All resources

The Grinch Who Stole Christmas Script
The Story of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas split into 80 narration parts suitable for performing in ‘bubbles’. Also includes some suggestions for Makaton signs for schools where singing is not recommended.

Ten frame subtraction within 10
Differentiated ten frame subtraction worksheets within 10 most suited to a year 1 or reception class.

The Three Little Pigs Planning
Two weeks planning and resource based on The Three Little Pigs most suited for a year 1 or two class. Includes smart note book and worksheets.

The House That Once Was Planning
Two weeks of planning based on the book ‘The House That Once Was’ by Julie Fogliano most suited to a year one or two class. Focusing on narrative writing, punctuation and comprehension.

The Colour Monster Substitution Table
The Colour Monster Substitution Table to help, especially EAL children write a simple story about the colour monster.

Capital letter and full stops worksheets
Capital letter and full stops worksheets to help children struggling to use capital letters and full stops based on a topic of the Three Little Pigs.

The Three Little Pigs Planning
Two weeks planning on the traditional tale of The Three Little Pigs most suited for a Year One class.

The Worrysaurus Planning and Resources
Planning and resources for two weeks based on the Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright. Most suited to a Year 1 or 2 class. Links really well to PSHE topics.

Worrysaurus Planning
Two weeks planning using the book the Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright most suited to a year 1 class. Links really well to PSHE work to thinking about our thoughts, feelings and emotions as well as any topic on dinosaurs.

Home learning phonics worksheets
Phase 5 phonics worksheets for children to complete at home. Only needs pencil so very easy to complete and understand.

Year 1 Time Planning
Two weeks planning for the topic of time to match the whote rose objectives for year 1.

Year 1 Multiplication and Division Plan
Year 1 Multiplication and Division three weeks worth of planning following White Rose Maths.

Emma Jane's Aeroplane Planning and Resources
Two week’s planning Emma Jane’s Aeroplane Planning and Resources most suited to a KS1 class. I did this with a Year 1 class as part of a Aeroplane topic.

Year 1 weight and mass 1 week plan
1 week’s planning to meet the year One weight and mass objectives.

Ordering numbers to 50
Differentiated ordering numbers to 50 worksheets with a class dojo theme. Children to order amounts of class dojos from who have the least to most.

Keeping Safe in Hot and Cold Weather
Powerpoint and differentiated worksheet about keeping safe in hot and cold weather. LA children can cut and stick images to talk about how they can keep safe in hot and cold weather. HA to write some ways and draw a picture of how they can keep safe in hot and cold weather. Most suited to a year 1 or 2 class.