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Kate Williams

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Author: 'Squeak! Squawk! Roar! Amazing Animal Poems' - out now! Details here: https://katewilliamspoet.com/squeak-squawk-roar/ Children's poet: website: katewilliamspoet.com




Author: 'Squeak! Squawk! Roar! Amazing Animal Poems' - out now! Details here: https://katewilliamspoet.com/squeak-squawk-roar/ Children's poet: website: katewilliamspoet.com
Woods Poem Example - Descriptive + Frame

Woods Poem Example - Descriptive + Frame

A woodland poem example, featuring description, presented over a colourful autumn wood photo. Writing frame also included. Repetition of the opening line also features in this simple format. **Offers a framework and idea spurs **for KS2 writers, and for KS1 verbal contributions. Warm-up: go outside to experience trees (and woods?) with all the senses. Then discuss - what did the children notice? What creatures might live there, and what are they like? How would the trees be in different seasons? What might they be like on Halloween night? Enact trees together, then pretend you’re walking through a wood, finding “treasures”. You’ll find more poem guides and poetry themes here at my TES shop.
Rhyme - I am an alien!

Rhyme - I am an alien!

This funny, lively space rhyme supports all-round literacy. It’s simple, four-line verse can be varied to allow for different ideas, and each can be enacted or expressed with gestures, sounds or mime. Children will enjoy its catchy rhythm and be interested in the rhyme (space/face), also finding the tone cheerful and humorous. The resource offers embellishment for space topics, too, and encourages physical movement and expression. The tips below the rhyme include handy prompts for enacting, line by line, and also for eliciting alternative alien features. Using a simple, familiar tune, this verse could also be set to music.
Global Warming Word Bank

Global Warming Word Bank

The climate change crisis, global warming, the greenhouse effect - these are key phrases in today’s heated global debate about the future of our planet. This word bank supports climate emergency discussion in the classroom with words for all aspects: causes - fossil fuels, carbon emissions, deforestation… , cattle-breeding, to effects - melting ice, rising sea levels, extreme weather, damaged ecosystem, broken food chain…, and goals - cleaner air, renewable energy sources, alternative lifestyles. The double column of words will help teachers and students alike, in group chats, debates, writing tasks and research projects. Rather than offer a vast maze of terms, it offers a broad selection, each potentially spurring further concepts and word choices.
Pirate Treasure + Shipwreck - Describing-Words List

Pirate Treasure + Shipwreck - Describing-Words List

Pirate treasure from the sea bed could be beautiful, mouldy or smashed to bits. It could be flamboyant or faded, delicate or dangerous, and you might find it floating and drifting or submerged and water-logged. It’ll probably be secret, too - stolen, smuggled and concealed. All these words and many more are listed in this mind-stretching word bank. Either read out from it yourself or copy and distribute it around your class, for selecting and trying out, or to trigger other ideas. Encourage some of these words in conversation too. VIDEO SUPPORT: me reading my published poem, ‘Treasure Chest Mystery’ - details on my website, poemsforfun.wordpress.com : https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMarEm9uVBDEGPTykSlkAfT6jdVArKlPen6X5lk1le7dqUc89gEztNjSO7V6qsxUQ?key=X0hIWmdaV1M0Q2lHYURKbDdIVFFPMTVBTWRUdkhn SEE ALSO: **Under the Sea **poem frame: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/under-the-sea-poem-frame-example-y2-4-11922054 , Seabed Rhymes Y2-4: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-seabed-rhymes-fun-rhyming-couplet-frames-ks2-11892578 . Seabed Mystery Poem Frame KS2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/seabed-mystery-poem-frame-ks2-guide-11892739 and Treasure Map alliteration game: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/treasure-map-alliteration-game-yr1-6-guide-for-use-11887395
Land of L... creative alliteration fun

Land of L... creative alliteration fun

Is this a Land of Lollopops, Love, or something else beginning with L? Your class will love thinking up words to complete this and all the other alliterative place names, such as Forest of F, Iceberg of I and School of S. A fun learning activity and handy filler, developing literacy skills and creativity with ease and laughter. Tip for use: start with a whole-class warm-up, eliciting ideas for the title and one other name, before leaving children to write their ideas on the sheet, individually or in pairs. Young classes will benefit from doing the whole activity together, teacher-led.
Flying Away - bird migration poetry sheet + guide

Flying Away - bird migration poetry sheet + guide

This simple illustrated poetry frame celebrates the beauty of birds in flight and the wonders of bird migration. The theme will inspire your children’s imagination and ignite their poetic powers, spurred on by the sketches and line-starters. They’ll love thinking up similes to describe how the birds look and other aspects of them, and also thinking up their own developments and rounding-off line. The accompanying Guide Sheet offers suggestions for each line, in case handy for reading out as examples or prompting for, while encouraging independent thinking and word choices. Recommended for KS2.
Dragons can be... Word-bank building sheet for dragon descriptions (Ys 3-6) + Guide Sheet

Dragons can be... Word-bank building sheet for dragon descriptions (Ys 3-6) + Guide Sheet

Children love this activity. Dragons can be sizzling-hot, ice-cold, fierce, friendly, clumsy, graceful - whatever the individual child wants them to be, and their exciting features, shown in the illustration, are sure to trigger a colourful array of possibilities, as your class dash down their descriptive word ideas on the lines. They’ll need to turn the sheet round as they go to follow the line angles - adding to the fun! Encourage able writers to add in similes under the lines, as demonstrated in the accompanying guide. Suggestions are provided there for warm-up and follow-on activities, as well as for words. See my other resources for more dragon-focused activities and supporting posters.
OCEAN Metaphor-Writing + Example

OCEAN Metaphor-Writing + Example

Fascinating creative opportunity for older/more able writers, depicting the sea as different entities or things. Format and starter lines for a sequence of verses are provided, with quality sample poem, written by myself (published poet) for the purpose. Tip: build up to metaphors by (1) discussing sea in different weathers, climates, times and seasons, enacting and sounding out; (2) elicit words and similes for the variations; (3) invite pupils to try taking out the ‘as… as’ or ‘like’ from their similes to form metaphors (e.g. ‘the sea IS a mirror’; (4) read the sample poem; (5) give out the frames and scrap paper for independent writers and let them write their own, personal versions. See also my many other sea poetry frames in my catalogue, with sub-topics such as sea monsters, seabed mysteries, summer’s day sea, stormy sea and a pirate’s treasure map.
Rhyming Animal Actions for  Rainforest Verses

Rhyming Animal Actions for Rainforest Verses

Peeping, creeping; chattering, pattering; barging, charging; flapping, snapping - these are a few of the 24 rhyming action verbs suggested here for rainforest or jungle poems. Examples of completed couplets are also provided. Select, build and edit with your pupils, to create your own vibrant, action-packed class poem! It’ll bring your topic to life, enhancing literacy skills along the way.
Tree Poem in a Tree

Tree Poem in a Tree

Junior pupils will enjoy writing tree-focused poems inside this tree outline. The summery, countryside setting will inspire ideas, while the short lines encourage careful choice of words and a swinging rhythm. Perhaps encourage similes, alliteration and other poetic techniques, while leaving the general approach and content open. Questions to pose in your for warm-up discussion: is the tree a sunshade for a hot day, a statue, standing against the sky, or a reminder that we need to protect our precious natural world, perhaps? Or is the tree a den, hiding place, or climbing-frame in the writer’s mind? Is it as green as fresh lettuce leaves, glittering emeralds or the tall, silky grass?
Banana Poem, Illustrated

Banana Poem, Illustrated

Healthy eating poem, with fun, celebrating bananas. This fun, snappy little rhyme is presented attractively over a photo of bananas in a bowl. The writing is in a curve, just like the fruits! Poem and photo are both by this author, Kate Williams. See also my other healthy eating resources.
What Jungle Creature am I? Riddle Poem Frame, Y3-6

What Jungle Creature am I? Riddle Poem Frame, Y3-6

**What jungle creature am I? ** this poem asks, with prompts for all sorts of clues and poetic techniques. Children forget they’re writing poems when there’s an exciting, exotic riddle to present and a whole class of others to guess. Jungle offers a wealth of possibilities, not just for creatures, but for creativity too. There’s also an anagram riddle suggestion below, to write on the sheet. Best for Yrs 3-6.
Poem - Seaside Theme (by this author, published)

Poem - Seaside Theme (by this author, published)

What We Found at the Seaside - published by The School Magazine, Australia, celebrates natural seaside wonders, in a flowing pattern. 15 short lines, starting: Waves purring wind stirring      gulls chuckling      crabs scuttling spray splashing fish dashing Supports: poetry appreciation, poetry crafting, creative writing, ocean studies, nature, environment, green living, vocabulary, speaking and listening, and PSHE - calming and soothing.
Dragon Writing Fun, Guided

Dragon Writing Fun, Guided

**Dragon writing! ** This illustrated writing frame invites similes, description, and action words for dragons - plus suggestions for their favourite food. Not Teachers on Toast, surely?!? The Guide sheet provides teacher support for firing enthusiasm, ideas and language, and presenting the sheet. Supports literacy, poetry, vocabulary-building, speaking and listening skills, expressive movement (in the recommended warm-up enactments), and study of mythical beasts. Best for lower juniors (7-9 year-olds).
Colourful Dragon Rhymes - for all ages

Colourful Dragon Rhymes - for all ages

**Snappy dragon rhymes - with key colours. ** Great for all ages, especially early years, developing rhythm, rhyme, language, creativity and expressive confidence. Scope for drama, music and art developments. Once there was a dragon dressed in red. He liked to stay all day in… You can guess the last word, as can the children, though some may prefer to offer alternative rhymes. Red is just one example of the numerous colours featuring in these crazy dragon verses, which lend themselves to being enacted, and even sung to a made-up tune, as well as chanted and clapped. Follow on with dragon sketches or try my dragon’s menu for easy, crazy writing fun.
RHYMING COUPLETS - 4 themed rhyme banks + more

RHYMING COUPLETS - 4 themed rhyme banks + more

5 Resources
Rhyme banks for Space, Dragons, Castle Characters + Ocean (sailors, pirates, more), with Examples for all, PLUS Seabed Rhymes to complete. Fun for whole class, together, in groups or pairs, or individually. Literacy made fun! Themed information, topic study, & creativity scope incorporated. Huge discount!
Story - Fun in the Snow - Easy-Read

Story - Fun in the Snow - Easy-Read

Fun in the Snow - this is a simple, 40-word story, lightly illustrated, about a boy enjoying the snow and making a snowman. There is an extra page highlighting a few words from the text - in different colours for extra fun. Engages young children, encouraging sounding-out and ‘have-a-go’ reading. See my other stories and also Phonics sheets, for more simple, fun reading.
Autumn leaves can be... simple picture poem

Autumn leaves can be... simple picture poem

**FREE! Autumn leaf picture to write inside and below, with colouring fun too. ** ’ Autumn leaves can be - ’ Describing words can be written inside the page-size leaf-drawing. Encourage words such as - crispy, floaty, gentle, calm, red, gold (+ other colours), crunchy, delicate, twirly, crinkly, dry, wet, soggy, spotty, beautiful, colourful, torn, ripped, patched. Text below picture - 'They are as colourful as __ ’ perhaps jewels, flowers, petals, treasure, fire, candles, fruit, strawberries or butterflies. Supports creativity, vocabulary, seasonal work, colour work, art and design, and PSHE (calming and uplifting). See my other leaf writing activities for all primary stages.
Magic Spells - wish-writing frames, rhyming

Magic Spells - wish-writing frames, rhyming

Halloween fun! A sheet of magic spell rhyming couplets to complete - all guided towards happy, innocent wishes. Four couplet frames + two blank lines for an independent one. Example: Wind, rain, snow and sun - Let today be __ and fun! PS: See my new Poetry How-To Videos, featuring Fireworks, Dragons & Space - so far: Kate Williams - YouTube