jowebb66Victims of war(0)Christian and Muslim responses to victims of war. Knowledge sheet with questions AQA 9-1
jowebb66How did Islam rise to influence?(0)KS3 knowledge sheet with questions on the rise to influence - Islam
jowebb66Speaking up for justice - Prophets - The Big Story(0)Part of the Big Story - prophets warnings to the people of Israel
jowebb66Home Learning. Shabbat and Yom Kippur(0)This lesson looks at Yom Kippur and Shabbat. Close reading exercise.
jowebb66Home Learning - Sacrifice and Sin(0)This is a close reading exercise looking at sacrifice and sin.
jowebb66Home Learning - Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus(0)Close reading exercise on the atonement and resurrection of Jesus.
jowebb66Home Learning - The arrest, trial and sacrifice of Jesus.(0)Close reading exercise on the arrest, trial and crucifixion of Jesus.