This is a great activity to do with all years.
This worksheet can be done individually or in groups. This helps the children gather a bank of coping strategies to deal with a wide range of situations that can happen during school life.
At the end of the work sheet there are blank squares for the children to make up there own and swap with each other to see if they can use there new coping strategies to deal with the issues.
Alot of children can tell you what makes a bad friend but struggle with what makes a good friend.
This chart is best completed in pairs so the children can discuss what makes a good friend and what makes a bad friend.
Helps children with their communication skills if paired up with people they are not normally around or speak to often.
Great for children with behaviour needs as its a visual to being a good friend once completed the children can hang it in classrooms for a reminder. Best on doors so when they go to break they can read as leaving the room.