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Source Analysis Learning Mat
Learning Mat
structure for reading in depth A Level History
support and structure for A level students to read in depth
ACE - Peer assessment
straight forward peer assessment all subjects
Should our history be erased?
impact of the slave trade on Britain’s Industrial Revolution and attitudes towards destruction of statutes of slave traders introducing concept of iconoclasm
Luther and German Reformation - reform the Euro!
Recall and revision on key figures and significance in the German Reformation
Local history Month
Idea on HA local history month during lockdown
Mind the Gap 11 into 12 Transition
Stepping up into Sixth Form is a huge change for y11 even more so this year so we have devised a remote induction package
History Transition Y11 into Y12
Detailed resource back for Tudors 1509-1603, German Reformation and War and Technology
You will need an extract from a text book for the Tudors and German Reformation as I cannot provide due to copyright
Sociology Transition Y11 into 12
Get ready for A Level Sociology
Sociology learning postcards
Parents often do not know how to support their children in revising a subject at A Level and feel helpless, these are deigned to support parents in supporting their children in preparing for exams and retrieval practice
Sixth form support- what is independent study?
Y12 are just y11 out of uniform help them manage their free time!
Retrieval Relay
recall and retrieval activity
Did the Industrial Revolution put the GREAT in Great Britain?
Unit of work for keystage 3 covering main themes in Industrial Revolution- half terms unit of work with modelled essay
Recall and Retrieve Luther and Reformation
Using Playmobil to recall significant personalities and figures in Luther and German Reformation Unit
Sociology Educational Policies
Sequence the policies and evaluate for impact
Chronology of the Lutheran Reformation
Cause and consequence of events during the Lutheran reformation
sociology wall display synopsis of key studies
key studies for education synopsis for wall display
Mark Sheets for A Level History Edexcel
Marksheets for unit 2
I do Luther and the Reformation so I have modeled the essay one- you just need to pasted your essay question in over mine
The utility one has been left blank- I screen shot the sources in for feedback and the question- aids whole class feedback
With large A level groups this has speeded up my marking
Edexcel Unit 2b Luther and German Reformation Workbooklet
Workbooklet which you can adapt to use with your course textboook we use Bunce Knaack and Ward Religion and the State in Early Modern Europe
A Level retrieval Quizzes- Luther and German reformation
A quiz for each week using a variety of techniques