, with lot of sensible advice and metaphores in French on how to reach the top.
_A text in French with 10 good reasons to learn the language today,
_2 diagrams to show the significance of French in today’s world and what a valuable asset it is
_a Video Questionnaire based on a Youtube Video on La Francophonie.
_ A Quiz on La Francophonie.
This bundle is aimed at As students starting the course, but can also be used as a refresher at the beginning of the year for A2.
This is a collection of 10 resources to introduce and reinforce the A Level topic L’Immigration.
There is a comprehensive PPT with 73 slides exploring the issues of immigration, integration and racism in France through the ages with lots of facts, but also quizzes, film extracts, study cases and testimonies .
_ 4 video questionnaires + links to web link to graphs on immigration
_Two mind maps on immigration and multiculturalism to be used for oral practice.
_ Vocabulary set phrases and questions on this topic to be used for oral and writing practice
_ A vocab worksheet with 6 activities
_ Exam practice: Translation and gap-fill Task
This is a bundle of 8 resources about Christmas in France suitable for A Level French students. It includes a PPT in French made of 46 slides, 2 video activities with questionnaires, a booklet and a Gap filling exercise to go along the film Joyeux Noel, two PDF files in colour with a range of reading and vocab activities around Christmas holidays and a quizz.
Obviously these activities are mainly designed to be done around Christmas time, but can be integrated within your Scheme of Work as it actually fits well with the new AQA A Level topic Le Patrimoine.
Joyeux Noel!
In this Bundle: You will find all the teaching resources to study the novel L’Etranger (French A-Level)
In depth Study Guides
Analysis of the key chapters
Analysis of characters and plot
_ Essay titles per exam boards
_ Liens internet
_ Biography of Camus
-Summary sheets and revision booklets
3 French quizz to revise and consolidate cultural facts and general knowledge in a fun way. Answers are provided.
_ One with 55 Multiple choice questions on French History, Geography, Arts, Literature, Music, politics and gastronomy,
_ One with 65 Multiple Choice Questions on various aspects of the French-speaking World
_ A shorter one with 10 slides on the same topics that can be used as a starter/finisher**
_These games can be played in pairs, individually or with whole class. Suitable for A Level.
This resource consists of 8 French Higher GCSE Model Essays for the 130-150 words task ( 24 markers) based on Edexcel & AQA Past Writing Paper.
It a fully editable Word doc
The following topics are covered:
_ Food& Drink
_Sports & Hobbies
_ New Technologies
_ Friendship & Relationships
_ Holidays
_ School
_ My area and the Environment
_ Future Work
These essays are also useful for the IGCSE 130-150 words essays .
This is a comprehensive self-study grammar booklet of 25 pages covering the main grammar points required at GCSE level and designed primarily for flipped learning.Students need to fill in the grids and complete the gap filling exercises. The Teacher can then check the work in class. Below is a list of the points covered:
• All Tenses : Present, perfect, imperfect, Future, Conditional, Imperative and subjunctive
Regular and irregular verbs in all tenses
• Definite, indefinite and partitive Articles
• Adjectives including possessive
• Negatives
• Direct and Indirect pronouns
Pronouns Y and EN
• Comparatives and Superlatives
Question words
The booklet is in Word format and fully editable.
This resource is a series of 5 model essays on No et Moi written based on titles from the A Level Legacy past papers, but adapted to the new A Level AQA exam, both at As and A2 Level.
Each essay is minimum 400 words.
The first 2 essays are on an important topic in the book, the third one is on a main character,
the 4th essay is a comprehensive stylistic analysis of the novel , around 1400 words.
The last essay explores the various social backgrounds in the novel.
My students found these model essays very useful to structure their own essays include quotes and improve their analytical skills.
Also attached is a video link to an interview with De Vigan about this novel.
This extensive grammar booklet, 144 pages, is intended for French A Level students.
It covers 15 grammar points. Each chapter starts with a recap of the rule in the shape of the table and
is followed by a range of functional exercises in context organized in level of difficulty. A test at the end of each chapter recaps the points.
Three general tests with corrections are provided at the end of the booklet.
This is an excellent resource for reinforcing the A Level grammar points throughout the 2 years of the course.
This resource consists of 12 worksheets to revise all the A Level grammar points. Each worksheet consists of 35 sentences and takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
Half of them are gap filling exercises and the other half are Sentences Restructuring.
Answers For answers, select REVIEW > ALL MARKUP on the word documents below.
This is very useful to reinforce grammar points and identify possible areas of concern.
This resource is suitable for KS2 and Year 7 students.
It consists of a 12 page Survival kit that recaps the basics a 35 pages activity booklet which goes through the following basic topics in French and 7 pages of exercices:
_ Numbers, Months, Greetings, Personal information, Parts of the body,Animals, Months, Common regular and irregular verbs, Articles, Adjectifs, Verbs in Present Tense
A wide range of activities are on offer: Multiple Choice exercises, Crosswords, Matching up, Labelling texts, Gap- filling, Word ordering etc…
Booklet can be used for independent practice or as an End of Term Test. It took my students around 90mn to complete.
It is in Word format and fully editable. Bon courage!
This bundle includes:
_ 3 speaking cards
_ 15 drawings on New Technologies to elicit conversation
_A PPT including 4 mini-lessons with objectives. The activities are accessed by clicking on the link on the slide and all activities are based around authentic documents (video, articles, reports, graphs) and provide challenging tasks covering all 4 skills : reading, listening, writing and speaking activities.
_ 2 Reading Comprehensions, including a Gap-fill
_ An Overview sheet as a spider diagram with 5 key questions with answers
_ A List of 40 advantages and Disadvantages of New Technologies, to practice sentence building with connectives of contrast.
_ A List of questions
_ 2 Video activities
_ 3 Translation activities
Most of the docs are in Word format and fully editable. They can also be used to supplement the work in the textbook or for exam revision.
This resource includes 5 long model essays in French on No et Moi , all suitable for the new A Level exam.
The AQA type titles of the essay are the following:
_ Can Lou be seen as a hero
_ No et Moi as a novel for teenagers.
_ The style of De Vigan’s style in the novel.
_ A study of t the topic of homelessness
_ The similarities between No and Lou
The lenght of the essays vary from 300 to 1300 words each. The one on style which is a comprehensive critical analysis of more than 1300 words, the study of homelessness goes over 1000 words. I chose titles that students usually find the most challenging so I wanted to give them as much support as possible.
My students found theses essays very useful to organize their paragraphs, express their ideas, use set phrases and sophisticated analytical language in preparation for their essay writing.
Attached are 3 Quizzes A Level aimed at A Level students.
_ First one is a multi choice PPT Quizz in French made of 6 categories of 10 questions covering various aspects of the French Speaking Culture and the A Level programs:
Geography, Gastronomy, History, Arts, Literature, Sports, Cinema, Music and some bonus questions.
It lasts around 45 minutes.
_ Second one is a 97 slides PPT with 46 questions on various French cultural topics. Geography, Gastronomy, Politics History, Cinema etc… Answers are provided. Around 40 mn long.
_ Last one is a Word document made of 40 different questions about French culture.
around 20mn
These educational and fun quizzes are fully editable and can be used for end of term activities.
This resource includes some up-to-date facts in French on the AQA A Level topics for the Oral exam. Each topic has 6 to 8 facts presented in full sentences in French.
Also included are Model Questions and Answers on the 2nd Year AQA A Level Topics:
_ Integration / Immigration
_ La Marginalisation et la discrimination
_ La Criminalité
_ Les Manifestations
_ La Politique
Each topic includes a list of around 15 possible exam questions with developed answers in French.
Interactive Powerpoint tutorial with lots of activities to practice and differentiate the various uses of the relative pronouns in French, both simple and compound ones.
More than 70 slides provide thorough explanation and ample practice on this complex grammar point. Interactive exercises include gap-filling and translation. Answers are provided to most exercises.
My students found it very useful to differentiate the various relative pronouns. It helps them with their translation skills and sentence building as they produce longer sentences.
It is suitable for GCSE or A Levels classes, in class or for self-study.
This booklet is a compilation of 38 role play situations based on various contexts. These role plays are suitable for the New GCSE exam foundation and Higher Tier and are all in French.
My year 11 students find them very useful to practise in pairs, even in front of the class. It works well as a warm up or as aproper speaking activity.
Attached is a collection of 7 resources to introduce and reinforce the A Level subtopic “La Discrimination contre les femmes” including:
_ A range of facts and statistics about Discrimination against women in the world to be used as a
_ Translation activities Eng-Fr. and Fr. -Eng.
_ A Video questionnaire about the history of women rights in France
_ A Gap Fill activity about Discrimination against women at work
_ A Video activity about equal pay
_ An Level Listening Comprehension on discrimination against women with answers provided
_ An article on discrimination against women
_ 6 posters on Gender Inequality to elicit some discussion as starters