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Kate Williams

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(based on 13 reviews)

Author: 'Squeak! Squawk! Roar! Amazing Animal Poems' - out now! Details here: https://katewilliamspoet.com/squeak-squawk-roar/ Children's poet: website: katewilliamspoet.com




Author: 'Squeak! Squawk! Roar! Amazing Animal Poems' - out now! Details here: https://katewilliamspoet.com/squeak-squawk-roar/ Children's poet: website: katewilliamspoet.com
Tree Poem in a Tree

Tree Poem in a Tree

Junior pupils will enjoy writing tree-focused poems inside this tree outline. The summery, countryside setting will inspire ideas, while the short lines encourage careful choice of words and a swinging rhythm. Perhaps encourage similes, alliteration and other poetic techniques, while leaving the general approach and content open. Questions to pose in your for warm-up discussion: is the tree a sunshade for a hot day, a statue, standing against the sky, or a reminder that we need to protect our precious natural world, perhaps? Or is the tree a den, hiding place, or climbing-frame in the writer’s mind? Is it as green as fresh lettuce leaves, glittering emeralds or the tall, silky grass?
Moody Monster Writing

Moody Monster Writing

Supports Literacy, PSHE, mental wellbeing and physical exercise, as well as poetry, drama and all-round creative expression. This is a fun writing challenge, involving similes and action words, with scope for enrichment. A monster (s/he) can be any sort you like, with three heads and two tails perhaps, and this one has moods - happy, cross, excited, ?.. How does a monster behave when cross? Do they charge around the monster school, stamping on books like an angry giant? When happy, does s/he glide like an angel, or perform back-flips like a gymnast? The warm-up actions sheet will spur extended ideas. Hand-sketched illustrations. SEE MY SEA-MONSTER FOOD sheet too!
OCEAN Metaphor-Writing + Example

OCEAN Metaphor-Writing + Example

Fascinating creative opportunity for older/more able writers, depicting the sea as different entities or things. Format and starter lines for a sequence of verses are provided, with quality sample poem, written by myself (published poet) for the purpose. Tip: build up to metaphors by (1) discussing sea in different weathers, climates, times and seasons, enacting and sounding out; (2) elicit words and similes for the variations; (3) invite pupils to try taking out the ‘as… as’ or ‘like’ from their similes to form metaphors (e.g. ‘the sea IS a mirror’; (4) read the sample poem; (5) give out the frames and scrap paper for independent writers and let them write their own, personal versions. See also my many other sea poetry frames in my catalogue, with sub-topics such as sea monsters, seabed mysteries, summer’s day sea, stormy sea and a pirate’s treasure map.
Super-Fun Writing Sheets!

Super-Fun Writing Sheets!

8 Resources
8 exciting writing sheets to get your whole KS2 class writing for sheer fun! Some are guided, some come with graded variations, all are illustrated and child-friendly. Assorted topics, including - Space, Dinosaurs, Jungles, Midnight Woods, Exploring, Inventing a Vehicle, and funny ones - Keep Fit Activities for Martians + Menu for Sea Monsters. Bargain Bundle!
Ahoy there! Pirate Lit. Quiz

Ahoy there! Pirate Lit. Quiz

Literacy boost with exciting twists! Fun, inspiring spelling + vocabulary enhancer about pirates, treasure and oceans. Eight questions, including a rhyme, an anagram, a spelling choice, a type of gem, and more, on an attractive, illustrated sheet. Answers on accompanying sheet. Supports multiple topics, e.g. ocean, pirates, weather, journeys, going for gold, the wider world, voyagers, and seaside, and brings literacy alive. See also my other ocean/pirate lit. resources, e.g. Treasure Map: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/treasure-map-alliteration-game-yr1-6-guide-for-use-11887395 and Stormy Sea: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/stormy-sea-poetry-frame-guide-12043779 .
Shell words to read (8)

Shell words to read (8)

Reading/sounding out + learning about shells, seaside, nature and more. Eight describing words for shells for young readers (Reception - Y2), big, bright and clear, around a colourful photo of shells on beach. Words: shells, hard, curly, dry, shiny, hollow, sandy, wet. Help children turn sheet to read the words. Watch my video on seaside shells: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wkeZ8K6iCfcFQneZ9 See my other seaside and phonics resources too.
Sea Monster Writing Fun - 3 levels

Sea Monster Writing Fun - 3 levels

**A Sea monster writing sheet in 3 differentiated versions. ** Attractively illustrated and presented. Will excite and amuse the whole class, The starter phrases about its appearance, behaviour and favourite food will get all pens rolling. Supports literacy, seaside, ocean, myths and other cross-curricular studies, and unlocks creativity. See my Sea Monster Food writing sheet too****: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sea-monster-food-fun-writing-sheet-guide-12114876 ****, plus many other seaside and ocean literacy resources.
Fish in sea - Writing + Colouring Sheet + Ideas Sheet

Fish in sea - Writing + Colouring Sheet + Ideas Sheet

This attractive ocean picture and simple phrase-starter will inspire young children to get writing and colouring. The Ideas Sheet offers suggestions for warm-up, word-prompting, similes and further development from this simple resource. See also my Phonics in the Sea - 10 big, bright words to read on a seaside photo: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phonics-in-the-sea-10-words-to-read-12112315
KS1 Simple Reading Challenges (4)

KS1 Simple Reading Challenges (4)

4 Resources
Four activities for younger/less confident KS1 readers, with adult support. Contents: 2 fun word games; one seaside picture with describing words spread over; 1 colourfully decorated reading test with simple words using the whole alphabet. Handy for pre-test practice and assessment, and as year-round reading spurs.
Martian Keep-Fit Writing, Guided

Martian Keep-Fit Writing, Guided

Bring Literacy, Space studies and Healthy Living to life with this hilarious writing sheet. How do Martians keep fit? By swinging from the moon? By running round black holes? By competing in floating races? The line-starters and prompts will fire up ideas and set pens rolling. See the accompanying guide sheet for examples and ideas to prompt with. Recommended for Yr 2 upwards. Pool ideas first - both for space features and keep-fit methods, and share ideas for filling the gaps before independent writing. SEE ALSO: Meals for Martians - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/meals-for-martians-fun-sheet-guide-12115040, and Funny Space Rhymes - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/funny-space-rhymes-12051967 . More space writing resources at my shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/katewilliams_poetry?sortBy=newest&p=2 .
Meals for Martians - fun sheet + guide

Meals for Martians - fun sheet + guide

Get your reluctant writers dashing down ideas on this crazy-fun writing sheet! Supporting video (2nd half): https://youtu.be/sITQrMuDrfg What would a Martian, or alien, like to eat? Star dust salad? Rocket roast? Soup served on a flying saucer? The starter words spur ideas to fill up the lines, with desserts and drinks included! Accompanying Ideas Sheet offers teacher-support for prompting and guiding. Supports space study, literacy and food science, all in one! **SEE ALSO: Funny Space Rhymes: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/funny-space-rhymes-12051967. ** Also many space poetry resources to read, write and build together, at my TES shop, .e.g. on page 2: ces/shop/katewilliams_poetry?p=2 .
Sea-Monster Menu-Writing, guided

Sea-Monster Menu-Writing, guided

Sea monster food? What’s that? Rock roast? Splash salad? Fish and ships? The starter words here open up ideas and get children dreaming and writing - even reluctant and struggling writers! The guide sheet offers teachers ideas for prompting with. Tip: think up sea features together -from fishes to mermaids and pirate ship wrecks - then combine with human dishes, like roasts, sandwiches and pies, perhaps bringing in alliteration (Killer Whale Crisps, Treasure on Toast). Best for KS2, or KS1 as a whole-class, teacher-led game. SEA ALSO: Treasure Map alliteration game: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/treasure-map-alliteration-game-yr1-6-guide-for-use-11887395 .
Pirate Treasure + Shipwreck - Describing-Words List

Pirate Treasure + Shipwreck - Describing-Words List

Pirate treasure from the sea bed could be beautiful, mouldy or smashed to bits. It could be flamboyant or faded, delicate or dangerous, and you might find it floating and drifting or submerged and water-logged. It’ll probably be secret, too - stolen, smuggled and concealed. All these words and many more are listed in this mind-stretching word bank. Either read out from it yourself or copy and distribute it around your class, for selecting and trying out, or to trigger other ideas. Encourage some of these words in conversation too. VIDEO SUPPORT: me reading my published poem, ‘Treasure Chest Mystery’ - details on my website, poemsforfun.wordpress.com : https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMarEm9uVBDEGPTykSlkAfT6jdVArKlPen6X5lk1le7dqUc89gEztNjSO7V6qsxUQ?key=X0hIWmdaV1M0Q2lHYURKbDdIVFFPMTVBTWRUdkhn SEE ALSO: **Under the Sea **poem frame: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/under-the-sea-poem-frame-example-y2-4-11922054 , Seabed Rhymes Y2-4: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-seabed-rhymes-fun-rhyming-couplet-frames-ks2-11892578 . Seabed Mystery Poem Frame KS2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/seabed-mystery-poem-frame-ks2-guide-11892739 and Treasure Map alliteration game: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/treasure-map-alliteration-game-yr1-6-guide-for-use-11887395
Ocean Life Colouring Sheet

Ocean Life Colouring Sheet

Sea life and a scattering of treasure fill this lively picture, with patterned fish, a graceful seahorse, a playful dolphin, various types of shell, seaweed and other details, plus sailing boat, kite, gulls and summer sky. Ideal for bright, varied, detailed colouring, teaching children about the world as they draw. See also my simpler colouring sheet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/boat-on-sea-colouring-sheet-12096606 Supporting video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wkeZ8K6iCfcFQneZ9
Phonics in the Sea - 10 words to read

Phonics in the Sea - 10 words to read

Phonics and reading practice with seaside theme and picture. Ten simple describing words, clearly highlighted in red boxes over a beautiful seaside photograph. Words: wet, fun, cool, bubbly, wavy, splashy, shallow, fresh, calm, sandy. See also: Seaside Writing & Colouring Sheet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/seaside-writing-colouring-sheet-simple-12099515, and Boat on Sea Colouring Sheet: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/boat-on-sea-colouring-sheet-12096606 .
Keeping on the move - fitness rhyme for all ages

Keeping on the move - fitness rhyme for all ages

Motivate your class to get up and moving with this punchy, inspiring rhyme. Why miss out on all the fun? It asks, encouraging standing rather than sitting, and running rather than walking, to keep fresh, smart, trim and slim. The rhyme is in two verses, with different styles. You could use them separately as two different rhymes. Act them out and develop with stretches, runs, jumps, spins and anything else the children suggest.
ME! - Rhyme for PSHE

ME! - Rhyme for PSHE

Mental wellbeing, inclusiveness, self respect and confidence are supported in this poem, besides literacy and performance skills. Boost students’ self-esteem and motivation with this upbeat rhyme and its positive message about individualism. Through simple words, rhymes and rhythm, it celebrates the fact that everyone is different, just like the leaves of a tree. Written specifically as a PSHE resource by myself - a well-published children’s poet, after seeing the need for confidence boosts in children of all backgrounds.
Fruit is good for you - Rhyme

Fruit is good for you - Rhyme

This fruit rhyme lists some of the many ways that fruit can help you - by giving you energy, making you feel and look good, etc., with references to hair, skin, weight, figure, mood and more. For girls and boys of all ages. Rhythmic, rhyming, punchy and fun. SEE ALSO - Healthy Eating Acrostic https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/healthy-eating-acrostic-writing-frame-ideas-sheet-12075496 and Oranges rhyme - **https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/oranges-rhyme-healthy-eating-support-12076883 **
Sunshine poetry - sun similes, illustrated

Sunshine poetry - sun similes, illustrated

Sun and sunshine similes with starter phrases in an attractive frame with picture prompts all round, for Yrs 2-4 approx. The sun is as hot as, as yellow as, as bright as, as round as…, and as - (gap for idea) as. And when it’s sunny, I like to – (line for filling). SEE ALSO: Weather Poetry Bundle - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/weather-poetry-bundle-ks1-11974784 **+ SEA SIMILES: **https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/weather-poetry-bundle-ks1-11974784 .
Sea similes poem frame, illustrated

Sea similes poem frame, illustrated

Sea similes and free style creative writing are invited on this wavy-sea picture poem, entitled “Summer’s Day Sea”. Children in my workshops are keen to write on the waves, thinking up their own similes for the sea and sand, and details to follow ‘It goes…’ and ‘You may find…’ IDEAS: The sea might be as blue as the fresh, summer sky, as refreshing as a dripping, mouthwatering, mint ice lolly, and as lacy as a bride’s frilly wedding dress. Or it might be as curly as hair rollers, as fun as your dream birthday party, or as reflecting as a gleaming, polished mirror. Perhaps start children off with similes for sparkly, e.g. as a whirl of precious diamonds, as silver glitter on a Christmas card, or as the twinkling stars in the night sky. SEE ALSO Stormy Sea simile sheet:**** https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/stormy-sea-poetry-frame-guide-12043779**** and Treasure Map alliteration fun: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/treasure-map-alliteration-game-yr1-6-guide-for-use-11887395 - both very popular!