Case Studies
AQA Psychology Year 2
Case studies lesson
Made from a mix of resources - thanks!
Lessons covering the brain, nervous system, neurons, genetics, twins and family studies
OCR Psychology - Types of experiments and experimental design
Planning Research and Sampling
Designed for OCR Psychology Research methods section
Humanistic Approach
Humanistic Approach for AS level - covers main ideas
Psychodynamic Approach
AQA spec week 5
Psychodynamic approach - 2 lessons worth
Please let me know what you think!
Cognitive Approach
AQA spec week 4 Cognitive approach to psychology. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Social Learning theory
AQA spec
week 3 lesson display on social learning theory including bandura. Please let me know what you think!
Behaviourist Approach
AQA week 2 lesson display covering the behaviourist approach. Please let me know what you think!
Introduction to psychology and biological approach
AS level psychology - Approaches AQA spec
Introduction and biological approach. Please let me know what you think!
Ive converted the smart board file to powerpoint, but it doesn't look at good. Hope this is useful for those without notebook software!