Counting in twos, fives and tens
Arithmetic worksheets to help fluency in counting in twos, fives and tens. Scooby Doo themed!
Number bonds Weekly Plan
Number bonds to 10 and 20 weekly plan for year 1.
Counting in Coins
Differentiated Worksheet for counting in coins. Most suited for a Year 1 class for practice identifying coins and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Year 1 weight and mass 1 week plan
1 week’s planning to meet the year One weight and mass objectives.
Year 1 Multiplication and Division Plan
Year 1 Multiplication and Division three weeks worth of planning following White Rose Maths.
Ten frame subtraction within 10
Differentiated ten frame subtraction worksheets within 10 most suited to a year 1 or reception class.
Counting in 2p coins
Differentiated activity in which children are to count in 2p coins the price of various supermarket items.
Number bonds using money
Finding change from 10 and 20p to consolidate number bond knowledge. Children really enjoyed this as I also placed some of the products on the page and we used real money!
Comparing number sentences to 20
Differentiated work to find the biggest and smallest from two number sentences. Good for consolidating addition and subtraction.
Comparing money
Differentiated worksheets for children to circle the largest amount of money from amounts of coins and notes.
Counting in 10p coins
Worksheet for children to calculate the prices of items counting in 10p coins. Differentiated three ways.
Using the bar model to find half
Worksheet to help children to use the bar model to find half of numbers to 20.
Counting backwards from 10
Differentiated worksheets for counting backwards from 10 using different representations.
Place value to 50 Three week plan
Place value to 50 Three week plan. Goes with White Rose planning Spring 1 block 2.
20 arithmetic tests for Year 1
Simple addition, subtraction and missing number problems within 20 for year 1 pupils with a Scooby Doo theme.
Finding half an amount of money
A simple introduction to finding half of an amount of money. Differentiated with coins up to a 20p piece.
Making amounts with coins
Differentiated money activity most suitable for reception and ks1 and SEN.
Money bingo cards
Money bingo cards for identification of coins.
Finding a fraction off prices
Worksheets finding a fraction off prices at a supermarket. This really engaged a year 4 class who didn’t see the point in maths. We also went to Tesco to find items and find out what percentage had been taken off in certain offers in store I had found earlier.
Comparing amounts of money to £1
Differentiated worksheets and reasoning activity based on adding coins to £1 and choosing the most expensive item.