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Jim Gaven

I am a singer/songwriter/publisher/author/creative type who creates songs and activities/games as well as curriculums for young children as well as adults with special needs.

I am a singer/songwriter/publisher/author/creative type who creates songs and activities/games as well as curriculums for young children as well as adults with special needs.
Red Light Green Light Song

Red Light Green Light Song

This is an educational song for young children to sing about the importance of red lights and green lights when you're out on the road with mommy and daddy. The song also talks about the importance of looking both ways before crossing the street.
Handshakes and High-Fives Song

Handshakes and High-Fives Song

Handshakes and High Fives-This is an original song about personal space where some people may not like to be hugged or kissed right away, so we start out by greeting them with a handshake and/or high-five. The zipped file includes a rough live recording of the song (mp3 format) along with the lyrics and chords to use to perform the song.
Excuse Me, I Sneezed Song

Excuse Me, I Sneezed Song

'Excuse Me, I Sneezed' is an original song about the importance of manners and excusing yourself after a bodily function like sneezing. We have to make sure we cover our noses and even get a tissue when necessary--sometimes wash our hands to stop the spread of germs. The zipped file includes a rough live recording of the song (mp3 format) along with the lyrics and chords used to perform the song.
Buckle Up (The Seatbelt Song)

Buckle Up (The Seatbelt Song)

'Buckle Up' (The Seatbelt Song) is a self explanatory song about the importance of wearing a seatbelt, taking a step by step approach on how to put one on. Not only that, but it stresses the importance of overall safety in a moving vehicle. The zipped file includes a rough live recording of the song (mp3 format) along with the lyrics and chords used to perform the song.
Uka Ukulele Song

Uka Ukulele Song

'Uka Ukulele’ is a song used to describe the instrument as well as give a little background on the instrument. It is played on the ukulele and helps children learn how to spell the words 'Hawaii' and 'Ukulele' as well. The zipped file includes a rough live recording of the song (mp3 format) along with the lyrics and chords used to perform the song.
Harmonica Song

Harmonica Song

This is a song meant to educate young children about the harmonica. Laden with acoustic guitar and silly vocals, this tune is simple and catchy with a short solo on the instrument.
The Maraca Song

The Maraca Song

This is my take on the famous song, 'La Cucaracha', with original lyrics by Jim Gaven, and original music from the Traditional Mexican Revolution era. The twist is that I use the melody of the song to put my own twist on playing the percussion instrument, maraca. This makes for a fun time had by all in class to not only learn about the maraca, but play along with the beat. *I did not compose the music or the melody to this song, but merely used them as a guide to write my own lyrics to the already existing music and melody*.
Please and Thank You Song

Please and Thank You Song

This is a song written to teach children about the importance of saying, 'Please' and 'Thank You'. Attached to the .zip file is a live recorded version of the song as well as the lyrics with the chords used to play the song.
Red Light, Green Light

Red Light, Green Light

This is an educational song for young children to sing about the importance of red lights and green lights when you're out on the road with mommy and daddy. The song also talks about the importance of looking both ways before crossing the street.
88 Keys (The Piano Song)

88 Keys (The Piano Song)

This is a song written about the piano, played on piano, with the intention of using as a teaching tool to those in elementary school for interest and education on the instrument.
Ants in Your Pants (Just Dance) Song

Ants in Your Pants (Just Dance) Song

Ants in Your Pants (Just Dance) is a song about getting up and moving around to shake out the cobwebs so to speak. Follow along to the directions of the song, and the whole group/class will be having fun in no time!
Wait Wait (The Waiting Song)

Wait Wait (The Waiting Song)

This is a children's song about waiting your turn to do or say something. The idea is to practice patience day and and day out so we are able to wait for things more important later in life.
The Drum Song (Playing the Drums)

The Drum Song (Playing the Drums)

This is a song detailing a standard drum set and what each piece does/sounds like. Sung and played at the same time by just drum accompaniment and vocals with no other instruments, what a great way to do something fun and educational for your child/children/students!
One by One (Song about the Power of One)

One by One (Song about the Power of One)

This is an original song, lyrics and mp3 included, to teach young children about the power of themselves (one person at a time) as well as other things in the world that have 1 as their number (IE: the sun, moon). We all have to start as one person at a time in order to positively effect the world around us.
Turn on the Lights

Turn on the Lights

This is a song designed for any child who is afraid of the dark and learning to cope with that fear. Sing it along with your young one to make them feel more comfortable when going to bed, entering a basement, or playing outside at night.
Quiet Time Song

Quiet Time Song

'Quiet Time' is a song about all the places we have to be quiet in life (church, library, movies). With a refrain on calming down for a nap or bedtime at night, this is a fun, lighthearted song on the ukulele for all the kids to enjoy. This song allows for kids to learn about these quiet places in a fun and educational way.
Olive Juice and Elephant Shoes

Olive Juice and Elephant Shoes

This is a song written for children in elementary school to reiterate the importance of saying, 'I Love You' to people you care about in different ways. Some of it is even in French, so students will learn some of another language while singing it.