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French resources for all levels, mostly PPT presentations but also videos and worksheets.




French resources for all levels, mostly PPT presentations but also videos and worksheets.
Entre les Murs  2 Model Essays+ 2 booklets

Entre les Murs 2 Model Essays+ 2 booklets

This resource consists of 4 model A Level essays on the film *Entre les Murs *adapted to the new A Level AQA exam. The first 2 essays explorethe relationships between Francois Marin and his students, and the efficiency of his teaching. The 3rd and 4th one looks at the efficiency of Mr. Marin’s teaching and whether he can be described as a good teacher. The titles are set as A Level essays, they are between 300 and 700 words each and include quotes. . Each essay is structured logically with Intro, 3 or 4 paragraphs with Points, Evidence, Evaluation and a conclusion. Also attached is an activity about the trailer and a 10 pages study booklet on the film.


Attached is a comprehensive Study Booklet with Answers of the movie Un Sac de Billes. Its 33 pages consists of: _A summary _ worksheet with Comprehension Questions on the book _Activities to explore the main characters _ Analysis of key scenes _ Extracts from the film to illustrate the main themes _ Analysis of the representation of war _ Questions on the main topic: Un film d’apprentissage Answers are provided at the back
Difference between Imperfect Perfect Tense in French

Difference between Imperfect Perfect Tense in French

Comprehensive PPT presentation and practice on the Imperfect and Perfect Tense in French. It starts with a tutorial on the function and conjugation of both tenses, followed by a presentation on some past holidays in Guadeloupe combining imparfait and Passé composé. Then you have seven slides with diferent activities to practice each tense and also the difference between Perfect and Imperfect Tense in French. With the 42 slides, you can easily spend the whole lesson on this. Please ensure you have covered the perfect tense before doing it though. This resource is suitable for KS 4 and 5.


This resource consists of a bundle of activities on the topic for the A Level topic La famille en voie de changement : _ A comprehensive PPT presentation 32 slides to introduce the various types of families, the PACS, and graphs to describe the evolution of the family unit. _ A Gap-fill timeline of the major changes since the 50’s WITH ANSWERS. _ A video activity about the evolution of family _ 5 Reading activities _ 2 Translations, one French to English and another English to French _ An extensive Vocab worksheet with 5 activities The Word document for the video consists of an extensive questionnaire with global and detailed comprehension activities and independent work to be done at home .Answers are provided along with transcript, links and further information on the evolution of family. It is suggested to spend at least 45 mn on this activity.T he video file is provided. The Word doc with the reading activities help to introduce and practice the vocab on the various types of family; it can be done in class or at home and takes around 1 hour to complete.


This is a comprehensive and interactive PPT with 42 slides on greetings and personal information. The first part goes through the various ways of greetings, both formal and informal. The second part looks at how to ask and respond to a range of personal information: name, age, phone number, date of birth, where I live and come from, nationality, job, where you work. It is followed by some practice and a who’s who game with pictures of famous people. It is suitable for KS3 students but I also found it very useful for KS4 students in preparation for the role-plays, as they often forget how to ask and respond properly to basic questions.
SELF STUDY Future Tense: Tutorial + Practice Booklet

SELF STUDY Future Tense: Tutorial + Practice Booklet

Attached are 2 docs: a PPT Tutorial on the Future tense, and a Practice booklet. The PPT explains the formation of both tenses. It includes regular, irregular verbs as well as some practice exercises and a song in the future tense. The Practice booklet in Word format offers with 10 exercices to practise the future tense using all skills, It includes gap-fill with regular/ irregular verbs, 2 audio and video tasks, writingfull sentences and a Reading comprehension. Both documents are fully editable


Comprehensive and interactive PPT presentation (90 slides!) on the topic School. It includes a tutorial with some activities on the following sub-topics: _ School subjects _Opinions on subjects, teachers, school uniform, homework _ Extra-curricular activities _ Routine activities at school _ Time and timetable _ School equipment _School system in France This can be used for KS3 and 4 for a whole lesson either to reintroduce or reinforce this important GCSE topic. Attached is also a worksheet to practise the structures of opinions on school-related matters
Video Les Nouvelles Technologies et Les S éniors

Video Les Nouvelles Technologies et Les S éniors

Here is a fun ressource by a Youtuber about the challenges of new technologies faced by the people over 50’s. Cyprien’s video has subtitles, so it helps understanding. The attached comprehension exercise is suitable for A Level students and can be a starting point for generating a devbate on the advantages and disadvantages of new technology.
Subjonctif:  Tutorials, Activities and Games

Subjonctif: Tutorials, Activities and Games

This is a bundle of 10 resources to introduce and practice the subjunctive at various levels in different ways. There are 3 PTT with tutorials, practice activities in Word docs and also pictures and boardgame for speaking practice. You can pick and choose the resources that suit your students best. The board game is especially popular and efficient with A Level students.
Bundle on Connectives and Time words  in French

Bundle on Connectives and Time words in French

This bundle of 6 resources include Tutorials and Revision activities on all the major connectives and Time words in all tenses. Worksheets are provided to practice this complex grammar point with A Level students. Suitable for GCSE & A Level students to practise essay writing.
GCSE Grammar Revision Booklet on 10 Key Points, including major tenses and Adjectives

GCSE Grammar Revision Booklet on 10 Key Points, including major tenses and Adjectives

This comprehensive grammar booklet consists of 30 stimulating exercises on 10 Key Grammar points: Present, Perfect, Tuture tense, Relative Pronouns, Adjectives, Possessive and Démonstrative Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Pronouns and Interrogatives. This can be used in class or for independent learning. It is suitable for GCSE classes but also works well with As Students to consolidate their grammar.
Noel en France  BUNDLE FOR  KS3/4 students

Noel en France BUNDLE FOR KS3/4 students

This a bundle of 15 resources about Christmas is aimed at Intermediate Students ( KS3 and GCSE students). It comprises a wide range of activities: _two PPT Presentation to introduce the vocab _ Games ( dominoes and Loto), a conversation about Christmas holidays ( to be done in January!), _ Reading and Listening Comprehensions for KS3 and GCSE students . _ 5 worksheets with various vocab and grammar activities around Christmas such as a Role Play about shopping for Xmas, a gap filling activity with a letter to Pere Noel, a multiple choice vocab activity and a Worksheet to practise Prepositions. _ a Visual Dictionary of Christmas Vocab _ Matching up Vocab _ Video questionaires Joyeux Noel!
Prefix , Suffix, Gender and Nominalisation in French

Prefix , Suffix, Gender and Nominalisation in French

3 Useful Word documents going through the major prefixes and suffixes in French and the gender of the nouns according to their endings. A worksheet on nominalisation provide students with some practice. It helps students understand the grammatical catregories, how nouns derive from verbs and to develop their range of vocab as well as their awareness about gender. It is suitable for all A Level students.
Inspiring Quotes to motivate MFL students

Inspiring Quotes to motivate MFL students

This is a compilation of 25 quotes about the function and value of language learning. One PPT is in French, the other one has the translation in English. These inspiring quote helps students ( and teachers!) to see other reasons for foreign language, apart from getting a GCSE or A Level grade! This is a great activity to do on Language Day. Also to use possibly for the Language Day, are a PPT quiz for this year’s Language Day, a PPT presentation on the EU ( with UK still in it!) in French, and another one on the Geaography of Europe
Un Secret : Philippe Grimbert

Un Secret : Philippe Grimbert

Attached are 2 booklets to analyse the novel and the film Un Secret from Philippe Grimbert. The Word document is a general recap of the story and can be done once students have finished reading the novel. The pdf file is an in depth analysis of the novel in French and looks at the themes, charcters, plot and style of the book.


Attached is a series of 10 Assessments suitable for the Foundation/ Higher GCSE candidates providing relevant practice on Listening Grammar and Reading Skills. They cover a wide range GCSE topics. Each test, around 1h long, covers a different GCSE topic, lasts , and consists in: _3 Listening activities _3 Grammar Gap-Fill Exercises, also suitable to practise the new IGCSE Grammar Section _ 3 Multi-Choice Reading activities, based on authentic French material These tests can be used for independent practice at home or in class, and provide 10h of exam practice. Bon courage!
2 GCSE Tests on  les  Technologies

2 GCSE Tests on les Technologies

Attached are two comprehensive End of Unit Assesments, one on Technologies & another one specifically on New Technologies, lasting 1.5 hour each and covering all skills. Each test includes 3 vocab activities, 2 long reading activities with 3 exercises, 6 grammar tasks on various tenses, timewords & connectives and two Writing tasks about New Technologies. This fully editable resource is suitable for the new GCSE exam and can easily be adapted for As Level.
BUNDLE ON GCSE Health & Fitness

BUNDLE ON GCSE Health & Fitness

This is a bundle of 20 resources to teach the topic Health & Fitness, suitable for New GCSE/IGCSE. It includes: 9 PPT presentations: 3 on Parts of the Body, 2 on Illnesses, 3 on Fitness and Health Living, 1 on Going to the doctor and Pharmacy A Test with a gap filling activity, a dialogue at the doctor to rearrange, and a short writing task An audio activity with four activities & transcript provided A poster with advice to stay fit A 20 pages booklet on the topic Health & Fitness A bank of around 25 Questions on the topic Health & Fitness( Foundation and Higher) 3 Foundation and 3 Higher Reading Tasks 2 Writing tasks ( Foundation and Higher) Pictures to describe All the material is fully editable.
Writing & Translation tasks for GCSE FRENCH 9-1

Writing & Translation tasks for GCSE FRENCH 9-1

This is a Writing Assessment based on the New GCSE Exam. It follows the lay out of the new exam format. The PPT contains a picture description, a 40 Word Writing tasks and three 90 Word Writing tasks, and a transaltion activity. Also included is an extra Word doc with Translation task and a follow up on this task. It is suitable both for Foundation and Higher students revising for the GCSE.