Personal, social and health education

Energy from food - Burning food writing frame
A writing frame for students who have difficulty setting out an investigation, or keeping up with written work during an investigation.
Investigation - Which food provides the most energy? Burning food to heat water

Science Careers - Where Can Science Take me?
A research task for pupils to find out more about potential Science careers. Includes a peer marking sheet and a teacher assessment sheet.

Balanced Diet - Food tests on McDonald's
After teaching a lesson on the 7 food groups, students use food tests to conclude whether or not McDonald's provides a balanced diet. I buy a big Mac to test. Then watch a short clip on the Supersize documentary and analyse the symptoms of a high fat/high sugar diet; physical and mental. There is also opportunity to evaluate the food tests as methods of identifying nutritional content.
I would recommend setting up the food tests as a circus of activities. I have two circuses on the go, so 8 stations. However, this would depend on your lab layout and your class.