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Key stage 2 teacher and Science leader. Please leave reviews. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Animals Including Humans Digestive System Year 4

Animals Including Humans Digestive System Year 4

This is a brief lesson on how the digestive system works. It is free as the teaching is in the modeling of the digestive system. You will need: old tights cut in two two plastic zip lock style bags cheerios/bananas for the food dilute juice/pineapple juice for the saliva and enzymes The starter of this lesson recaps on the teeth so should be taught after that (see resources for the hands on teeth lesson). Objective taught: describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans
Science Animals Including Humans Teeth wordsearch Year 4

Science Animals Including Humans Teeth wordsearch Year 4

A crossword with vocabulary linked to teeth from the animals including humans year 4 curriculum. This can be used to recap and retrieve information from previous lessons supporting long term memory. Vocabulary used: canines molars incisors milk teeth gum jaw enamel
Science Word Searches for all Year 4 Topics

Science Word Searches for all Year 4 Topics

Here are word searches for each year 4 science topic. The word searches contain the majority of vocabulary expected to be taught within these topics. Use them as a way to embed vocabulary assess vocabulary knowledge at the start, during and at the end (you can do this by the children highlighting known words in green and unknown in red recap and recall knowledge
Year 4 science - Animals Including Humans - Teeth and their roles

Year 4 science - Animals Including Humans - Teeth and their roles

This complete lesson explores the teeth and their roles. Incisors, canines and molars and looked at with a couple of interesting facts for each. Along the way, the children will create their own models of teeth either individually or as a team. This lesson has been used as a catch up lesson in year 5 due to missed learning in lockdowns, but is just as relevant for year 4 classes. Everything you need (apart from the modelling clay/play-do) is on the power point including starter, teaching (with some notes at the foot), activity and model, vocabulary and extension to print out. Objective taught: identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions.
Year 5 Science Animals Including Humans Gestation lesson

Year 5 Science Animals Including Humans Gestation lesson

A lesson on Gestation to start off the Animals Including Humans lesson in Year 5. The first slide lists the resources you will need. It then contains: A starter that gives the teacher an opportunity to assess and identify misconceptions. A slide with the big picture for Animals Including Humans in Year 5 (lessons to come). Teaching of gestation; what it is and hows it compares to other animals. 3 way differentiated activity and resources needed. Plenary This is not a worksheet lesson and makes links to maths as the children are creating graphs. Each level of task has a follow up question.
Science Year 6 vocabulary book mark

Science Year 6 vocabulary book mark

Here are book marks for each of the science topics in year 6. They have the vocabulary and definition ready to be cur out for the children to use. They can then be visible on each piece of work as they move them along their book. There is also a second book mark for each topic with less words for children who need it. The vocabulary is taken from the national curriculum with others that we have used throughout our planning. They have really helped mine using the appropriate vocabulary in their writing during science lessons AND understand what they mean.
Year 4 Animals Including Humans Food chains

Year 4 Animals Including Humans Food chains

This lesson talks through what a food chain is. It starts with a retrieval activity for teeth and digestive system (see the teeth and digestive system lessons in resources to teach first). It has three challenges for the lesson to be completed on computers. There is a plenary that opens a discussion about what would happen if the producer was taken away from the food chain. The year 4 objective that is taught is: construct and interpret food chains.
Year 4 Animals Including Humans slides

Year 4 Animals Including Humans slides

4 Resources
There are three lessons in this pack which you will require a couple of resources for (play dough, foods, tights, ziplock bags). There is also a word search to help with vocabulary.
Science Assessment Excel for Years 1 to 6

Science Assessment Excel for Years 1 to 6

This Excel document has the objectives for each year group including working scientifically. It works with the assessment: Working Below the expected standard Working towards the expected standard Working at the expected standard Working at greater depth The teachers put B, W, E or G in each box after inserting the children’s name. The grids will automatically change to red, light green, green or b according to the level they are at. The document will then give each child an overall grading at the bottom. This allows us to have a clear view on gaps and what we need to work on.