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I am a former Head teacher , teacher of Geography and PSHE in French, teacher of Geography in English and other subjects . I used CLIL to improve standards at 3 schools when in a leadership position. I also delivered assemblies and INSET hence the resources included . June 16th 2023 I uploaded the results of 18 years of CLIL and how it has improved progress and attainment across all subjects in schools not just languages. A wonderful way to improve schools. Find it under WHOLE school section




I am a former Head teacher , teacher of Geography and PSHE in French, teacher of Geography in English and other subjects . I used CLIL to improve standards at 3 schools when in a leadership position. I also delivered assemblies and INSET hence the resources included . June 16th 2023 I uploaded the results of 18 years of CLIL and how it has improved progress and attainment across all subjects in schools not just languages. A wonderful way to improve schools. Find it under WHOLE school section
CLIL Geography in German Tropical Rainforests Unit overview with lesson plans and student handbook

CLIL Geography in German Tropical Rainforests Unit overview with lesson plans and student handbook

This unit was the second unit taught for one hour a week as part of a whole year course of geography in German in Year 7 . The first unit taught was mapwork. The rainforest unit build on the mapwork unit as it gradually build up more sentence construction . The first assessment on rainforest adapatation involves independent research skills, description and explanation but based on a A3 poster of rainforest structure . The second assessment is based on a group work activity to design a campaign to save orangutans . The French unit on tropical rainforests was more extensive and involved a trial followed by an essay on tropical rainforest deforestation. If you look at how these pieces of work are constructed it is possible to translate the materials used in the French CLIL to German if you wish to use the French materials for guidance . This unit on tropical rainforests was translated into German by Chris Scott and Maren Blume . The lesson plans to guide this unit are contained in the methodology booklet . There is a section in the second half of this booklet which describes how the unit is put together and how to teach it . The rainforest handbook is available here but sections from it which relate to each lesson are included to download . The handbook can be printed for students to annotate and use as a reference resource . There are video clips of the activities included in the rainforest unit being taught in french on the Chenderit DCSF video available in the predagogy section of my shop .
CLIL Learning Through Languages UK website

CLIL Learning Through Languages UK website

This website contains FREE CLIL resources for teachers . Judith Woodfield has copies of an entire Year 7 course for Geography in French with some units in German and an entire Year 8 course for Geography in French . Year 7 Mapwork Year 7 Tropical Rainforests Year 8 Deserts Year 8 European Union There is also a Year 6 day module on the hydrologcal cycle. Just google Learning Through Languages UK to find the website. There is also free CPD on CLIL throughout the year. Previous talks given by Judith Woodfield are also available as well as CLIL experts from around the world.
CLIL Geography in French Industry Primary industry Agriculture unit overview

CLIL Geography in French Industry Primary industry Agriculture unit overview

This unit is linked to other units on primary , secondary and tertiary industry plus case studies of the car industry, tourism and retailing .This unit uses agriculture as a case study looking at current issues in agriculture. It uses Britanny in France as a location charting changes in the intensification of agriculture that have happened since 1940. There is a case study on the green algae that has impacted on Britanny’s beaches and its causes and effects are identified. There is an assessment where students have to write letters for and against intensif farming . There are video clips and interactive activities to brng the unit to life . There is a student handbook, although a few pages on the topic of agricuture appear blank. This is because the images were orginally stuck in before copying. These missing images are included in the lesson resources as picture files. There are are pieces of exemplar student work .
CLIL Geography in French  Mapwork lesson 3 4 and 6 figure grid references

CLIL Geography in French Mapwork lesson 3 4 and 6 figure grid references

Please read copyright doc and refer to lesson plan and student handbook in mapwork unit resource. This is a difficult lesson for many students. Students fill in their answers in their booklets and I usually go around the class to check that every student has correct answers to the 4 figure references before going onto 6 figure. If there are students who find this difficult then I also get other students to support until the whole class is confident. I also get students up to the front to demonstrate how they get the answers as this helps less confident students.
CLIL Geography in French mapwork Lesson 2  Map symbols

CLIL Geography in French mapwork Lesson 2 Map symbols

This lesson contains powerpoints and powerpoints which can be made into cards for use with the powerpoint. The student booklet available in the unit overview has a page where students can enter their answers. There are links for homework to consolidate learning. The first powerpoint to use is the one which identifies common symbols and asks students to understand the concept of a symbol and why it is used. The further resources use symbols from ordnance survey maps. Please read copyright document available on unit overview. There is a video clip of this activity being taught on the CLIL cpd videos resource. The lesson plan is in the unit overview resource.
CLIL Geography in French . the hydrological cycle

CLIL Geography in French . the hydrological cycle

This unit of work was delivered to Year 6 students in a primary school during one whole day of Geography in French. It was designed as a transition unit to show students what learning Geography in French would be like when they started secondary school. Students really loved it and said that they had learnt more French in one day than they had learnt all year during their primary French lessons. The materials are also suitable for Year 7 students . Please read the copyright master document before use . particularly the section on the hydrological cycle . The lesson starts with a video clip with a card sort, then students study the hydrological cycle using a powerpoint and a further card sort. They then are introduced to more complex hydrological terms and build a model of the cycle. I used pet food boxes , but show boxes are also good to make models in. Then the students look at the differences between urban and rural areas and how that impacts the hydrological cycle ie they are applying their knowledge to a different situation and there is a support sheet using the near future which predicts what happens in each location. Finally they choose to be a simpson’s character who explains the cycle to an audience. There is a writing/speaking frame which will support their explanations. A challenging unit but very accessible for Year 6 students.
CLIL Geography in French  Europe and the European Union Lessons1-5 Europe

CLIL Geography in French Europe and the European Union Lessons1-5 Europe

This is a unit which introduces the locational Geography of Europe . It identifies countries,capital cities rivers, mountains, seas and Oceans . It ends with a task to devise a tour of Europe which is undertaken individually , pairs or groups. The tour is presented to the class and is peer assessed. There are four examples of student work. Some of it is good and others are less os . For example it is important to point out that the students need to understand the French ie do not cut and paste . Also the level of detail needs to show detailed and accurate research .
CLIL Geography in French The European Union Unit overview

CLIL Geography in French The European Union Unit overview

The unit on Europe and the European Union was used as the second unit in a Year 8 course which followed a Year 7 course with Mapwork and Tropical Rain Forests in one school . Every student in Year 8 had a lesson a week of Geography in French. The Europe section lessons 1-5 had an assessment at the end which looked at the physical and human geography of Europe in the context of a tour of Europe(see that resource) . The European Union end of unit assessment is a debate about advantages and disadvantages of the EU which is backed up by extended writing in the form of speeches for and against. There is therefore the opportunity to use written and spoken french at a high level. There are exemplars of student work . There are writing and speaking frames to support. There are many video clips with listening cards to support comprehension. The unit has a student handbook which can be used by students ot write in and keep as a reference resource. This unit looks at the history of the EU, what the EU provides for its citizens, how it is funded and what the advantages and disadvantages of the EU are. It looks at Brexit and its implications amid this debate.
CLIL Geography in French The European Union  lesson6-7  History of the EU

CLIL Geography in French The European Union lesson6-7 History of the EU

This lesson can take one or two lessons depending how many elements you build into it . The handbook contains listening cards within it which accompany the videos and also have copies of the different country details . There is a main powerpoint which has clips within it which take you through the reasons for its formation. There is cute clip of babies wearing nappies . Students identify the countries of the EU by noting the different flags on the babies nappies !!.
CLIL Geography in French Settlement lessons 1-3

CLIL Geography in French Settlement lessons 1-3

This lesson takes a fictitious settlement and looks at locating it in the best possible position . This can take up to 3 lessons as the students , decide on location, then look at the amenities that they need. They question each other in french to find the best amenities. they then draw a plan view of the settlement which uses mapping skills. Then they explain why they have chosen site and the amenities. There is a wrting frame to support with writing in French. As this was a module near the beginning of the course there are some instructions in English. However when delivering the teacher would use French and point to the english at the same time so that students became used to the unit vocabulary.
CLIL Geography in French Industry  Car industry locating a factory Lesson 4

CLIL Geography in French Industry Car industry locating a factory Lesson 4

This lesson uses OS map and aerial photography to look at the locational factors for a car factory. Student use the map to find evidence of the reasons for the location of the Peugeot factory in Coventry. this factory has now closed but a similar exercise could be replicated for other UK car factories. It will show you how to use Geographical map work skills and French to achieve a good outcome .
CLIL Geography in French Deserts Lesson 12 Adaptation of desert animals

CLIL Geography in French Deserts Lesson 12 Adaptation of desert animals

This lesson looks at the adaptations that desert animals have to ensure their survival. It uses video clips , extracts from the handbook and powerpoints to provide students with knowledge and understanding which can then be applied to the design of a desert animal . the desert animal design forms an end of unit assessment. Students love this !! There are word frames and some student exemplars
CLIL Geography in French Deserts Lessons 3-4 Why does it rain so little in deserts?

CLIL Geography in French Deserts Lessons 3-4 Why does it rain so little in deserts?

This lesson looks at rainfall processes, anticyclones and the working of the Hadley cell. It looks at the difference between day and night in the desert. It uses video clips, powerpoint , rainfall cards and climate graphs to convey concepts. The concluding exercise looking at the difference between day and night enables the student to assimilate many of the concepts studied previously. This lesson exemplifies the notion of high level conceptual input with lower level language needs which enable the student to access the thinking .