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Equality and Diversity AIM Level 2  Lesson / Workbook - Equality, Inequality and Social Inequality

Equality and Diversity AIM Level 2 Lesson / Workbook - Equality, Inequality and Social Inequality

This lesson is based on the AIM Level 2 qualification; Equality and Diversity. It is an hour lesson that Covers the assessment criteria 1.1: Define the term Equality The lesson consists of the following: An overview of the lesson’s objectives Group question: What do you think of when you think of the term ‘equality?’ Understanding the Term ‘Equality’ definition Understanding the Term ‘Inequality’ definition Group Question: look at the images on the right side of the slide: what do you think each image represents? Overview and examples of the following inequalities: age, gender and race Task: Create either a poster, leaflet or fact file that gives information about one type of social inequality that you have learnt about today. You will need to need to provide an overview of your topic, as well as providing your audience with relevant information that can include facts and statistics. A booklet is provided for the students to work through which will meet this criteria.
Punctuation Matching Game// Activity: Lesson Starter Primary / E3 Functional English Skills Cards

Punctuation Matching Game// Activity: Lesson Starter Primary / E3 Functional English Skills Cards

**Instructions ** Cut out the five punctuation cards and place them in front of you. On the next page, you will be given a range of phrases and sentences. Each is missing a particular punctuation mark. Place each sentence / phrase underneath the correct punctuation card. Example: If the sentence reads: ‘Andys car had a flat tyre,’ then this sentence should be placed under the ‘apostrophe mark’ card.
Functional Skills Mathematics Posters Level 1 - A3 Assessment Overview, BODMAS, Multiplication...

Functional Skills Mathematics Posters Level 1 - A3 Assessment Overview, BODMAS, Multiplication...

This resource consists of nine posters. Overview of L1 Assessment which is based on the City and Guilds criteria BODMAS poster BIDMAS poster ( identical to the first one but replaces ‘order’ with ‘indices’ Multiplication chart poster Fractions, Percentages and Decimals poster Mean, median, mode and range poster Measurements poster 3D shapes poster Poster reading: Functional Maths Skills Level 1
Entry 3 Functional English Skill Writing Module Guide PPT with Tasks

Entry 3 Functional English Skill Writing Module Guide PPT with Tasks

This is a 38 pages PowerPoint which helps E3 learners to understand what to expect in the writing portion of their assessment. There are examples and short tasks for learners to complete throughout the presentation. It is based on the City and Guilds assessment, but can be amended for NCFE. The PowerPoint includes: Overview of the assessment ( marks, timing, sections) How the writing assessment is marked Overview of spelling task with an example Practice spelling task ( spelling bookmark sheet provided) Overview of alphabetical order question How to sort items into alphabetical order Alphabetical order task ( whiteboards) Overview of plural question Plural / irregular plural recap Plural task ( whiteboards) Writing assessment overview and marking criteria explanation Example writing question and how to answer the question (emails) Writing task ( planning / writing sheet provided)
Functional Skills English Entry 3 Reading Dictionary Skills / Assessment Questions PPT Lesson

Functional Skills English Entry 3 Reading Dictionary Skills / Assessment Questions PPT Lesson

This resource consists of a PowerPoint and worksheet. It will help learners learn how to use a dictionary and also how to answer the three questions, that require a dictionary, in their reading assessment. 28 slides There are tasks throughout for learners to complete on their whiteboards, as well as a worksheet ( with answers) for them to complete at the end of the lesson. This resource is base of the C&G assessment, but is also applicable for the NCFE assessment. Overview of Lesson: How to use a dictionary to locate words and their meanings Sample assessment question: how to find the meaning of specific words in the text Sample assessment question: how to identify words that mean the same as words in the text Sample assessment question: how to replace a specific word within the text with one of similar meaning Practice your learnt techniques by completing a task